Monday, November 23, 2009

What do you mean there are no strippers?


Quite the weekend!

I played hooky on Friday. I really should not have, but it was nice to relax when in reality I won’t be able to do that for a while. I spent all day watching movies. I watched Ghost Town, Bride Wars and my 90210. All of them were sappy and depressing and heart warming all at the same time. It was rough. There was not enough tissue in the house. I was so drained.

You know it is true love when you then proceed to explain the emotional visual roller coaster that I was on all day and Ken just starts laughing at me.

Saturday was busy. We had gotten home pretty late on Friday night, which meant the boys didn’t get to sleep until 9. This meant they slept in until well past 7. I woke up around 7 to find that Ken was gone. I got up, remembering that he had to head out to a tournament. He was still there, but was leaving soon.

The boys staggered out and sat and had breakfast while watching UP. They were content enough to sit there through the whole movie. I was shocked. It meant I could dink around online and even start working on cleaning, which included mountains of laundry.

After the movie, I cleaned the boys. I had them help me scrub their rooms and get them ready for this week. They were quite helpful. They also helped with the living room and some of the laundry.

I sent them outside to play, and I worked on more laundry (Do you sense a theme?) and other cleaning things. I knew I needed to nap them before I would be taking them to my parent’s house. So I brought them in for lunch. They looked tired. They ate and zoned out to part of a movie. I almost didn’t want to turn it off because they were resting. But at 12:30 I sent them to nap. They both crawled under the covers, which is something they never do for naptime. I was sure it would be a successful nap, then.


Neither one of them slept. They played in their beds for some time. I didn’t argue too much with them. I worked on packing their bag for the trip and was just thankful they were not whining.

I got them up and as I got things ready, they played. I got them over to my parents’ house around 4. I hung out for a while since Bobby was pretty clingy. Poor kid. Although I will give him mad props since he actually held himself together pretty well this time. It probably helped that my mom is good at distraction. Dax of course just waved and seemed pretty indifferent to the whole leaving thing.

If you want to ever amuse your kids, pick up cat and dog costumes at Halloween time and put them on stuffed animals. Even better when you get them on clearance. The dragon costume on Bolt is a favorite, and we had a pharaoh looking hat which now Spike is wearing. They fit perfect, and there is no animal voicing their displeasure.

I got home and Ken texted me indicating he would not be home until after 6. So I had an hour and a half to myself. I didn’t know what to do with said time. I played online. I fixed up my hair, playing with my new straightener. Wow, that worked quite well. I don’t know that I can use it every morning, but I am going to try.

The party for Mil and Ari wasn’t until 8. This of course meant we didn’t even need to leave until 8. Ken got home way earlier than this. You mean to tell me Ken and I were home, alone, with no place to go for a bit?? So what did we do? Went to a strip club.

We had talked about hitting up the Spearmint Rhino down the street from our house for years. Here was our opportunity. Of course, we picked the one night where there was no dancers because instead, they were airing the UFC fight. It figures. We hung out, watched the fights for an hour and a half. I enjoyed watching part of the fight. I was shocked since let’s face it, I have never enjoyed things like boxing. But this was strangely fascinating. One of the fights was actually quite interesting and I found myself actually routing for someone. My dude lost, but whatcha gonna do?

After a couple of fights, though, I was kind of bored. However, we had already paid the cover, we still were early for the party, and we might as well hang out. Besides, the main fight was between 2 guys I had heard interviewed a handful of times on KROQ. Now I would get to see them really fight. Plus, it was really cool to see Joe Rogan in his element. He was great! I knew he enjoyed the fights, and that he commentated, but honestly, I didn’t realize he was like the main dude. Who knew?

The main fight was interesting. It is 3 rounds, 5 minutes each. Not much time between rounds, either. It was 3rd round, about a minute and a half into it. Both had won one round each, so this was crucial. All of the sudden, their cable crashes. LOL!! The crowd was not happy. It took about 2 minutes to get it back up and running. But by that time, we had missed most of the round.

We left after the fight, which of course was funny since this is when the dancing started up. But by that time, I was so bored, I was done.

One nice thing about using the restroom at a strip club? If you are a girl, you never have to wait in a line.

We headed out to the party. We got there around 10. We walked in, and at this point, realized I knew NOBODY. Yeah, cause that is what makes me open up and be comfortable. There was a wonderful band playing. I think it was Ari’s band. They were so good! Everyone there was super hipster and awesome. I felt out of place.

We went in search of the birthday girls. We found Ari first in the kitchen, who looked at us like we were back from the dead. I was instantly happy we made it out. She was excited and almost flustered. Yay!

