Tuesday, November 17, 2009



I am feeling rough this morning. Tired, sore, and just all around like crap. I think I am getting some kind of minor cold. Not sure yet. It could just be exhaustion. Although, I did manage to get to be super early last night.

Thankfully, Ken was home when I got there. He was able to come with us to the doctor’s office. I did forget the special band-aids, but I knew I at least had some Mommy Cat ones in my purse. Turns out, we would not be needing band-aids. I was so excited when they told us it was the nose spray one. Woo hoo!

We walked into the room, which was clearly just the “shot room”. I swear, we had an entourage. All of the nurses there know the boys and adore them, so they all wanted to be in there. Illiana, our main nurse who rocks, asked, “Who wants to go first?” Dax, very enthusiastically, yelled, “me!” Very cool!

Dax climbed up into the special chair. He sat back, and was super calm. The nurses explained what would be done, and he smiled. I held his hand, but truly, I almost didn’t need to. They did the first nostril, and he was more curious than scared. He laughed a bit, saying it tickled. They did the other side, and seriously, I was so happy since Dax was the perfect patient. He cheered for himself and all then nurses did the collective, “ahhhhhh!” Super cute.

Bobby’s turn. I was so happy for his sake that this wasn’t a shot since last flu shot was the one that he smacked out of his arm. He wasn’t feeling warm and fuzzy about another injection. I thought this was a perfect alternative for my scared little boy.

Let’s put it this way. When the boys first had to get shots when they were just a mere days old, it killed me. I thought, with all this technology, can’t they think of some other way to vaccinate my child? I hated seeing him cry. I hated seeing him hurt.

Yesterday, I would have given anything for them to have had the vaccination in shot form.

Bobby flipped out. Over the course of the next hour (yes, you just read that right), he squirmed, he cried, he threw the mother of all tantrums. It was horrible. The biggest drawback was that it wasn’t one that we could pin him down on, since if he was crying, the mist would not stay in his nose. So he basically had to be calm.

After about 40 minutes, we got him to let her put the tube in his nose, but not spray. This was the “practice” runs. It started with me doing it, then Illeana. He was fine, until we said, “Ok, this is for real.” We finally decided to be sneaky. The “practice” run was going to be real, Bobby just didn’t know. He of course felt the spray, so that wasn’t great, but it got in there. We still had the other nostril, though. A few more practice runs and then the real thing masked as practice, we got it done. What really sucked was that I had brought lollipops. On the last spray, I asked Bobby if he wanted to hold his sucker while she sprayed, and he was shockingly calm when she did it, then. Dammit.

On the plus side, the boys now are vaccinated with the H1N1. I got some of it smeared on my chest. Let me explain. After Bobby got the first squirt, he promptly buried his head, sniffles and all, into my chest. Fun.

We got home and got dinner ready. While I was doing something on the computer before I started dinner, I called to the boys to come to me since they had been fighting. They came over, but were so entranced by the tv, which happened to be on, they couldn’t seem to look at me for 30 seconds. So I declared it to be a no tv night since they couldn’t handle paying attention.

We finished dinner around 5:30. I introduced the boys again to mashed potatoes. Dax ate his, after some coaxing, but Bobby mostly refused. I explained to him that the cake we had made was only for little boys who ate their potatoes. He dinked around a bit, but still had not eaten it. So I took his plate and said it was too late. He was upset.

They took their showers, and we realized that this no tv thing certainly puts a bit of a creative streak in you. I mean, we normally use a 20 minute show right before bed. So last night, we ended up doing game night. We played a Thomas the Tank bingo game. The boys loved it. I may suggest doing it tonight as well. Bobby is old enough to do some other games, Dax may lack some patience, but we keep trying different games.

The time change put a damper on walks, only because the boys want to do scooters. I worry that since it is dark, they won’t be able to see cracks. But I think we need to just let them deal with it. I need to get some glow sticks so that they are decked out in glowing lights. I want them to be seen.

