Monday, May 4, 2009



It seemed like the shortest weekend ever. I am not even sure if I accomplished anything. I suppose some things got done, like all of the laundry, and Ken re-did the entertainment unit which is cool.

Friday night we went to my folks. I didn’t work out since I have just been so tired and sickly for a few weeks now that I opted against it. It was ok, since we were actually doing Ken’s birthday stuff. My folks picked up some Panda Express and we had a cake and pie (pie was because Ken isn’t a fan of cake). The boys ran around, and had a lot of fun.

Before heading home, we went by Target to get the rest of the Lego sets for the birthday party Ken had on Saturday. Target was now the scene of me practically melting down on my over protective mommyness. I was looking for a new purse, since my old one was shot. Ken was watching the boys while I browsed the purses. The boys kept hanging on to the side of the cart. They will hold on to the sides, one on each side, when we push the cart. The cart was now stationary, and two boys on one side. I looked over to see it toppling over onto them, with Dax getting the brunt of the impact. It would have probably happened regardless of who was watching them. But of course I blame myself since here I was, abandoning the children while I looked for a stupid purse. I am not proud of my reaction, but it is what it is. Both of the boys were unhurt. Dax was a little shook up, but other than a little spooked, he was fine in a few minutes. I felt like bad mommy in the store. As if everyone in the store was watching me. I know, crazy.

Saturday was slightly busy. We headed over to get our free comic books on free comic book day. However, our efforts were thwarted when they said they didn’t start until noon. No problem since we also had a giant rummage sale to go to. Manhattan Beach School District was having a huge sale to raise money. It was on Friday night, too, but we didn’t make it out. Apparently they made like $17K! In two hours! We probably missed out on some cool stuff, but then again, the prices were higher. The people we talked to told us that Saturday was the left over stuff, which was gobs of stuff!!! They dropped the prices to $1 here, $.50 there. Bobby and I found a box of misc toys, which consisted of happy meal toys, and various action figures. It also was a box of Pixar favorites. Fantastic! We loaded up our arms of various characters and were jazzed. We also came across a R2D2 laptop for Bobby. It has all of these awesome games on it, and looked brand new. I looked it up last night on line, and they are quite popular, and cost $25! We found 2 cool books with those sound effects panels on it, and I found two books by Paul Reiser (Couplehood and Babyhood) that I have wanted to read for ages. There also was a discarded printer, which was our same printer. Our total price with all this awesome stuff? $12!! Plus, the boys were allowed to pick out a free stuffed animal. Dude, the laptop it self was worth $12! All in all, super cool.

Ken had the birthday party that afternoon, so the boys and I watched movies and I also worked on some chores I had put off earlier. We ended up watching Mars Attacks, which is a Tim Burton flick from like 10 years ago. I love the hell out of that movie, and despite being a little freaky, Bobby enjoyed it, too.

Ken and I stayed up way too late watching the stupid TLC shows, A Very Duggar Wedding and I Didn’t Even Know I Was Pregnant. So very bad, yet I couldn’t turn away.

On Sunday, after bowling, we went to lunch with my folks and Grammie. These are always super short visits, in which truly, I think I say all of two words to Grammie since I am making sure one or both of the children are entertained. Luckily, we are going out to her house this Sunday for Mom’s day, which means I have more time to actually talk to her.

On our way home, we decided to turn around and go out to Anaheim on my quest to find Dax a Bolt doll. It was nice, despite not finding one. More on that in a bit. Downtown Disney is so nice. It is cool to walk around, check out the shops, see the street performances, and the boys fell deeply in love with the fountain that spit water out at them. It actually shot it up into the sky, but if you stood on the one side, you got wet. It was nice out, so we had the boys go get wet! They didn’t want to leave!

We got down to the mega Disney store and wandered around, looking for the talking dog. They had a whole new giant supply of Buzz Lightyear paraphernalia. There were dolls, shirts, hats, and 100 different toys. Where were all of these when that is what we were looking for? No Bolt anywhere. Finally Ken asked one of the cast members what the deal was. Apparently, they only made like 2 things for Bolt. A little beanie baby type doll (this is the one that keeps being sold out all over, and costs like $25 on EBay) and a pin. There are two talking style dogs at Toys R Us, but the Disney stores don’t even carry those. I guess this is what they did with WallE, too, where they didn’t do the gobs of merchandise until 6 months after the DVD was released. Since Bolt was only just released, it means I won’t have a little stuffed version of him for another 4 months! Dax will be so over it by then. Don’t they realize this? Dude, Disney folks, no one really cares about your freaking movies. Especially not the kids. They want the toys, so step it up!

I guess I need to get the talking one.

Then again, this wouldn’t be bad. Dax has made some excellent progress on his potty training by peeing standing up! No joke! He has done it twice. The first time with Ken and Bobby cheering him on, and last night, it was just with me. If only he would figure out to tell me before he goes, we would be set. I need to take the time in the afternoons to just put him in undies, set a timer, and have him pee every 20 minutes. It will be messy, but it will speed things up.

Sunday afternoon was super lazy. Ken and Bobby headed over to IKEA after dropping Dax and I off. Dax had fallen asleep after the Disney adventure, and I figured I could let him sleep some more. Not so much, so he and I ended up actually watching some cartoons. When Ken and Bobby returned, I took the boys outside, set up my iced tea, had a book and read while they played. I finished off Couplehood while they ran. It was perfect, really. Ken was busy re-doing the entertainment stuff along with all the wiring that comes with that. I now have some straightening to do in order to make it look nice.