Ken told me to show him around, which made me a little uncomfortable. I mean, do you give someone a tour of a house you hardly know? But really, in hind sight, I was letting my shyness get in my way. We headed up to the attic, where we found Mil and many people enjoying the store. The store of course being the gobs of clothing that are brought their by people who know Conner and Mil and who bring their unwanted things to the attic for other people to enjoy while they get something from someone else. It is a brilliant idea, really.

Mil was thrilled to see us as well. She introduced us to the crowd as Bobby and Dax’s parents. Apparently, she follows their progress on FB through pictures and is quite thrilled with them. Even in this crowd, we are the parents of Bobby and Dax. LOL!

I did bring offerings to the attic. I didn’t look, which I am a little bummed about. But really, I felt odd looking when everyone was heading back downstairs.

Ken and I hung out in the dinning area (have I mentioned this house is the coolest house ever????) and I wasn’t sure what we would do. We listened to the band for a while, chit chatted with each other, and since Ken knows when I am at maximum shyness, we headed over to say goodbye to Mil.

Luckily, she came over then and talked with us for a while. She introduced us to her wonderful girlfriend, and we talked about several things. I was shocked at how many things she gushed about the two of us to Wes (I think that was her girlfriend’s name, but it was loud enough I am not 100% sure). I was impressed. I always consider myself such an outcast, but she was so happy we made it out and she still thought we were good people. We told them they needed to come by the house, which she loved.

There of course were Conner politics discussed. He was not at Mil’s birthday party, having chosen to go to Teaa’s birthday party instead. He even cleaned her place and did all the shopping for it. Apparently Teaa wanted to have her party at Conner and Mil’s house, but Mil was already having her party. Mind you, Teaa is married, so really, anyone who knows Conner knows what this implies. Mil and I both didn’t even need to say much except a lot of knowing nods and giggles. She is one of those people that I think has always known Conner better than anyone. She also, along with me, tends to compare our opinions of his girlfriends. When we both like someone, this means the girl is great, and tends to never last long. Both she and I really like Nadja, yet Conner of course bends over backwards for Teaa, not his girlfriend. Sigh. So sad.

We stayed for maybe an hour and a half. We chatted with Wes for a while, which probably bored the hell out of her. We got to see Ari’s new girlfriend. We also got to listen to Ari play a song she wrote. All in all, I am glad we went. It was not as I had expected it would be, but I am happy to have been there.

Sunday was exhausting. Since we got home super late, and we had to get up early to go get the boys, sleep wasn’t really happening. What really sucked was that I had to pee crazy bad at around 5. I wasn’t getting up until 5:30. I finally couldn’t hold it anymore come 5:15. Grrr!!

We headed over to my parent’s house to get the boys. It was 6 when we got there, and they were still asleep. They were wonderful and apparently fell asleep quickly. I was relieved. They had slept in Matt’s room, which I think the boys appreciated. They like sleeping in there since there is someone else in there with them.

We got them up and got them dressed. We hung out for a bit since we were still early for bowling. Dax shocked us all when we found that his pull up was dry! Yay!

Bowling was awesome. Most of the regulars were excited to see the boys they had really known since they were a bump were getting a chance to throw the ball. Bobby loved it. He was so excited and couldn’t wait for his turn. Dax did maybe 3 frames before he was bored. Let’s face it, he had a hard time getting it down the lane, so I can understand his lack of enthusiasm.

Bobby ended up bowling on Dax’s turns, which means he got to bowl a crap load. Dax bowled a few more times, so it all worked out quite well. Bobby was sad when we were done with our 2 games. I do know that going forward, he will be bowling every week. Yay!

I really should have continued cleaning, but I was so tired that I didn’t do much of anything. The boys played outside, I played around on line. During their nap (thank goodness they both napped!) we watched shows. Seriously, if you are not watching Glee, you should be kicked in the head. It is that freaking good. I am also enjoying Cougar Town more and more. When the teenage kid “comes out” to his neighbor just to fuck with him and to get him to admit some random secret, all I could think was, I really hope my boys grow up to do that.

Ken worked on my skirt, and I bathed Luna. It is hard to bathe a dog when your thumbnail is missing. Oh, yeah, I didn’t mention that, did I. I was doing laundry and caught my nail on something in the washing machine. It then decided to eat a giant chunk of nail from my thumb. OUCH!!! I have a giant band-aid on my thumb, which annoys the hell out of me, but air hurts it right now still.

We took a long overdue walk. We had not in some time due to scheduling conflicts. It was a good long walk. Luna is doing so much better with her leash training. The boys are both doing wonderful on their scooters, too. Lycos is such a good, patient dog on these walks. It is a good group.

At one point, Luna obviously needed more than walking. So I broke into a jog. I have not jogged in, gosh, ages. Aside from the boob issues (I was wearing an old bra), jogging felt good. If I could strap down the ladies, I could see myself working up to a longer jog. I had missed the runner’s high. Man, that is awesome. I jogged one long block, and then our block home later on. I am tempted to jog with just Luna some time. At the very least, I will try to jog for part of the walks each time.

