Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Slapsgiving


LOL! Ok, so I guess today will not be the uber busy day after all. Close was delayed a day, which means my reports will not run until tomorrow. Sigh. Because that is how I wanted to spend the day before vacation. On the plus side, it will make the last day fly by, so that is good. I just hate having to rush to get it all done before I leave.

Well, my idea is now going to be presented. If our statements are now not running until tomorrow, yet still dated November 20th, and won’t be mailed until the 30th at the earliest, doesn’t it seem reasonable to not mail this batch? I just suggested to Fred that we go ahead and print them, because we “have” to. We just don’t have to mail them. Then we can run a new batch on the 30th and mail those. This would save me gobs of work tomorrow. Then again, I wasn’t planning on mailing mine at this point anyway since it was going to be so much later than the date of the statement.

So that leaves me with today with a meeting at 11, and really, dinking around all day.

4 years ago around this time, Dax was conceived.

Ken called into KROQ this morning to thank me for celebrating November properly. The K&B crew were quite impressed.

It is time for crate training. Luna was out of control last night with her barking and whining. In all fairness, she may have just been thirsty. This morning when I let her out, she practically dove into the water dish. That being said, she will be without water at night when she goes to bed. But at least her barking and whining will be confined to the crate. In reality, I am looking forward to her loving her crate. Lycos has mostly always enjoyed hers. She also loves her basket. Luna, although she does have a comforter that she sleeps on, doesn’t have that same kind of happy dog bed. I think once we get back from Thanksgiving, we will start basket training her as well. It will be important to do all of this for the sake of the Christmas decorations.

After I read to Dax last night, he yelled at me, telling me he wanted me to read it again. He really loves the book, “10 Apples Up On Top”. I told him that we already read it, to which he yelled, “But I want it!” Here is where I worry that perhaps I am a horrid mother. I promptly called him Veruca and started hollering in my best imitation, “But I want an Oompa Loompa NOW!” He was not amused. I, however, was crying from laughter.

Slapsgiving 2 was on last night on HIMYM. Normally we watch the episode the day after it airs, but we couldn’t even wait until then. I could at least wait until it was fully recorded, killing time by watching the pilot of HIMYM. Still wonderful. I went to bed feeling fully satisfied from my fix.

Although it is super cute to see some little kid with his “Customer in Training” mini shopping cart at the Ralphs, I can assure you, it is not as endearing when you are the one guiding said shopper. Bobby and Dax are pretty good kids from what I have been told. But their shopping skills are still rusty. We went to the store last night, which was a mistake in itself as the place was bustling with gobs of last minute shopping for stuffing and corn that was forgotten when they did the original run for Thanksgiving. Each of the boys had their own cart, both thankfully with giant pole affixed to them so that as a parent you have something to grab in order to keep them from slamming into a display of champagne. Seriously, the kids are, well, kids. They don’t exactly pay attention to what is going on in front of them. And to make it worse, they are my kids, so they are even more susceptible to bright and shiny objects. Ken leads the way, with Bobby close behind (sometimes too close, as I am sure Ken’s legs can attest), then Dax, then me, herding the little ones like a faithful border collie. Ken will go down aisles, and Bobby normally sees the turn, but Dax, chattering away to the cart, often misses the turn off. What makes it worse is when Ken only goes down the aisle maybe 2 feet to grab something, and then heads back down the main lane. This causes a back up. Bobby will put it in reverse, Dax, not seeing the change in the flow of traffic, doesn’t always put on his breaks in time, and then there is a collision. Luckily, no one fakes and sore necks and insurance cards don’t need to be exchanged.

In addition to the crashes, the parade often holds up other patrons. If Ken stops, the boys stop, but the problem is, they are ducklings in line, and the line is pretty long, blocking parts of the store. When the store is empty, it is no big deal. When the store is crowded, it is more of a pain. When it is right before a holiday, and the store has decided to put out several lane blocking displays, let’s just say we are quite the hazard.

When Dax leaves daycare, he now says in his low, James Earl Jones voice, “Bye Babies!” It is very odd.

It sounds like our weekend is plans free. Yes, the Disneyland is on Thursday (2 more days!!! YAY!) but on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we have no plans. I am kind of hoping to go back to the park for a bit. On Saturday, I know that there is some 90 minute presentation (it is a time share afterall) that needs to be attended, but not by me. At that point, I suppose we will take the boys to the playground that is at this place. Ken really should call in to get those free Legoland tickets as we could so go there, too. But I am hoping for some swimming, which the boys will enjoy.

I am slightly wired this morning. Not sure what is up with that. Perhaps the Nyquil is still in my system. I downloaded several articles to read. I have kind of held on to them for a smidge later since now with there only being the meeting today, I think the rest of the day will be slow. I am nervous about the meeting, even though I have a feeling it is nothing important. I worry that they will announce some kind of layoff or new policy. Scary shit these days. On the plus side, I am in charge of a couple of long term items that they have not taken away from me yet, so maybe I am in the clear?

Ok, I just got an email from Disney. I signed up for their rewards thing. You get points and crap, and really, I just wanted my free stuffed animal of Kevin from Up that actually cost me $20. In reality, it is good that I signed up for them since lord knows we buy a lot of Disney movies and stuff. Either way, I am pleased to report they say they shipped my Kevin and baby Kevin dolls. It had originally told me it would be 6 to 8 weeks, which of course shocked the shit out of me. I can get things shipped to me the very next day from everything from Amazon, Netflix, hell, even the post office is quicker than 6 to 8 weeks. But perhaps they just give themselves that extra amount of time so I feel all warm and fuzzy towards them that maybe they are treating me special by sending it earlier. Either way, I am excited as I now have another present for the boys!

Why are people such idiots?

When I get home, I have just a little bit more to do and then I am ready for tomorrow! I am so excited!! In addition to the magic that will be happening Thursday, tomorrow night I get to have Don Jose’s. YUM! Chips and salsa, happy making all over for me. Plus, even though the hotel will not be fancy or anything, there is something about staying in a hotel that is fun to me. I am hoping that when we get out there, we can walk Downtown Disney a little bit. I don’t know that we will only because I want the boys to get some good sleep. Besides, we can hit up the street the next evening after dinner.

Is it silly that one of the things I look forward to the most is carrying the boys to the car because they are sleeping? I LOVE it when you see little kids so exhausted from the wonderfulness of Disneyland that they pass out on your shoulder. Sure, the kids are crazy heavy, but it is so worth it.

I am debating on what kind of purse to bring in there. It isn’t like we are going to be on the rides where a purse is a pain in the ass, but in reality, purses don’t mix with Disneyland. Then again, I want to be prepared for anything. I don’t know that I have anything that will work. I am going to look again tonight to see what is in my closet.

I just ran a report which I am sure is going to end up pissing me off. The variant doesn’t specify a date, just a month, which means its total will not match up exact with the end of the month figure. Now, I understand this, and there is not much I can do about it. But the boss, who is as dumb as a box of rocks, will not get this. He will insist on me harassing the IT department until the cows come home to change this, despite this being how we have done things since January. Sigh.

I now have the meeting. I hate these meetings only because I get so annoyed at the way the boss talks to us. He acts as though we don’t know how to do our job. Of course, in all fairness, I do think some of the reps are total idiots. Then again, I think the boss is, too. LOL!

Of course, the meeting was just as I had suspected. My boss speaking to us as if we are children. Oh well. At least it was only 15 minutes. And in reality, there were a couple of things he brought up we needed to know.

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