Thursday, October 22, 2009

Again, I almost forgot to post this. Dude!


Once again, I am in a mini coma. I know I slept a little since I had dreams that honestly, this morning I thought were real events. Like some conversation I had with someone in which we decided that we were going to start drinking coffee. I also had dreams though in which Barney from HIMYM went with me on some random nostalgic reunion type adventure where my friend Scott Book said I had been a huge wuss, yet a bit of a bitch in high school and was somewhat impressed with my new confidence.

But there was a chunk of the night in which I know I was “sleeping” yet I also know I was up since I could not get comfortable. It was like I was uncomfortable in the midst of my dream. I remember sleeping on some kind of horrible feeling thing. It was rough. So I am pretty sure that explains my sleepiness this morning. Oh, and the fact that once again, I got to bed at like 10!!

That part is my own fault. All afternoon, we played out in the yard. The dogs ran, the boys ran, and we bbq’ed burgers. It was good. We also set up the yard to be able to let Luna stay outside today. We thought the dogs would appreciate some more running room during the day.

By the time we got inside to eat, it was after 6. We ate, showered the boys, watched a quick show and did the bedtime thing. After that, we had some chores and gobs of FB games, and finally we got to bed.

There was incident, though.

I had been trying to tell Ken something and the boys or the dogs or any number of things kept interrupting me. The boys are notorious about doing this. I will be talking to someone and they will do the “mom, mom, mom, mom, mom” and get louder with each repetition. I have told them not to do this 100 times. Last night, I was cranky, and tired, and frankly, annoyed with the constant interruption. In my frustration, Dax got the brunt of it. He interrupted me while I was talking. I ignored him until the third mom when I spun my head around and practically bit his head off. I barked at him not to interrupt. I knew my mistake instantly. He didn’t cry, but he got very quiet. His lip quivered. I asked him if he was ok. He shook his head no, I asked if he would like a hug, and he nodded. So I held him tight for a while. He never cried, but he was upset.

Later, when he was in bed, he looked upset. I asked him what was wrong. He said, “I didn’t hurt myself”. This is Dax code for something did in fact hurt. I pressed for a while, trying to be as sweet as humanly possible. He finally opened up. “You hurt me, you yelled at me.” I am the worst mom ever. He told me he was going to put me in a time out and that he wanted to kick my butt. I did allow him to spank me, which cracked him up. I apologized again for yelling, but I also made sure to explain why I got upset. He seemed loads better, and he cuddled up with me while I sang. It was sweet. I hurt his feelings, and he was able to express this, so in hind sight, I think I am glad it happened if only to show him how to do this. I still feel bad, though. Poor kid.

Have I mentioned how great the show Glee is? Seriously, it is wonderful. I was memorized last night when we watched last week’s episode. There was a song at the end in which the subtle and yet not so subtle looks between the 3 actors in the scene were amazing. I was actually almost moved to tears. It was brilliant. I am thrilled that last night’s episode is at home waiting for us later!

Our plan is to aim for an 8 o’clock bedtime tonight. I don’t anticipate it happening, but we can dream, right?

Bobby’s drawings of people have evolved. Up until recently, his person would essentially be a giant happy face with arms and legs sticking out from it. On one of the recent drawings, his drawing of himself had a nose, and one he dubbed Ronald McDonald had a giant round nose. And I also have one that is of me in which I have not only a body, but a separate head and hair!!! I am so proud. Who knew stick figures would be so wonderful?

I am not feeling well. I am sure it is the sleep deprivation.

A moment of silence, please, as Nigel, Brandy’s kitty died last night. Yes, this means 2 of her beloved cats passed within 4 days of one another.

Ok, and one last note on Glee, but this just hit me again because it was funny as hell. The guy suggested they name their kid Drizzle. Almost died it was so funny.

Monarch had his first real run in with Luna. Luna was shockingly fearless despite the giant black and white cat in front of her. Monarch ended up backing down first and took off. He was less than thrilled. He did, however, still sleep at my feet, so he isn’t so mad at me that he has abandoned me or anything. I do look forward to Luna being a bit more calm if only so Monarch can sit on my lap for a while. He and Ittles hang out with me in the bathroom in the mornings and I give them lots of lovin so they know I have not traded them in for a little golden furball.

As much as I want to go home, I have suck it up. My goal is to be here every day between now and Thanksgiving.

The Thanksgiving plans have been more finalized. We are meeting Ken’s folks and Andy and Scott at 8 am, which is when the park opens. Apparently the park is open longer that week because it is a busy day. Not the best first experience for them in terms of crowd, but I think we will manage. That evening, we are going to this hotel place in Newport Beach where we will stay till Sunday. Not sure what the next couple days will be. Perhaps we will find things to do between now and then so that we have some plans. They may have plans, too, but who knows. Chris will check in on the dogs, as I am sure Luna will be pretty upset with us being gone. We don’t go on a lot of long trips, sans dog, so I think she will be ok. Plus, it isn’t like we can’t check in on them if need be. Newport Beach isn’t that far away. It isn’t super close, but I think it is reasonable to check in on the dogs. Hell, maybe we will look into it and see if we can take her.

