Thursday, June 16, 2011

Busy busy busy busy busy busy


Boy, I have been such a slacker!

In all fairness, I have been swamped in mommy business and work nonsense. This week was Dax’s Pre-K program in which they celebrate the last year and sing to us parents. It is the most wonderful thing in the world to sit and watch. I could watch my kids do these things all day long.

Dax got to welcome us all for coming. He did great. I was so proud of him! All the kids were fantastic.

I got there early, which worked out perfect since not only was I able to secure front row seats, I was able to help set up a bit, which I felt really good about.

Ken dropped off the kids to me outside the auditorium. My poor Bobby spooked at this, and thought he was stuck outside since the one door to the auditorium was locked. I found them maybe 20 seconds after they got out of the car, but the damage had been done, and Bobby was in tears. I managed to calm him down, thankfully.

Right before I was going to walk him to class, one of the helper aides there said I could probably have him stay for the performance. Ken had suggested this the night before, but I really felt it was not a good idea. However, it being suggested in front of him, and with him all weepy, it was hard to turn it down. We did go take his backpack to the room and let Mrs. Fasheh know. Dax, of course, stayed behind since he told me, “My classmates are here, mom!” He is sometimes too brave.

Ken arrived with the balloons and lasagna. I had tried to get the balloons earlier, but they were not ready. He was frazzled and I felt under attack. He questioned Bobby’s presence, and had me do his hair. I felt like hired help. Ken left the room for a moment and the balloons were set up on the stage by some other parents who said that this was where they went. Apparently, Miss Lira had told Ken the night before they were going elsewhere. I was interrogated when Ken came back. Did I mention he was grouchy? On top of that, he moved my camera placement and was not particularly chatty with me. I was close to tears by now.

Thankfully, the program was my wonderful drug, and I was high again on happy.

After the show, Dax got upset when he wasn’t allowed to have one of the balloons, yet. He burst into tears into my shirt, and I had to comfort him, keep Bobby from freaking out, and gather all our cameras and stuff since Ken was now helping with some other stuff. I stayed calm, and waited until he was better before we headed outside to the potluck. I was mostly concerned with getting Dax food since he had seen things from the table that he really wanted and we were the last people in line. I had Dax go sit down, and I fixed him a quick plate. There was not a lot of stuff that looked good, but there was enough for Dax to be happy.

I was sitting with Dax, making sure he ate some of the real food before his cookies and donut when Ken appeared with the balloons. He had been able to take Bobby back to class and was now handing out the balloons. He says to me with this exasperation in his voice, “Did you make me a plate?!” I had instant guilt and shame and sad. He looked pissed, and I tried to stay upbeat because of the mixed company.

Ken made himself a plate, and still came across as grouchy. I was super upset, trying to explain that there wasn’t anything up there that he would want, and that my hands had been full and I was just getting Dax taken care of. I felt as though none of it was heard, and even had I mentioned that I had not eaten, it was not a good enough excuse.

I spoke to Ken about all of this when we got home. He maintains I read into it, but really, it was this incident that was one of many crazy shit that populated my highly stressful dream in which my entire life was being some kind of slave. Let’s just put it this way, Cinderella had it pretty good with her step sisters compared to how it was going for me in this dream.

After being all fired up with this dream, I went to work yesterday to find shit loads of stuff that needed my attention. Most of it was frustrating. Between one department fighting every procedure to an idiot boss who actually read my email, responded to it, and then called me asking me only minutes later for the exact thing I had just emailed him, I was spent. I went home yelling.

Thankfully, it was hot out, so the kids went in the pool, and I set up a small enclosure for the kittens. They were less thrilled about this than me. They seem more happy with me just holding them. But they did seem to run around a bit before they all just screamed for me.

I sat on the deck of the pool for a bit and Ken came out and we played a bit with the kids/dogs. Poor Lycos fell off the deck into the rinse bucket. She was like a turtle, stuck on her back, unable to get up. She was fine, but I can tell she is sore.

I polished off a bottle of wine and the kids, Ken and I watched some America’s Got Talent. Turns out it is family fun! We are looking forward to watch some this evening.

I went to the clinic this morning and the sweet old man doctor was kind enough to sign me out for good. I probably was supposed to wait for paperwork, but he told me I didn’t need to wait, so I left. Hopefully they will fax stuff over to my HR.

Today is my afternoon free day. I am considering this playroom mess as my project. I can toss stuff with no one knowing about it. Is that wrong? I think what I will do is put everything in a giant bag and put it in the garage. If no one mentions anything in there, then I can safely get rid of it. I want to have a yard sale soon, anyway. This is a good bag of crap.

I am unmotivated today to be here at work. Tomorrow I leave at noon to get Bobby. Then I drag them down to the doctor’s office with me to have a lump in my armpit checked out. It is probably nothing, and I am actually not all that stressed about it, which is quite unusual for me. I just know that when you find stuff like that it is better to be safe.

I also will be taking the boys to get Dad’s day gifts. It is another busy weekend what with Saturday being BBQ for Matt’s birthday, and Sunday being a dad’s day celebration of some sort. Plus, in the next day or so, we have to get the Lego trailer to the summer camp site for next week. Did I mention busy?

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