Friday, November 20, 2009


It is going to be a long day. First off, I have been up since 12:30 last night. I woke up with a random coughing fit, and I just couldn’t get back into a comfortable sleep. Not cool.

So I am tired and cranky, and it appears that there is some kind of showdown between myself and the girl here who made the mistakes on the spreads yesterday. I had one pulled out to run by the supervisor here from yesterday just to see if quotes were ok in the place of actual doc numbers when they were the same as above. She came to my desk yesterday and took it from my pending file and fixed it. Nice. I wasn’t trying to be a pill. Just with auditors about, I am trying to be concise. Of course, she will assume I am picking on her. Especially since it had a note on it to see the supervisor on it, and I just put another one back on her desk that she didn’t get the correct signatures on it. Sigh. I don’t want to deal with her today. I am so tempted to go home.

If I go home, I need to do it soonish. I will think about it. But what will I do if I am home? Sleep? Clean? Really, nothing that sounds like a good reason to go home. Sure, sleep is good, but we all know I won’t. Ken is home most of the day. I think he just has the one class at like noon. Of course, if I get home before the kids go, they will just crumple and cry when I take them to daycare. Oh, fuck it. I will just stay at work.

The cold is taking hold. The congestion is quite noticeable now. I am pretty sure that is why I actually woke up with the coughing. It was the drip into my throat.

One of my big fears happened last night. Dax got his thumb smashed in a door. The boys were running back and forth between their rooms, slamming the door each time. I heard the scream. It was like a cartoon tea pot. It started low and just kept going at decibels that eventually were so high that the human ear could not hear them. He came into the kitchen before I even got to him. He was sobbing, his hand up in the air. I noticed the slight bruise on his thumbnail, so I at least knew which digit to investigate. Poor kid was even in a bit of shock. His stomach hurt afterwards and he was just out of sorts. We put some ice on it, made sure he could bend it, and got him a band-aid. I know the band-aid wasn’t needed for a cut, but they think band-aids fix everything, so what the hell, right? Ken also gave him some Tylenol, along with some gripe water. He finally calmed down, but he didn’t really use his hand the rest of the evening. He had tried to hold his hamburger with it, but it still hurt. It wasn’t swollen or black and blue, so we of course are waiting until this morning. We will see how it is.

It is very difficult to do your hair when you have a sore neck.

I gave in.

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