Friday, May 8, 2009



My coughing seems to have increased. Yesterday, I had a bloody nose, which is something I am not sure I have ever had. Maybe once, but nothing like yesterday. It was a lot of blood!

Dax seems to suffering from a similar ailment. He was up most of the night, getting up every 40 minutes or so asking for milk and bread. Bobby got up several times when he first went to bed, asking for milk. Both of the boys were restless, I am sure the heat and sick just added to it. I am dragging this morning because of all of this.

Tammy is out. I don’t blame her, what with the hell she has gone through all week with this one account. Plus, I think she was getting sick, too. It means I don’t have my gossip partner if layoffs start happening today.

The AM news radio station we were listening to yesterday in the car had me so annoyed. At 7, they mentioned the Roman Polanski court case being thrown out. I didn’t catch the whole story, and was hoping they would mention it again. Instead, for the next hour, all they talked about was the fired, and Manny. OMG, people, in an hour, they couldn’t cover ANYTHING else???????

I had a dream I was Michelle Obama. I wandered the White House, all lost, and a little sad. I found this cool library, though, that had a lot of exhibits about bugs and animals, and it was cool to watch everyone there jump up and wait on me hand and foot. But at the same time, it was sad to feel so lonely.

I need to wake up. My eyes are so heavy. I wonder if I can take a nap when I get home and then Ken can wake me up when it is time to go to my folks’. I think I am going to have him stay home to work on the Lego stuff. I don’t plan on doing a big workout, especially when I am coughing over nothing.

I forgot to mention yesterday that Dax pooped in the tub. No joke. He and Bobby were in there, and Bobby picks something up and asks Ken, “Daddy, what is this?” It was poop. Poop everywhere!! Sure, gross, but so dang funny.

I am thinking of having Bobby sleep in underwear so he doesn’t have a safety net. It might make him get up when he has to pee. I think now, he just kind of knows he can pee, but if he knows he can’t, it might work. I also need to buckle down on Dax’s training.

127 days. Wow!

Why is the boss all chatty this morning? He normally just says hello and that’s it. Today he opted to discuss a bunch of crap with me. Nothing serious, and he was in good spirits, but still, always unnerving.

The finding of AYSO soccer mates from back in the day has been so cool!! I found one purely by coincidence, and then through her, I found a couple of others. It just cracks me up to have all these people in your past in the one stop shop of Facebook. People I may have never talked to again are right at my finger tips!! I love it!!

So when Dax crawled into bed last night, he started asking for his snowman bunny. We had no idea what he was talking about. We searched desperately for ever rabbit, bunny and hare in our house with the hopes that it somehow resembled the snowman he was talking about. His bed had 20 toys piled high, all discarded attempts at making the boy happy. Ken just called me this morning as he discovered what was actually needed. A Snow GLOBE bunny that Grammie had given them. The problem was, it was glass. Yes, I say was because within the short amount of time that he had it this morning, it shattered and snow globe bunny is no more. I guess I need to go to the dollar tree to find some plastic replacement.

Fantastic. Bobby has been on a violent streak, one of which I am not sure how to combat. He tried to headbutt Dax a couple nights ago, and this morning, when Dax tried to get into the chair he was sitting in, Bobby started pounding on Dax’s head. Regardless of where he is learning that said behavior is acceptable, I need to nip it in the bud. We have his responsibility chart, which has No Hitting as one of the tasks. If he gets happy magnets for every responsibility for the whole week, he gets this Lego set. Needless to say, he hasn’t made it. But he has come close. But then again, I suppose that is the point. It can’t be easy or it will defeat the whole exercise. He also loses game time when he hits, but even so, he hasn’t seemed to crushed. He did good for a few weeks there, declaring every night with pride that he had not hit Dax. Now, he will smack him around with toys and act like the toy did it, or tell Ken that the punch to Dax’s face was an accident. Ken yelled at him big time this morning, causing Bobby to be pretty upset. Ken told him that he should hold Dax’s hand to cross the street to go to Maria’s, and Dax wasn’t having it, so Ken pointed out that because Bobby had hit Dax, Dax didn’t want to be Bobby’s friend right now. This upset Bobby. Ken also didn’t say good bye to Bobby right away, which upset him greatly. I am thinking that tomorrow, I need to spend some one on one time with Bobby to find out what is going on. I want to take them to the fire station fair that is going on at SCROC, but I think we can find some time in there to bond. Dax also needs to stop his hitting, and I think Bobby needs to see that both of them get punished. I worry the message of, “you are older and know better” isn’t a fair argument. Sure, it is time tested, but I think it makes a statement that older always knows better, and trust me when I say, I know lots of people older than me that are complete idiots. I want them both to know, that regardless of their age, if they act up, they will be held accountable for it. But, I also want to make sure that if there is some underlying cause of these recent hitting episodes, that we can take care of that. The hitting may just be a reaction to something else. It might not be. Boys hit just because, well, boys are stupid. Trust me, girls do some dumb shit, too, just because they are girls. I find it funny, though, that perhaps my sweet sensitive Bobby is actually a brute.

