Friday, May 22, 2009

less coughing


I went to the doc yesterday to find out what was going on with this cough of mine. I am glad I did. The doc, one I had not seen before who is new, was awesome! Very funny, and he told me that my cough sounds pretty much just like the sick that is going around. People are congested, then get the cough which just doesn’t seem to want to go away. So he put in a prescription of cough syrup with some codeine, and had me get some of this Mucinex-D that is over the counter. So far, it seems to be working great. I am still coughing, but I didn’t have the full cough fit this morning where I almost puke up my lung. I have been coughing, but not as much. Plus, I feel like each cough has been more effective. So this is good.

This morning is going to be potentially annoying. I have a customer that I have been fighting with this whole week and unfortunately my boss is now going to be involved. It will end up being a headache, and my hopes to have full control over the fate of this account is now going to be in someone else’s hands, so that annoys me. But hopefully because all of the ducks I have in a row for this, it will be very easy for me to prove I am right. I even ran this all by the second in command (not my manger, but he is essentially the next one on the totem pole) and he said what I have done thus far is way reasonable. So cross your fingers.

I tried to be super mom yesterday and failed miserably. We went to the store to get my meds, and Dax was cranky pants. He was just surly and grumpy, and he was screaming because we didn’t go down the aisle he wanted to go down. When we were going down the aisle I needed to go down to get some spaghetti sauce, I noticed a SpongeBob Square Pants mac and cheese. Both the boys were thrilled, and since the boxes were only a buck a piece on sale, we got two and I told them I would be more than happy to make that for their dinner. Cheers all around and I was happy. Even happier when the check out lady charged me for 3 mac and cheese but not butter. LOL!

As we walked to the car, both of them holding their box of pasta, I told them it would be SpongeBob night. A little party. They were jumping up and down excited. I remembered we had some SpongeBob party hats, and I was going through my head trying to think what else we had that we could use for the impromptu celebration. When we got home, I looked for cake mix and only found some in the form of Easy Bake oven mix, which I decided would work well in a pinch.

So I set to work on making mac and cheese, along with the pasta dish for Ken and I. I also fired up the Easy Bake and prepped the two little cakes. The boys were outside playing, and all was ok, for maybe 5 minutes.

Between the Easy Bake oven going psycho, the dog having random issues, and numerous fights, I was losing patience with this whole “party”. I got the cakes made, and drew with frosting these little mutant SpongeBobs on them, topping it off with my spray paint for cake (it is the coolest thing. I can make a cake yellow with this can just like you are spray painting a house). I brought out the mac and cheese along with hats out to their little table for them to eat. Bobby gladly ate, but Dax opted to just dink around. The dog decided to take a dump right next to their table, which meant as I was heading into the house to get their milk, the boys were yelling, “Mommy!!!! Poop!!!!” Sigh.

Dax never ate, which meant no cake. He also was annoyed with his hat. Bobby was a trooper, and seemed happy, yet after he ate, and well, Dax didn’t, they were playing and within 10 minutes, screams, crying, who knows what happened. I finally threw in the towel and told them to come inside. They were not happy, but to give us all some sanity, I had to pull the plug on the party.

Clearly, Dax wasn’t done being a pill. First off, he was running around the house, and if I didn’t know any better, it was as if he was trying to get hurt. He ran into the chair at least a half a dozen times, each time injuring everything from his toe to his ribs. No joke. He kept walking in front of Bobby and Ken who were trying to watch Speed Racer. He was cranky on the toilet. He wanted to go pee, yet when on the pot he just dinked around.

Bed time came and Dax was out of sorts even more so. Turns out, he was upset since we did not watch the standard right before bedtime episode of SpongeBob’s Best Day Ever. We opted to bring them both out (Bobby was already out, having some milk right before he turned in) and let them watch it. This was happy making for Dax who finally went to sleep. Bobby on the other hand went wacky. I am not even sure what his problem was. He wanted a story, despite his choice to do game not story. He wanted to ask us a hundred questions. He wanted Ken to read to him. He just wasn’t happy going to bed. On the plus side, he didn’t come back out when Ken finally closed his door, but this wasn’t till 8:30, which is way late. It is hard to walk out when they are upset and crying over things. You don’t want to feel like you are being mean or maybe not taking enough time to find out what the deal is. But in reality, it is just he is 4, is afraid he is missing out on something and bedtime is evil to him.

Let’s hope he doesn’t do these shenanigans tonight. I have a big weekend ahead of me, and I would like us all to be happy and rested.

