Thursday, November 12, 2009

sleepy day


Normally I would be thrilled that the boss took a vacation day. But in reality, I needed to meet with him today on a bunch of things. And of course, my normal tendency to over think things has me wondering if there is any truth the rumors that he always seems to take the Thursday off right before a day of layoffs.

Ken and the boys had fun at the zoo. It apparently was good they got there when it opened since when they were leaving around noon, it was packed. The adventure tired them all out because when I got home, the boys were fast asleep, and Ken was settling in on the couch for a nap of his own. Fine by me, since it meant I could watch my number show.

Ken had promised to take the boys to McDonalds after the zoo, but being that they were clearly tired and in need of a nap, he told them that once I got home, we would go for dinner. The boys woke up around 4, and we headed over to our normal McDonalds.

One of the best things about McDonalds is I feel like a super mom there. It is amazing to be in one of the play structures which seems to bring out the lowest common denominator of parents. Ken was getting food and the boys were playing when I noticed two boys, one probably 7, the other maybe 9, both climbing up the outside of the structure. I promptly texted Ken to get a manager. Both boys could have fallen and hurt themselves. They could have fallen on my kids. They might even just do something as simple as inspire other kids to do the same reckless behavior.

The manager came out to yell at them and find their parents. One mom, not there. She was in the restaurant. The other boy’s parents was a grouchy mom and grandma who were sitting there the whole time. They didn’t do anything. They watched the kid do this, and pretty much scoffed at the manager who explained the dangers of the activity. It was frustrating.

The play area also tests my abilities to let the boys fend for themselves. It isn’t unusual for the boys to make new friends and run around with the new kids. It is a joy to watch, actually. But then they make friends with a kid who is a little older, and a little more rough. This one particular boy was not just hitting the boys, but he was tackling them and grabbing their arms and swinging them around. The boys didn’t mind. If anything, they were thrilled. It was hard to watch, though. Especially when the kid totally knew he was being too rough. It also looked like he was trying to get attention to his father, who had come in with him originally and had not only set up shop at one of the tables with a pile of paperwork, but he put his headphones on and had pretty much only looked up 3 times total in the hour he was there. I knew the boys would say something if they were unhappy with this kid. Hell, if Dax was angered too much I am relatively sure he would have turned green and we would have to replace his tattered shirt. But just the same, the Mama Bear in me was dangerously close to pummeling this kid on several occasions. It did also show how wussy my boys might actually be. Dude, this kid was smaller than both of them and he was taking both the boys on. Maybe they need to do karate instead of soccer?

I am in the process of rearranging my desk here at work. I moved my fax machine over to Tammy’s old desk. I am trying to clear off the little table between the two cubes in order to have room for my Christmas tree, which I hope to put in soon. I need to go get one, but I also needed to know how much room I have. The fax will probably go back after the holidays, but for a month I figure it is way reasonable to be on the other desk. I really wish I had a smaller fax machine. But I am not about to complain.

I am so tempted to bring my curling iron to work. I figure by the time I get to work, my hair is dry enough so I can actually do something with these bangs. Right now, they are too long to wear over my forehead, but too short to reliably wear brushed to the side. This is where my straightening iron that I got would come in handy. I may just need to suck it up and get up earlier. I may need to do that anyways if I can convince the boss to let me come in at 5 instead of 6. It is a win win for me if this happens. You see, if I come in earlier, they either have to pay me more or let me go home even earlier. Sure, they could put me on salary, but I doubt they will do that as my title doesn’t warrant this. Of course, what will probably happen is they will make Fred come in earlier. Lame.

Is it bad when I am contemplating just reading my magazines all day? Seriously, the things I need to get done actually needed the boss, and that annoys me to no end. I am so tempted to call him on his cell phone. His email to us all told us if we needed anything to call him. The only real problem with that is the idea that it could backfire, so I will just sit and know that tomorrow will be uber busy.

Two weeks from today is Disneyland day. Man, I can’t be more excited. Although, Ken did point out that we might not be able to go into the park from the front since we have early entry. I am not happy about this. Not even a little bit. The thing is, the boys really are not going to care, and sure I may want one experience for them that is movie like, but in reality, they are not going to see it the same way. I might as well just embrace that they will see it at some point, and they will enjoy all of it, just not in the order I had hoped.

We are trying to determine where Thanksgiving “dinner” will be that night. Andy was going to check out things like the Rainforest Café to see how Vegan friendly it is. You would think with a name like Rainforest Café there should be something, but who knows. Plus, with it being Los Angeles, I would also imagine there is more and more Vegan fare. Then again, it is also a land of kids that don’t eat vegetables, let alone only vegetables, so it is possible we will only find the quick crap.

The plan is also to have late check out in one of our rooms so that at around noon, we can go back to the room and let the boys nap a bit to regroup.

Good deal! Brandy just told me not only is the Rainforest Café vegan friendly, but it should be good for the kids as well. Plus, there is in fact some good veggie spots in New Orleans Square, and a bunch of stuff over in CA Adventure. Good deal!

The weather forecast a couple days ago teased me. It said there would be rain today. There is a slight chance of some showers tonight, but I so doubt it. Lame.

So not kidding, the damn commercial on the radio for holidays at Disneyland chokes me up every time. I don’t know what it is. I am so jazzed about the holidays and have such plans for the boys. I am so happy!

Other commercial that needs to be taken off the air? Ok, so it is some phone commercial I think. Little girl is posting up pics of her lost dog. This guy takes a picture of the flyer and forwards it to a bunch of people, who in turn forward it to a bunch of people, and so on and so forth. By the time the little girl gets home, a dude has her dog on her doorstep. Oh.My.God. It is so sweet and so nice and it chokes me up even thinking about it.

Damn. I so figured my wussy girl tendencies would clear up as the boys grew up.

So I had a conversation with my mother the other day. Turns out she truly has no compassion for animals at all. Like she just doesn’t feel close to them. Doesn’t get sad when they die. Like when Panda died, she was super sad for my dad and I, who both took it hard. But Panda herself, she was indifferent to it. She said when she had kids, her animal love changed and she just has the compassion towards people now. No animal love at all. My dad is kind of indifferent, too. Not as bad, but there is no overwhelming sense that he needs animals to be happy. Makes me really wonder where my feelings come from, then.

I have been in Wiki mode this morning. I feel as though I have read way too much about Jewish comediennes and ovarian cancer for one day. But I continue to read it all. I hope that my afternoon readings will make my day go by quicker.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

I wish cat adoptions worked the same way as that dog-finding commercial you described....!