Scrubs had their season finale this week, which is essentially the series finale, at least how it is now. It when without much fanfare, but it was incredibly satisfying on every level. I managed to not cry, which was tough. I love the hell out of that show, and one of the best parts of the finale was when JD walks down the hall, seeing all of the faces of his last 8 years at Sacred Heart. It was cool to see these people I felt like I knew, despite being bit part characters in a sitcom. And even though I have them in syndication forever, I will miss them greatly. There is a hope that they will be a show that my kids will like in 20 years just like greats like M*A*S*H. In an interesting note, I have started watching my new series in syndication, How I Met Your Mother, and have greatly enjoyed the half dozen episodes I have watched. Will they become Friends or Scrubs? I don’t know, but they are certainly funny.

Today is going at an ok pace, shockingly. I also have kept pretty busy what with me needing to prep for my reports Monday, covering for Tammy, and a strange onslaught of calls I have had this morning. I know the last half of the day will drag a bit, but on the up side, no layoffs that I have heard. Of course, my dept tends to do them in the afternoon, so if I am gone, it won’t be till 2.

I have busy weekends for the next month. This weekend is cleaning, fire station, and mom’s day. Next weekend is Dad gets ink, and possibly Doug coming over. The weekend after that is Memorial Day, and Jenni will be here on Sunday, and I get all afternoon and evening with her. So excited!

I just read an interesting article. Brian Cuban is reaching out to try and get Facebook to shut down groups on the social networking site that have anything to do with Holocaust deniers. He said that the group promotes hatred and Facebook doesn’t have to adhere to free speech since it is a private realm. Here is where the interesting part comes up. Ok, so if they think that people who deny the Holocaust are offensive (which they totally are) then where do we stop? There are obviously folks who don’t agree with gay marriage and they have groups. There are groups who are pro-life, pro-choice, anti death penalty, pro death penalty, democrats and republicans, cats or dogs. Wouldn’t it be safe to say that there is going to be a percentage of the population on Facebook that will find any one of those type of groups offensive? Now I agree with FB’s policy that they won’t tolerate a group that is actively telling people to injure or threaten folks. No reason to have the platform attached to FB’s building. But, I would think if the group is intelligent, non violent, and open to ideas of an unpopular nature, shouldn’t they have a voice on the net? And that being said, a good chunk of the population is on Facebook, so they should be able to see like minded people. I just worry that it is a slippery slope if we start to ban content only because it is an unpopular belief. Besides, if there is a group of Holocaust deniers anywhere, they are going to get crap for it. Although, that being said, I suppose that makes it a good reason to bring it down. There are people that might threaten the group organizers, which goes against the code of conduct, and rather that bait the good people, might as well not make it available to be an idiot. It is an interesting debate. Not the Holocaust, though. Shoot, those kids are down right bonkers to truly think that it didn’t happen, or was that bad. Sheesh! That being said, I bet they think we are bonkers. I mean, the people who think gay marriage is wrong just seem out of their minds to care about what two people do in their personal life that hurts no one. But there are people who think that the slight against god for every one of those situations is reason enough for them to be so passionate about hating it. Both seem rational if you can really step back, but most people can’t, and most people don’t want to. There are hot button topics that you almost are not allowed to be on the fence with. I wonder if that will change more and more as the net progresses into our only source of information. You will be bombarded with so much data, you won’t be able to pick a side, just a number of factors that give you your answer. Either that or more people will pick an extreme since when in doubt, pick the one you have always stood by, even if you have changed and the old belief isn’t valid anymore. I am rambling now (don’t I always?) so I am wrapping it up.

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