Monday, January 27, 2014

soccer season is over


No more practice till the Fall!

Ok, I know, what a rotten thing to say, especially since the loss on Sunday resulted in both of my boys in tears, but I gotta say, I do like having my evenings back. Plus, I would like to use some of the time to really get their homework done better and get my walking time back.

So yes, we lost on Sunday. It was a tough game. We did well, but the other team, a really good team from our region was on fire. They are a good group of kids, too, and the coaches are nice, so in a lot of ways, it made it easier for the loss. In fact, many of the families knew each other from both sides. Also, there was like a total of 8 kids on the field from both teams that go to John Adams, which is pretty cool.

Poor Dax burst into tears before the half, worried we would lose. It was awful. Bobby came off the field 4th quarter and he was already devastated. It didn’t help that his teammates were also frustrated and tired and sadly taking it out on one another. At one point during the third quarter, I heard Bobby yell out, “I am doing that!” and he was pissed. He also had directed this at one of our players. I was turned in at this point, listening for who was giving him grief. In reality, I heard multiple players on our team snip at multiple players on our team. It was a group of 9 year old boys just overwhelmed. I couldn’t fault any of them, and if anything, I was incredibly impressed with Bobby holding his ground.

The game on Saturday was intense, and resulted in a tie, which was great. It was an amazing game to watch, and I was super impressed with our team. Those boys are great players. Even though we are done, we should feel proud that we were first place in our pool, and in reality, we ended the season with more points. Yay us!

Friday night, Stephanie and Sabrina came over, which was so nice to have non soccer people over. LOL! Stephanie and I played with the rainbow looms, which I am determined to master. It was fun! She also got to have some of the coffee made from my new coffee maker, which made me feel all grown up. I know, I am odd, but it is so nice to be able to entertain.

The rest of the weekend was spent at Eydie. Saturday after the game, the boys and I went to Lowe’s and got paint and we went and started work on the outside front. I managed to get a lot done before we had to go and get snacks for Sunday’s game and to go get Ken from the Hull where he was reffing. Sunday’s game was at 3 in the afternoon, which allowed us lots of time to paint and work. Ken painted the front with the sprayer and I worked on all the hand painting up there. I also climbed a ladder several times and did not break my neck. Yay! We also cleared out the kitchen and made it ready for paint, which my parents volunteered to help with today.

The back yard was filled with tree since we have to remove this one tree that’s root system is ruining the neighbor’s garage. It was sad to watch it go, but less upsetting since it isn’t like I am losing a tree I would see every day anymore. The good news with all of this, too, is that our gardener guy might know someone who can pick up all the debris. I had made appointments for people to come on Tuesday since Ken is supposed to have that day off. But of course, the one freaking time I get all proactive, Ken has stuff going on this Tuesday. Sigh.

We are making some good progress on Eydie, so hopefully we will get it all done soon. This weekend we have our AYSO powwow, which does mean we lose much of Saturday. However, we do have Sunday, which is nice. I really would like to get a truck over there to get those storage bins. It would allow me to do a lot of clean up in our garage at Steve. This means also I think that this week in the evenings I will make a point of going through boxes each night. It may mean more trips to Savers for drop off, which makes me strangely giddy.

Today my focus, though, needs to be on laundry. I have some standard domestic maintenance which will allow me to get the other things done over the course of the next few days. For now, I am stuck at work, so I guess I will just day dream about cleaning. 

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