I need to wake up!! I keep zoning out on different daydreams. Nothing exciting. Perhaps that is my problem. I should not be daydreaming about redoing the hallway. I should be maybe dreaming about some exciting adventure. Perhaps that would get me pumped.

Our Hometown Fair fish all died. So sad. They did quite well for a while. They were in too small a tank, really. Luckily, the boys are just as interested in dead fish as live, so they were not traumatized.

I have dog baths in my future. Lycos is one of those dogs that she never looks dirty. Plus, you can hose her off and she is dry in a couple minutes. It is nice to have a dog with fur like duck feathers. Luna, on the other hand, doesn’t have the luxury of looking all clean. She ran out in the dirt and mud yesterday and looked filthy. She also still has some flea dirt and crud on her ears I am working through. She needs more baths, and she has to be dried special because I guess their ears are more sensitive. Luckily this weekend is a warm weekend, so I should be able to bathe them both and Luna won’t get too cold.

I think my weekly visit to Target will include hair dye. Woo hoo! I think I am going to go back to a richer, deeper brown. I need something warm looking. I have not been thrilled with the current hair tone I am sporting. I have become bored with my hair again. It happens a lot. I want to trim it. I want to cut it. I want to color it all kinds of colors. I want to grow out my bangs. I want to trim them back to a manageable length. Right now, the bangs and I are fighting. They are much too long for my standard style I had been doing, but I have been playing with some other styles. The problem, though, is when I am not in a styling mode. Case and point yesterday. Bangs were all over the place while I was trying to make hamburgers. I have to wear a head band at home. I look silly. I can rock a slip, I suppose, which is today’s choice. And it isn’t like anyone in my house cares how my bangs look. But we do head out for things enough I like to look presentable.

Well this has been all of the sudden a hectic morning! Woo hoo! Not complaining at all. I am dealing once again with this uber annoying customer who sure, we issued some wrong credits, but have since corrected them and yet he is still belly aching. The real problem isn’t him so much as his advocate her on my side. She is the one issuing credits to correct the mistakes by this other broad that is no longer here. So she seems to feel like the world is picking on him. She said, oh, poor guy is trying to run a business and do the books and everything by himself. Dude, that is what EVERYONE DOES!!! He needs to suck it up. We had this issue before, but it just is always something. Luckily, I now have control in a sense, so anything new on the account will no longer be a problem. He likes to apply credits to invoices. Well, he is now going to get a check for all of them so he just has to pay. And if he doesn’t, I can shut him down.

Mmm…Dave Navarro. I had not heard that name in a while. I forgot how freaking yummy he is.

And Adam Lambert’s new CD comes out soon! YAY!!

Long live guyliner!!

And of course, as quickly as the crazy began, it has calmed down to a lull.

I love the fall. I love it because it means holidays are here. I love the whole Halloween feel. Thanksgiving gatherings, and Christmas decorations. It all makes me so dang happy. I have like 3 solid happy months. January, I get a little bummed. Kind of like a post partum depression. I don’t have gobs of holiday cheer and gatherings ahead of me. Don’t get me wrong, I then have things like Bobby’s birthday and my anniversary, but those don’t always involve gobs of people. But I think Bobby’s birthday this year will be big. He is going to be 5, so I think we need a real party.

Is it very mom like to be rockin out to Justin Timberlake’s Sexy Back in the mini van?

I need to trim Dax’s hair. Maybe tonight. His curls just get so tangled. I only have to cut off maybe an inch right after a shower. It won’t make the curls go away, but it will stop some of the tangle. At the very least, I need to do his bangs. Perhaps that adventure will happen tonight.

I am now working on a new report. It is a report Tammy used to do. It basically calculates out how many calls each rep does. The problem with this report is, none of it is straight forward. This of course makes no sense being that how hard is it for AT&T to tell me that ext blah blah blah called out 300 times? It shouldn’t be. But it gets better. We have 4 reports that are given to me that each have different numbers. From what I can tell, these 2 are what Tammy used to calculate numbers from. Yet the corresponding report she sent to the reps (I never looked at them before since I could give a shit how many calls I make) appears to be the actual calls made. Yet the total there is way higher than what is put on the stats. On top of that, the 4th report I think is inbound calls to 800 numbers listed in our dept. There are 6 employees listed on said report who are not with the company. Shoot, one lady has not been here in 6 years. No joke. The others have been gone at least 3. And, they have my name spelled wrong, another lady’s name spelled wrong, and once again, none of these numbers fucking matter!! It is a joke. A total joke. They are getting me set up in the system to see what AT&T sends us and I will have to figure it out from there. Leave it to me to not only open the can of worms, but to opt to go ahead and dump them all out, spread them out, and then pour gravy on top.

Maybe I need styling gel. I can bring back the windbreaker bangs look. Or at the very least, rock a faux hawk. Perhaps a hair style magazine needs to come home with me. Yes, yes, because lord knows I need more freaking magazines to not read. LOL!

I am amused that in every picture I have of Ken and I on my desk, I look different in every one, yet he looks the same. LOL!

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