Thursday, May 28, 2009

getting tired of this


Yesterday was a lot of activity. I went to work despite not really being scheduled. I was able to get a 4 day weekend out of it, though, so this is good. I busted my butt all morning, getting every report done and getting my statements sent out. Plus all of my other normal work stuff. This included a lengthy phone call with someone in our warranty department who didn’t seem to understand that no amount of explanation was good enough to allow our mutual customer an out on why he didn’t contact me regarding past due. That was more tedious than anything else I did.

Ken called for the morning report and asked if I could leave early, like around 1 since Maria told my upset children when they arrived that they shouldn’t be upset since I would be picking them up to go to the zoo soon. No joke. She didn’t know the new schedule. Luckily, I managed to get everything done and was able to leave at about noon. This meant that Ken and I got the boys to the zoo by 1, which was awesome. Most of the school kids were in the process of leaving, which meant that we didn’t have huge crowds to contend with.

Of course, we didn’t take into consideration the idea that the boys didn’t nap. We assumed that they would sleep on the way, but instead, they were chatty. They were fine for the first bit, but then Dax started getting cranky. He would go through periods of ok, but a lot of the time he yelled and pitched fits. Even Bobby was cranky pants. They couldn’t agree on which way to go or what animals to see. It wasn’t a constant, which led me to believe it was just tired, so that isn’t as bad. They would laugh at times, and they did enjoy the animals, so I guess that is good.

They both crashed hard on the way home. Not shocked.

We had them run outside when we got home, got them their favorite dinner, bathed them and even had them watch their show, but they just couldn’t get past the cranky. I know both of them were up a couple times last night. Just one of the many reasons I couldn’t sleep well. I was hot, my back hurt, someone texted Ken at 2:00 am (turns out it was Aaron, and let’s say I am not shocked) and the cats were in crazy all night. The time I did sleep was filled with this wacky dream that included Stephanie getting married (to her husband, mind you) at this cool church. She was wearing this funky pink dress with strawberries on it (yes, think strawberry shortcake) and blue sparkles. I also kept having to explain to her one friend why this was important to them. There was a lot of set up and a lot of things we all needed to do for the ceremony. I think I might have been a bridesmaid. I don’t know though. I just know I was in charge of a lot of stuff. It was a fun dream, but I wish I could of dreamed more since it was so funny.

I suppose at least it wasn’t a SPORE dream which kept me up the other night.

My face was all broken out this morning, which royally sucks. Not sure what caused all of that. Never fun to wake up at age 33 and look like you are 16. Ok, no, I would love to look like I did at 16, zits and all, but all I got this time were the zits.

I am off of meds. One, because I thought that I should see how bad I am so I can reassess the sick. Second, I am out of pills. No, but I also didn’t do the cough syrup last night. And in all fairness, aside from some morning coughing today, I am not that bad. My nose is a mess, but that is something I can deal with right now. It gets clogged, then drippy, then it is clear. It is a strange cycle. The only other problem is I feel hot. Like constantly. Not sure what that is about. Menopause?

In hindsight, I am thinking I should of just given Dax my watch since he loves it. He might have been more cheery. Either that or my watch would now be in the gorilla habitat since he does have a tendency of tossing things he likes just because.

We had 4 people tell us how cute Dax’s hair was. I like that people like it, but is it bad that all I can think is, why isn’t anyone saying how cute Bobby is? I am like this weird fairness police. I don’t know what it is. I want my boys to be treated evenly, yet not. I am sure it is just my over protective nature with them.

I need to hit up Target either today or tomorrow (tomorrow makes more sense since I get paid). I need conditioner, generic pull ups for Dax, and some new apricot scrub. Plus, I haven’t been there in like a week!

Talked to Lyn last night. She is in the hospital after her surgery to remove all of the organs that her cancer poked. This included all of her reproductive organs, her colon, and her large intestine. Hopefully, though, this means that the cancer went into the same bio hazard waste bag. She sounded in good spirits, albeit tired, but that could be the awesomeness that is the morphine drip. She is on clear liquids now, which I think is a good sign. I know that when they got me apple juice in the hospital, it meant I was on the road to recovery. BTW, as another reminder, seriously, hospital apple juice is the best apple juice on the planet. Perhaps it is because it is mixed with a dash of hope and a hint of “its about time”. The doc had told her that she would be out in 5 to 7 days (it has been a week I think today). Realistically, she has a few more days since she had a bout with some low blood pressure and some problems with pain management. Plus, clear liquids is not the formula for release. She will need to be able to eat a little more so they can tell that the new waste management system is in working order. It is a shame we don’t live closer to San Francisco since she said she doesn’t have a ton of visitors. I know I would try to go every afternoon after work. It is what I did when my mom was in the hospital. I also know what it is like to be in the hospital with not a lot of people. People are busy, especially during the day, and even in the evening. So it is hard to get visitors. So hopefully when she gets out, we can find a weekend to get up there and see her.

Ok, this is a little concerning. I just put on lotion, and I can’t smell it. I know that I am clogged, but it worries me. Ok, I can smell it if I put the palm of my hand up to my nose, I can get a faint smell. Wow.

I think I can get off this mailing list now. I just got an email on tips for proper breast feeding.
When I breathe deeply, I feel fluid. Not fun.

I need to turn off my computer here and really clean the keyboard. Maybe I will do that this afternoon when I shut down.

It has been a decently busy morning. This is a good thing. It meant that I wasn’t bored out of my skull.

Have I mentioned that guys can be complete idiots? Who says to a girl you are dating, “I am attracted to you, I'm just not overly attracted to you”. Some total dumb ass, that is who. And seriously, if you are going to flirt it up with some chick, tell people she is your online girlfriend, then what is the deal when you just stop talking to her? She knew you had an ex that is the mom of your kid and that you didn’t know what the deal was there, but all she ever asked for was honesty. I get so frustrated sometimes when I hear of the completely asinine things these guys say and do to them. Sheesh!

Can’t tell if I am having problems breathing because of the cold or the hypochondria, which is bad. I don’t want to ignore a problem, but I don’t want to over react to my crazy. Of course, all of this puts me into a panic attack Luckily, lunch time shortly, which means I can get distracted by the net.

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