Wednesday, September 26, 2012



I want Kipper day off!

Yom Kippur apparently is a district holiday. No freaking fair! I want the day off! Even many of Ken’s classes are canceled. In all fairness, he does work with a shit ton of Jewish home schools, so I suppose that makes some sense.

It is going to be a long day. I started on an account at 5:20 and next thing I knew it was an hour later and truly I was not even sure how much I had really accomplished on it.

Homework went well last night. I opted to mostly sit in there with them and really go over the work with them. Much of this was inspired due to the letter sent home for Bobby in which we found out he is getting a 2 in his story and paragraph writing skills. Apparently his sentence is flawed and not up to standards. I am not surprised, if only because I know how he rushes through things. He tends to have lots of ideas and great imagination, but sometimes he gets ahead of himself and doesn’t write it out correctly. Since a lot of his homework last night was sentences, I opted to sit with him and really show him what is correct and what is not. Thankfully he was very open to my assistance and it was a good session.

In addition to having him write in his journal every day, I am hoping that with a little bit more assistance at home with sentence structure he will improve by report card time. In all fairness, I know that he will improve and I am not overly concerned. I just want to see him do well.

Today I have plans to start jogging. Bobby had been indicating that he wanted to start jogging with me when I told him that the more he runs, the faster and stronger he will get for soccer. He liked this idea and I had offered to jog with him around the block every day. He wanted to go around twice, but I told him let’s start slow. So today we will do our first run. I am actually pretty excited. I know it will do him good, especially based on how tired he got last night from running at practice.

Dax managed to not fall apart at any point in practice. Yes, he got a little frustrated at times, but overall, he kept it together. I will take that as a victory for both of us. I know he was really trying and it was nice to see him so determined to not break down.

I did get a happy making item. Ken went to Costco and picked up The Avengers DVD. This will be our Friday evening family movie. Dude, it will be every night’s viewing if I had the time. I also found that I got my very own trading cards. I did not share them with the boys and they now reside at my desk. Hee!

On the way home from practice, I was explaining to the boys what I was making for dinner. Both of them wanted us to stop somewhere, but I told them that since we are going out tonight for the school fundraiser, I was just going to make dinner tonight. Bobby thought for a minute, and came back with this, “Mom, since you always make dinner, can’t we go out tonight so you can have a break?” This kid is trouble!!!!! LOL!

Sweet! I got this email from SchoolFeed that an old classmate of mine added me. It is a girl I had wondered about for a long time, and have known since Madison. Yay!

I need to trim one side of my hair. It is slightly longer than the other side and not as curly.

Yay! Bitchy McFee is not in today!

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