Thursday, January 16, 2014

Coffee and Wine


Stupid smoke alarm.

Don’t get me wrong. I really like our new smoke detector system we have. It is loud, which means my kids could not possibly sleep through it, and it will tell you exactly where the problem is. It works well, too. During Christmas break, it went off because Ken had the car running near the open garage and the carbon monoxide alarm went off. We had a candle go all crazy on top of the stove one day and it went off. However, when it goes off at 2 fucking am, and doesn’t let us know why, I was not thrilled with it. Needless to say, I am kinda tired right now.

I going to Sarah’s tonight to hang out and see Riley, which will be fun. I wonder if Riley will remember me. I don’t know how much cats would remember a person who helped raise them. I won’t be insulted if she is indifferent, but I can assure you I will be quite thrilled if she is all excited to see me.

It looks as though we really only have 2 soccer games this weekend. One Saturday and one Sunday. It kind of sucks because I was hoping for Sunday to get a truck over to Eydie. We really need to get the place done. We still can do some work there, but it does make it less efficient.

Bobby has decided to run for room rep again. He is planning on using the same poster, which is fine with me. We told him he could do a new one, but he is pretty happy with the other one. Now I just need to dig it out from behind the piano. LOL!!

We took the pups to the park. Lily was pretty pleased, as was Luna who played catch with us. I do like that the dogs are well behaved and that the park is nice and open where we can have them sort of off leash for a bit. It certainly pooped out Lily, which was good, but clearly should have been delayed by a couple hours to allow for longer sleep times. That being said, she only whined a bit in the crate when I went to bed. She got all vocal when Ken got home from soccer, which made sense.

Lily adores the boys. I think she actually likes them more than she likes Ken and I. I will be curious to watch how this evolves. I know the puppy being in the house has certainly changed some of the cat dynamic. Lucy and Trixie were all curled up together with the boys last night. Sissy has been even more affectionate with us, and Monarch, well, it’s Monarch. That cat is so grouchy. LOL!

My coffee maker arrived along with the adapter that allows it to work with K-Cups, ground coffee, tea bags or the Vue cups. Yay! I don’t know how much coffee I will end up drinking (especially when it is freaking 80 degrees in JANUARY!!!!) but I like having things now that will make Steve a good house for entertaining. I really need to start like a book club or something. No, just hanging out sounds good. I will need to stock up on wine.

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