Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I refuse to get sick!


I am tired. I am fighting this cold that is quite insistent on getting me. I sneezed way too many times this morning. What is odd is that sure, I am congested, but not as much as I should be considering the sore throat and sneezing. So perhaps it is just a light one. I got to bed early again last night, so maybe I am beating it.

I dressed up a bit more this morning hoping that if I looked pretty I would feel better. It is an untested outfit, so I don’t know how confident I am. I will try to rock it, though.

My afternoon was pretty uneventful. I was in a bit of a haze because of the cold. The boys were in grumpy moods at my parent’s house. They must have been tired since they fell asleep pretty quickly. They had an exciting day since they had gone to daycare in costume. Bobby, for the first time, actually got out of his jammies on his own, put on undies and proceeded to put on a costume. He was going to help Dax do the same, except they determined that Dax had poop, so they opted against it. Pretty awesome, actually.

Luna has the “sit” command down pretty well. It isn’t 100% consistent, but she is getting quite good at it. I need to get her a dog bed. I ended up putting down a blanket for her, and she was quite pleased with that. The one we had before seemed to inspire her to pee on it, so I am thinking a basket like Lycos has. We even have a spot for it.

Lycos made some tremendous progress last night with her interaction with Luna. She hasn’t hated Luna or anything, but she certainly has not appreciated puppy bites to the face. Lycos was a little nervous at first with snapping at her, but since she has now done it in front of us with no punishment, she has determined it is fine to put the pup in her place. Last night, though, Lycos was a lot more playful and in charge. Normally Lycos ignores Luna until a bark is needed. Last night, Lycos pranced around Luna, pushed her down without any provocation from Luna, and she truly seemed to try with Luna. Lycos even played a bit with a toy in front of Luna. All of this made Luna very curious, and she was sure to bow down to Lycos when needed. It was a good sign. I think in a couple months, they will be actually playing. Woo hoo!

I keep forgetting to bring my paperwork to call for Bobby’s standardized testing. I am sure it is because I am putting it off. I also feel like I am willing to wait until after he is in preschool for a couple months to see if there is improvement. My mom will be frustrated, but I don’t know how much of that is just frustrated at colleagues in her field that don’t do their job right, or if she truly feels that Bobby needs the testing. I listen to him every day and I hear his clarity improving and I love listening to his ideas on things. He is quite insightful. So we will see. I know the testing doesn’t “hurt”, so perhaps I will try to remind myself to call this afternoon.

We made the reservations for the character breakfast. They had 4 different sets to choose from. Most were weak sauce unless you have a little girl. The princess breakfast rules all, but for my boys, I can safely say the Lilo and Stitch set, Minney and Friends, and Goofy’s kitchen all sounded pretty lame. On the plus side, there was a Chip and Dale one, which is good because I know they are familiar with them. They have watched it at daycare and seemed to like them. The breakfast time is at 7:10 in the morning, which sucks only because by the time we are done, we will not get into the park earlier than other people. Not a big deal, since the park opens at 8, so we are still going to get in pretty early. I also worry about getting to the breakfast on time because let’s face it, the Brenans are organized chaos. They have plans, but no set times, yet they know there are deadlines. It is all very crazy and hard to deal with when you are a control freak such as myself. Plus, I am an early bird, so when they are just walking out of the hotel at 7:10, I am telling you I will blow a gasket. We will need to leave our hotel by 6:45. I am thinking of telling them 6:30 so that I know even if they are running late, we don’t leave after 6:45. We have a bit of a walk to get to where we need to go. I will try very hard to not stress. Once we are in the park, I think I can relax.

It so looks like it is going to rain. I know it isn’t going to, but I can dream, right?

I was so annoyed this morning at 3:30. Between the cats hogging the covers and the Woot off in the other room, sleep was impossible. Woot off is big with Ken. It is the site that has super discounted crap. They have some amazing deals. Normally they only have one thing a day. But on some days, they slash prices and do like a Woot a minute. Ken has alarms set on the computer to yell, holler, and there is even a rooster that will tell him on certain things. Well, at 3:30, I got up to pee after I heard the damn rooster. I crawled back into bed, fought with the cats a bit, and just as I would drift off, cock a doodle fucking doo. Holy hell. This went on for the next hour. I don’t know why I didn’t just get up. Especially since I messed with my hair a bit this morning and was running a smidge late. Hell, I could have blow dried my hair, curled it and made it perfect.

Bobby tells us last night he is learning Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer at daycare. He then tells us Maria told him not to tell us because it is a surprise. Perhaps Maria didn’t explain what the word surprise means. LOL!

Apparently my hair looks good this morning, so this is a plus! I have been complimented twice, so I am feeling groovy. I know, I shouldn’t need the compliments, but I still like them.

I really need to finish my schooling. Seriously, I put all that time, money and effort (I know, a lot of it was BS effort, but effort nonetheless) into it, and I only have a little bit more left. All fun shit, too. Electives! I need to go, finish them out and get my degree. I don’t know what good it will do, but it can’t hurt. Plus, maybe I can take a class with someone. Anyone want to take some classes with me? Might be fun!

I think tonight we need to take a walk. We can do it before dinner so I don’t feel like I will throw up when we walk right after. Ken gets home pretty early, so we should be able to go when it is light out.

We made pot roast last night and we made it in Jack Daniels sauce. Not fab. The sauce is good, but the meat is the wrong kind of meat. Such a shame. Especially since we marinated it for like 2 days. I am having the left overs for lunch and they are not satisfying. Oh well, whatcha gonna do, right?

I am looking forward to getting home, changing into comfy clothes and watching my number show. That sounds cozy.

Ken said we need to make sure to turn the boys’ heaters on at night. It has officially changed over to cold nights and even colder mornings. Dax doesn’t stay under his covers as well as Bobby does. Really, both of them need some super comfy, toasty warm jammies.

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