The boys are loving their new stuffed animals my mom gave them. Of course, they were supposed to be Christmas presents, but my mom can never wait. LOL! Bobby actually came up with an original name for his tiger. He dubbed him Carson. I was so thrilled! Dax didn’t know what name, so I said Charles, which he liked. Charles then became Charles Emerson Pachyderm the third. Yay! Dax could say each of the names, and especially liked the fact that the elephant had three names.

I took NyQuil last night, hoping it would knock me out. I think it worked as I am pretty sure I slept hard. I am still zoned tired, but gee, what is new, right?? This week is going to be so busy. Today at work, not as much, but tomorrow is report day. Plus, I have more packing to do when I get home. I already pulled most of my clothes for the week, but I need shirts. Ken hasn’t packed yet. He is in charge of getting the house in order for Chris who is staying at the house to watch the dogs and cats. I worry he will be distracted by other things.

The Brenan folk will be in LA around 5 on Wednesday. We will be then heading out to Don Jose’s which is on the way to Anaheim. I can’t wait!! Andy is so excited. He has emailed me like every day. LOL! He told me I should show the boys Chip and Dale cartoons since they will see them. Ironically enough, there was a 5 minute cartoon that had recorded of them, and I had just showed it to them when I got Andy’s email. Too funny!

I need to make a packing list. It is possible that this will be my last journal of the week.

So my dad knows about Luna. Dax saw a dog walking by when I was leaving their house Saturday night and declares that it looked like Luna. My dad was actually cool about it. He didn’t mock, although he did laugh at me. He had seen the pictures. It was good. He was nice and even asked questions about her. So hopefully when we all get back, they can meet her. Phew!

Dammit, I feel myself getting sick. My nose is a mess. I so don’t want to be sick on Thursday!! Although really, I will just load up on meds.

My giant band-aid on my thumb makes texting really hard.

My day is turning out to be only slightly annoying. The boss is irritating, but when I really think about it, it isn’t that he is annoying, it is that I just can’t stand him. So any time he talks to me, I don’t want to hear his voice. Today he actually asked me reasonable questions, yet I felt the hate surge. Seems unfair of me, really.

I have my vacation approved. I will be off Christmas day and will not return to the office until the 4th. Yay! I don’t think we are going anywhere, so I have time to let the boys ride their bikes at the park. I can sleep in every day. Hell, maybe we will hit up random happenings just because. I am planning on making my Thanksgiving dinner on New Years Eve. So turkey dinner on that day. Should be nice. Of course it is only the 4 of us, but that is ok by me.

Man, I wish I was diligent enough to have so much vacation that they force me to take time off to use it. Then again, I don’t know that I could come to work every day for that long. Maybe that will be my New Years resolution. I will be at work every day. Might come in handy, especially since I can then take off the whole first week of Bobby’s first week of school. I don’t know of any family trips this next year, so I will have time to work with. I also think that we are going up to Ken’s family for Christmas next year, so I will probably take off a couple days before Christmas so we can get up there before the actual holiday. I know, who thinks of this stuff now, but I have to be good and not miss work. So starting January 4th (my first day back), I will not take any time off. Crap! I know at least one or two days I need in March. But that is ok. Those are for going up and planting my uncle’s tree. That is time requested in advance. It is those days where I play hooky I need to curb.

Day is officially going way too slow. The problem is, with it being the end of the month, I don’t like to make phone calls because they are about to get statements in the mail. Tomorrow is good because I am pretty steadily busy all day. Of course, now the boss scheduled a meeting for 11. Does he not pay attention to the fact that we are working on reports, statements, and various other month end projects tomorrow? What an ass. I am guessing he is out of the office on Wednesday.

I miss the days in which the CFO would let us go home early on a day like Wednesday. We all know it is slow and nothing goes on. Our current CFO doesn’t think in those terms. Hell, he barely speaks to our dept.

Bobby has clearly been listening to me too much. On Friday night at dinner, we had gone to a buffet. Ken was way full, but went back for more. I had warned Ken before he went, and expressed concern for his well being. He laughed it off and headed up. Bobby, who was listening to this exchange, says to me very seriously as he watched Ken walk off, “He is so going to be sick.” I almost spit my coke out. Then, yesterday, Lycos decided to poo right after Ken had finished picking it up. In the most Gena like voice he says, “Really, Lycos? Really? Now?” LOL!!!!

Luna gained 7 pounds already. Holy crap! We did the monthly weigh in for all dependents this weekend. Bobby gained a pound or 2, Dax held steady. The cats all stayed the same, thankfully, as did Lycos. But of course, Luna, being a growing puppy, was much bigger. She is going to be huge!

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