Thursday, September 25, 2014



A late journal is still a journal.

I was dinking around online this morning, fueled by a post about a former Mira Costa student being released as a Somali pirate prisoner which took me into looking for his yearbook picture to then looking to see if teachers I remembered were still alive. Of course, all of this was in between doing some actual work. Sadly, there is not enough organization of information out there for my inquisitive mind.

Yesterday’s homework seemed to take forever. I know some of it was due to the newness of Dax having to deal with a Pilot of the Week letter, but ultimately, I think Mr. Chin assigns far too much homework. Sigh. Thankfully I know that Dax handles it well enough, and yesterday I had extra time. Early release along with not having to cook was all kinds of good.

We headed to Rizzo’s a little before 6 (yes, that means almost 3 hours of homework time) and had decent timing with finding a table and ordering when there wasn’t a mile long line. It was nice to see so many people there! I am really curious to see how much we make off of this fundraiser. Hopefully a lot! It was busy the whole time I was there, and I was told it was busy all day, so yay! Nicole and Ally showed up while we were there, so we hung out with them. Jerry showed up a little later. Jimmy and Denise came later, and there were a fair amount of folks there we knew. It was awesome! Ken had to leave a little after 7, but the boys and I stayed till about 7:40.

I think I chipped a tooth or an old filling is loose or something. I know I had something caught in my teeth a couple days ago that I couldn’t get out till I got home to some floss. It hurt for the afternoon, but I didn’t think anything of it. Then the next day it still seemed to be tender. I flossed the hell out of it, and yet food kept getting caught odd in there. I even brought floss to work so I could clean it after each bit of food. Now this morning even chewing gum makes me nervous. It almost feels like something is going to pop off the tooth. Hopefully it is nothing, but now I have to keep an eye on it.

No more fish oil for me. I had been taking flax seed oil and I am pretty sure that is the miracle med that has made my cholesterol and sugar numbers so amazing. I ran out, so I snagged the bottle of fish oil we had. There isn’t much in it, but I figured I could use the rest of that before getting more flax seed. My first issue was when I tried taking as much as was with flax seed. Sadly, I had an afternoon of burping fish which was disgusting. So I tried to cut back. I still had the nasty emissions. I have decided to get some flax seed this weekend because I want to keep taking something that is helping me, but I don’t need fish breath.

My hand is especially twitchy today. Not sure what that is all about. Perhaps I have been going at 100 miles an hour again.

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