I also have a lot of regular clean up to do since despite having done a decent job and making parts of the house clutter free, the clutter seems to have teamed up with the old clutter and came back in full force. It is truly taking all of my strength to not go home right now and work on it. I think I could knock it all out in a couple of hours, and then manage to nap for like 3. But I am being good right now. Although, a thought passed through my head that I could totally take off at noon, only have to take like 2 hours of sick time, and get a lot done before I get the boys. Hmm….

I know I got to bed around 9:30, which is standard, but seriously, it is getting to the point where I can’t do it anymore. I may talk to Tammy and have us actually get here closer to 6, since let’s face it, I can’t clock in until 6 anyway, and I would gain at least another 45 minutes of sleep. Might be a good plan, if only to get sleep.

On Friday, I made an appt to take my dad down to the tattoo place for his second and third tattoos. On the 16th, I am taking him down to get a small spider on his arm and one on his neck. It is cracking me up big time that he first off, had one, but now will actually have more tattoos than me! I am going to talk to this artist and see how much a small Mommy Cat would run since he has done them before. It is one of his examples on the site, in fact. So I think that it would be good to know how much, and how long it would take. Not that I am getting one on that Saturday, but maybe some day!

Saturday is a fire service day in Torrance. They have some big thing over at the SCROC parking lot with fire demonstrations and different things for the kids to see fire fighters in action. I think the boys will enjoy that, so that is my plan. Mom’s day is already planned out, so nothing to plan there. I had mentioned to Ken before that I would like some kind of family time spent in honor of me being a mom. I don’t know that it will happen this weekend, though.

Rumors on the next layoff have leaked out. My friend in Sales Support has indicated that he has heard that a sweep is being done this Friday, with several sales reps getting the axe. A couple of them are total sweethearts, and it makes me super sad if this turns out to be true. We are in this holding pattern, too, since who knows if the sales reps are just the start of who is going this week.

I ordered some shoes from Avon, and I am anxiously awaiting their arrival. They are like fancy flip flops, which will go along well with my wardrobe, which is pretty casual. I think it will make things look nicer when I don’t think flip flops are all too nice.

BTW-our weather annoys me. Friday night, it was supposed to pour. Same thing with most of the day Saturday. It even drizzled a smidge on Friday night, while we were frantically putting the Lego away. Dude, if you are going to consider raining, go right ahead and rain!

I can’t keep my eyes open. No joke. If I didn’t know any better, I would say I was drugged. Noon is looking more appealing, and not just for chores. I need some freaking sleep. I wish I drank coffee.

The boys seem to be more sensitive lately. If you tell them they can’t do something, it is the full on water works. Dax I can understand since in all fairness he is 2, and in that phase. But Bobby almost seems to doing exactly what Dax does since to him, it looks like Dax gets away with it. It is like they both try to out tantrum one another. I know that Bobby is a more sensitive kid than Dax, but I don’t think this is anything to be alarmed at yet.

What does worry me is Bobby’s recent requests for me to repeat things as he tells me, “What Mom? I can’t hear you.” Is this him repeating a line that he has heard somewhere? Or is this really him not being able to hear me? Based on when he says it, I have a feeling it is just his way of clarifying what I said because he wasn’t listening. But I still worry.

My day is dragging. I have another 3 hours if I plan on leaving at noon. If I make it till noon, I feel like I should go ahead and tough it out till 2:30. But I suppose let me get over this 3 hour hurdle first.

As a side note, I have never hated the way I look more than I do right now. I am gross, and I need to do something about it.

Apparently the boys discovered where we keep the Tylenol and cold medicine. Ken found them sampling the sticky sweet goo. Ken said they didn’t drink any, just licked the outside of the dropper. Most was all over Bobby’s shirt. What it does mean is they are now way to smart for their own good.

I must be overwhelmed and tired. I am getting agitated at the littlest things. I am starting to wonder again if perhaps I need to be on some kind of anti depressants. I am not saying I am depressed, but the levels of stress I have been going through lately have made me, well, let’s just say I don’t feel like myself anymore. Would sleep help all of my internal issues? Would some more exercise? Pills don’t seem like the best approach. More like a quick fix. I could ride the bike at night. Although, I don’t like to be all sweaty going to bed, and I don’t want to take an additional shower. I need to do something.

Are people really that stupid? First-chick’s cell phone just started ringing at her desk. Not a problem if you are sitting there. But who leaves their fucking phone on the desk, and then leaves, and also leaves it on the loudest fucking ring possible?!?!?!!? This is an office! Two-Look, when you get a statement in the mail, you look to see what the balance is and the date of the statement. You see that it is dated 4-24. Hmm..looks like I mailed a check 4-20. I bet they got it after the statement generated. Isn’t that common fucking sense? Instead, I get a call from the lady, who is all upset, saying, she paid this bill. Mind you, we have since gotten the check (the 25th in fact) and all is well. Before you panic, use some common fucking sense!! OMG-in the time it took me to write this paragraph, I got another call just like this one! PEOPLE! Checks that are mailed don’t post to the account that very minute. They take a few days to mail, process and show up. I am not talking weeks, I am talking a couple of days. Chill the fuck out!!

I told you little things were irking me.

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