Friday, May 29, 2009

no boss day


It is a good day! No boss man!!! It is sad that this truly makes for a better day.

I have had a desire to watch Into the Woods again. It is one of those fantastic musicals that my mom and I watched forever ago on PBS. Lucky for us, it was released on DVD, which meant that I got copies a few years ago for everyone! I would love to think that my kids would enjoy it, but I know that there just isn’t enough visual stimulation for them to be interested. Plus, even though lately they have been watching some more scary themed things, this particular musical is pretty damn dark. Then again, Bobby may be amused at the anatomically correct wolf. So I may in fact need to watch this on my own very soon.

My nose is still stuffy, but stuff at least seems to be coming out. I still don’t have a sense of smell, which bugs the heck out of me. I used this nasal spray stuff last night in order to get some sleep. I don’t want to over use it, so it will only be a night time thing.

Dax said he had a tummy ache last night. Although, based on the amount of toots coming from his butt, I am pretty sure it was gas. He screamed a whole lot after Ken finished reading to him, and at first it seemed more like he was just pitching a fit. I ended up lying down with him and rubbed his back a bit, and then really just placed my hand on his back, and he drifted off pretty quickly. I don’t remember hearing him last night, so this is a plus. I also felt ok with this when I saw him roll over this morning on the monitor, so I don’t have to worry about the unthinkable.

I keep downloading stuff to read today. I want to make the day go by fast. Not that I have any real plans this weekend. In fact, this may be the first weekend in a while that I have no real plans. YAY! Ken has a birthday part Sunday morning, and I have a Target trip I think scheduled for tonight, but other than that and the basic chores, I think it is a do nothing weekend! I am determined to watch a movie tonight.

I spent some time talking to my coworker yesterday about gay marriage. It was interesting, actually. She comes from the point of view in which she is against it for several reasons, including her religion, but she was starting to come around to the idea that despite her objections, she didn’t think it was her place to put that in law. I was able to give several good arguments on why in fact she shouldn’t ignore her feelings, but she shouldn’t include those in state laws and voting. She may of actually been swayed enough that come next election regarding this, she will not vote against gay marriage as she had before, but actually vote for it. I feel like I may have helped the cause, if only a little bit, in getting another vote. I feel very good about this! I had never talked to her about it before since I thought I knew her feelings, and let’s face it, you can’t talk politics too much in the office. And in all honesty, I know I wasn’t the only one influencing her. What I thought was fascinating is that one of the biggest things that changed her mind a bit was Ellen. Yes, Ellen DeGeneres. She watches Ellen’s show, and has said so many times how sweet Ellen is, and especially in her love for her wife, Portia. My coworker pointed out that they have real love, and even though she doesn’t like gay marriage, she is ok with them since they truly put a face on the positive of gay marriage. Perhaps that is what the gay marriage groups have needed. People that didn’t just shove their union down people’s throats. They need to truly seem happy, and accessible. Look, I know gay people, so I am in one of those unique situations in which I have seen extremely happy gay couples be together for many years. Of course, I also don’t find it disgusting, but that aside, I am able to see people be happy and not over the top about their relationship. Look, I don’t need to see any couple telling me to look at them that closely. My coworker, and thousands of other super religious folks are not going to be exposed to the right kind of gays. Let me clarify. There are no right and wrong gays, but if you are trying to explain to people who are ignorant or morally opposed to same sex relationships, you have to make them more safe to deal with. Let them dip their toes in first, then they can be subjected to the more flamboyant couples out there. Use people who have been together for years be the spokespeople for the cause. Give the people of California someone that they can identify with, then show them that these are good people, and they love someone, shouldn’t they be allowed to express that love in the same way that most people do? I think we would get more results.

Have you ever fought hard for something that seemed important and then when you got it, the effort seemed not worth it? Do you wonder if perhaps you were misinformed when you felt so passionate about it? Do you wonder if in fact it wasn’t the cause that you were fighting for, but in fact just the idea that you didn’t get a choice in the matter? Can passion expire? Can you be so blind to what truly is the end of something simply because you are not willing to re-evaluate? I often wonder if perhaps I have been too set in my ways.

Bobby is at work with Daddy today. I feel bad that Dax doesn’t get these outings. I am hoping that once Bobby is in school and really won’t be taking days off to go with Ken, that Ken can actually take Dax along with him. Mind you, I really want both of them in preschool right now.

In 3 months, I will have kids both over 3. Yie!

Does it count as Rick Rolling if I like the song?

Stupid chest keeps crackling with the goo inside. It is driving me crazy. At least it seems to cough up ok, but to be perfectly honest, despite enjoying the attention of people asking if I am ok, it does get old. How many times a day do you like to be told, “You sound terrible!”? Let’s just say, not as many times as I hear it.

Why is Erasure so damn good?

Is there a point in which my children or grandchildren will go through the countless pages I have written and say, “You know what? We know her TOO well. I think some things can remain a mystery”, and then go ahead and have a huge bonfire?

I wish I could come up with something brilliant.

I ordered Ken a kick ass shirt. I am not saying what it is yet since truly, I am only positive that he reads this on a regular basis and doesn’t that kind of spoil the surprise?

Ken asked me the other day what I wanted for my birthday. I suppose I should think about that, huh? Pretty sure my parents will ask me the same thing. I would like some new clothes. Or a new bra, really. I know, way too practical, but I don’t just need it, I want it. I really want a new pair of jeans. Of course, we know that is impossible to find unless I do some hunting, so perhaps the ability to get some at Torrid would be good. If I can find them on sale, maybe two. What will I do on my 4 day weekend that is my birthday weekend??? Hmmm..well, since Ken works, we won’t go out of town. I know that we will go out to dinner with my folks, and I think I am choosing either Big Wok or maybe something new like that place called BJ’s at Del Amo. My birthday weekend starts with my birthday and ends with Matt’s, so I don’t know how the dinner thing will work out logistically speaking. And if that isn’t bad enough, Papa Day is the following Sunday, I think, so there is a lot of restaurant dinning in the next couple weeks.

Crap. I just realized that reports will be run on the 10th of June. Oh well, they are mid month, and truly they can wait until I return, especially since my boss will never know the difference. Either that, or I will have my two backups try their hand at it since they need to practice. Oh, wait, so get this. I will be out, so will Fred on the 11th and 12th. How long before the boss figures that out? And will he tell me that I need to come in anyway?

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