Tonight, I am still going to my parent’s house, let the boys run around a bit. My whirlwind of cleaning will be tomorrow. I figure Ken can work outside while the boys play, and I can do the inside. It shouldn’t be too bad, but with Jenni coming on Sunday, and my parents for our little BBQ, I would like it to be neat.

OMG-mark this on your calendars. My boss just let me go with my own gut on this wack job customer. He didn’t ask me for background, he didn’t question my releasing an order on a customer that doesn’t warrant the credit line, and he told me to go ahead and email the guy back to tell him the payment plan, and he said to go ahead and be strict at first to see what I can get. He wasn’t mad, he wasn’t making it into a huge pain in the ass, he did nothing. Of course, paranoia kicks in and wonders if he doesn’t care because I am getting laid off, but my hopeful is that he knows I know my shit and doesn’t feel the need to be all nitpicky on someone that is clearly a dead beat customer. Which is also crazy since he NEVER lets it go, especially when he is included in the email. I had Tammy pinch me to make sure it wasn’t a medicine induced haze I was in and perhaps I didn’t hear him right. I think I felt the pinch, but how would I know if I am in the drug induced haze?

My nose is still pretty congested, despite having taken my decongestant about 2 hours ago. I suppose it doesn’t make it all go away. I also seem to be coughing again. Although I was told it doesn’t sound as deep or as bad, so I guess that is good. I think that when I talk a bunch, I cough more, so if I am quiet, I should be ok.

I think tonight I will just make the boys sandwiches just so they both eat and I have no fights.

Cough drop seems to actually be helping, so this is good.

I think Bobby is going to work with Ken today. That will make him happy in the day, but possibly cranky pants later. He seems to think I am awful. Ok, not awful, just not the fun one for the day. Especially since when I come on the scene, we have things that require more of the mundane lame stuff. On the plus side, we go to Grandma’s so that is happy making. On the not so plus side, then I am even less cool since now he has work with Daddy, and fun with Grandma, then the rule maker Mommy comes on her shift.

I really want some curlers and a curling iron.

There is nothing more nerve wracking as a parent when your kids say things that would make you look evil. It is even worse when they say it in the grocery store. When the boys do something particularly cute, I would say, “You are so cute, can I keep you?” to which they would giggle and say yes. Daddy did something good, “Isn’t Daddy great, I think we should keep him” and they agreed with full laughter. Even Bobby got in on this, often telling me he was going to keep me. So then yesterday at the store, in the midst of our discussing the SpongeBob mac and cheese, Bobby tells me I rock. He tell him he does, and he then says, “I want you to keep me” which makes us both laugh. I tell him he is stuck with me and that I get to keep him forever, to which he replies, “yeah, I want you to keep me and not, um, kill me.” That just happened. Holy crap! Are other patrons now hearing this little boy tell him mom that he wants her to keep him and not off him? I about freaking died. They don’t know that Bobby talks about killing bad guys and kicking their butts. They don’t know our joke. All they possibly know is that I threaten my children with death instead of keeping them around. I didn’t see anyone glare or whip out their cell phones to call child services, so I think we were in the clear, but wow, that could be bad.

It appears the my work has removed the internet block. I don’t know that they meant to, or if they are trying to catch people being bad. I noticed that I didn’t have to use quota time yesterday when I did my lunch time surfing, and I also see images on sites that I can’t normally see. I wonder how long that will last.

Someone is making something in the kitchen and it smells bad.

My department is too quiet. Where is everyone?

Why does 90210 need to ever end their season? Can’t it just be new every week forever? I watched the season finale yesterday and was so excited for the next season to start back up. People went crazy, there was a baby, there were high parents, it had everything, even Brenda!!! I am so happy yet sad. Now I have to wait a few months for it to come back. What happened to the days when they did a summer season? That was the best. Ahhh…memories.

I wish my face wasn’t so oily.

Ok, I just wrote a piece that I will be really curious how people react to it. I often wonder if people understand that I don’t take both sides of an argument to piss of the opposite side. I want to look at the issue from all angles, see why it upsets some and pleases others. Get down to the nitty gritty of why bad people are bad and why good people are good. Only then I think will I be able to really have an opinion on a topic.

I have made it to noon, and I am happy about that. The coughing seems to have increased slightly, but it is manageable. I figure I have a little over 2 hours left and then I can go home for a nice, well deserved 3 day weekend.

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