I just worked on this billing issue which has zoned me out. I am going to have a helluva day today if I don’t wake up.

I am concerned about my memory. I have been having some serious issues remembering certain things in the last couple weeks. Not just the basic things like walking into a room with a purpose and having no idea what that purpose was. Other things like names or even an entire trip to Disneyland with Jenni seems to be lost in this black goo that has taken over my head. It of course fucks with me since I tend to have a good memory. Plus, coupled with headaches I have been having and my assumption that I have something that is killing me, I am sure some of my icky today is from that.

Adam Lambert’s new CD is out!!! YAY! I might have to stop by Target on the way home from my folks’.

It is almost time where I am going to need to wear real shoes. I have been wearing my sandals every day. Mostly it is because I am lazy. I don’t get up from my desk except to pee, make lunch, make one phone call, and to leave, so I see no point in putting on shoes that are not the most comfy shoes ever. But being that is has been icy cold in the mornings (I have the heater at my feet right now), I think open shoes are not exactly the best idea.

I will be the first to admit I don’t know the full scope of this health care reform stuff. Mostly because I hate political arguments and so it just seems easier for me to stay away from it. I know, not a proud moment, but at least I am willing to admit to being clueless.

I am not sure who is for, or who is against, or hell, even what for and against means. I am hoping a quick wiki read will give me some info. I feel bad that I don’t know. However, after just reading a bit, I still feel my beliefs fall into categories that are probably not covered. LOL!!

I am at a loss. I need to do something about Bobby’s sensitivity. It might not be anything. It might just be his age. But seriously, the kid has issues. He won’t go up to pee at my parent’s house unless I go with him. His breakdown at the doc’s office, his anxiety about ghosts, all of it points to something going on that cannot be ignored. I need to make some phone calls.

There are days when I like my job. There are days when I tolerate my job. There are days in which I have determined that I have the dumbest boss on the planet and it is a wonder he can even speak because someone with that much mental retardation doesn’t have the skills to even form a word. Let’s just say my day today, well, it is even worse than option 3.

I am frustrated with today, so I keep looking for distractions.

I have decided that Christmas for the boys is going to be minimal electronic crap. I think this is the year they get bikes. Plus, they both need a new soccer ball. So I think I will go for old school presents like books and toys that don’t need batteries. I did already pick up a couple of plate sets for them. I was going to use them for lunch on the day I got them but I realized that I need Christmas presents! There is a giant Bolt stuffed animal at the Disney store for $40 that I would love to get Dax. I swear, when he sees it, he squeals in delight. There just is not that much Bolt stuff out there. Of course, he so doesn’t need a giant Bolt doll (it is as big as him), but he will like it. I am really hoping that Disneyland has a more extensive Bolt selection.

That was a nice cheery note! Lien-Thi just wrote me to tell me that she had decided to do the little write something on FB each day about what you are thankful for. I had posted this idea from Stephanie. Now Lien-Thi said even her kids are getting into the spirit! Way fun! I think I will need to ask the boys tonight at dinner what they are thankful for and we can start doing this every November. Obviously we will get things like toys and Dax’s very common answer of “butt”. Later, though, as they get older, I bed more insightful things will come out. Yay!

Side note on a brilliant idea. Last week, there was a birthday party at daycare for some twins that turned one. Well, they had a piƱata for the other kids to beat the snot out of. Inside was clearly all of the candy these kids got when they trick or treated! Dude, if you have a birthday soon after Halloween, you are so set!! Especially when you are still the one in charge of handing out candy to them in rations. Awesome!

Ok, the hell day has kind of slowed down. Now it is just slow. I want a nap. I may try to take a brief one when I get home. I considered not going to my parent’s house, but realistically, it is one of those things that gets the boys to run around a lot.

I just had a lollipop. It made me feel ill.

Head hurts. Just took Tylenol. Hoping that will help. In reality, I am about to get my allocated net time, so it may help me just get out of work mode.

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