Thursday, September 6, 2012

It could be worse


I saw a pack of raccoons this morning. I will take that as a good morning!

It is a welcome happy moment. Yesterday turned into an emotional roller coaster of hell.

I got home from work and started the clean-up process of the house. I went in to get the boys’ desks ready for homework when I noticed on the desk was Dax’s homework book.


This is a little composition book that needs to be taken in every single day. The class writes in it what their homework is, and the parents are to sign off on it nightly to say they watched their kids do the homework. I snagged the book and ran out to the bike.

I knew Dax had already had a rough morning. They showed up to the school only 5 minutes early instead of 10, but due to the rain, the playground was empty since kids went straight to the classrooms. This panicked Dax. The boys ran off to their classrooms, and sadly in the rush, there was a tradition that got forgotten. Ken will flash the sign language I Love You sign to the boys as they go to the class. Dax had forgotten to do this. He came running out of the classroom in tears to catch Ken. He did, but the sadness was already set in. I knew that the minute he noticed his composition book was gone, which would be only minutes after this incident, he would have lost his shit.

This is when it occurred to me that no matter how quickly I got to the school would it matter. Thank goodness since my back tire was flat which took me a few minutes to pump back up.

I rode to the school, contemplating going in through the office to get the book to him so that at the very least he could write down his homework. But memories of forgetting my homework when I was at Madison came back to me. Although my mom, who very conveniently worked there did save me on a couple of occasions, made sure I understood that it was my responsibility to remember my homework. I had even told Dax the afternoon before to put all of his papers and notebook in his folder and yet he forgot this, despite it being right in the open. As a mom I wanted to shelter him from bad things happening to him. As a good mom, I knew that I couldn’t do that.

I waited for the gate like all the other parents. I went over to the classrooms and waited. Dax happened to be door monitor, which meant he came out first. I smiled at him and handed him his homework book. He ran in to show Mr. Williams. I spoke to the teacher briefly and we both explained to Dax that it was his responsibility to bring the book every day. He was pretty cool about it, and Mr. Williams told me to just have him copy the homework assignments from the sheet of paper he had to use and put it in the book. Yay! All was right, and a valuable lesson was learned. Not just for Dax, who I am pretty sure will not forget his homework anytime soon. I learned that there was not going to be some kind of public execution because I didn’t hold my kid’s hand the whole time. Don’t get me wrong, I knew this, but sometimes it is nice to have it reinforced.

I wish I could say this brought the day to a happy ending. Sadly, both Dax and my nerves were already too fried. We all went to the bikes where Dax had a tantrum over where the bike lock was being put. It was draining. He also managed to run his bike into my ankles 3 times before we even got out of the gate at the school.

I tried to change the subject and told the kids that it was a pizza day. They looked puzzled and I told them how it was National Cheese Pizza day and that Ken was bringing home pizza. Instead of the cheer I had hoped for, Bobby whines, “But I want peperoni.”


We got home and I had them do homework. I worked on the house. I got it looking pretty damn good. I also sat down and taped Box Tops on the worksheet the boys needed to fill out. I had enough for both their classes. Yay!

The kids went across the street to play, which left me to finish the house. I fixed up the soccer bag, did some organization of other paperwork and moved a house. Ok, it was a dollhouse, but I still can say I moved it.

It was now 5:30, and I was confused why I had not heard from Ken yet. I thought he would be home at 5:30. I sent him a text and he said to give him a sec. 30 minutes later I finally spoke to him. Turned out he was leaving at 5:30, and would not be home to closer to 6:15. Thankfully at least he took care of ordering the pizza, which now would be delivered, not picked up by Ken. The boys were at least entertained with their friends. Well, sort of.

The Diva known as Dax was at it again. He decided the kids and Bobby were being mean to him. It is always something. My guess is that they wanted to play something that he didn’t. Either way, he came home and told me how they were awful and so I told him if he really thought this way that he go get his bike and come home. I wasn’t going to dignify this tantrum. He actually came home this time, which shocked me.

Later, after the boys went to bed, and after I wowed them with my kitten summoning abilities, Dax came out of their room in full tears. I sat him at the foot of my bed and talked to him. He complained that school is too long. He said the kids were all too mean. When I asked him what would make the day easier for him, and he said it would help if I came with him. Sigh. I told him that would not be happening. We discussed bravery and dealing with the few kids that are annoying. He seemed ok, and scooted off to bed.

I was wrong.

As Ken and I were in bed not long after, and I was in the midst of my own tantrum and cry session, he came in, even more distraught, telling Ken that he had forgotten to flash the “I Love You” sign that morning. I was so upset at his upset, I told him to crawl up into bed with us for a bit. I held him and we gave him some lovin. He did go to bed after this and smiled. It was good, and I think it helped me a bit.

I just wish I had slept some. Monarch was going through his own set of mommy withdrawals and just could not seem to handle letting me sleep without curling up with me. This would not be a problem if it wasn’t him curling up while he cleaned himself, or used his claws, or would slide off of me and grip or any other the annoying things he decided to do. It kept me up. I am very, very, very tired.

My exhaustion is only about to be increased when I have the board meeting tonight, which will be a long one. It is the meeting before the season opener. They said they are feeding us. This can only mean long, ass, meeting.

All of this being said, I have to get all cliché for a moment. I got an email from an old friend of mine yesterday. I had not heard from her much, but I just assumed it was because we were both busy. Sadly, her email explained it. She had been dealing with a lot the last couple of years. He mother had died. She had been ill, but it still was tough. What was worse was that her sister passed away suddenly last year, which had put her in a bit of a tailspin emotionally. Her only son had also recently graduated high school, which has to fuck with anyone’s head. She apologized for not responding to my emails more, but told me she was trying to get her shit back together. I am so sad for her and it makes me stop my bitching.

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