Friday, October 23, 2009

Shots fired!


My hair is now super dark. I got word from daycare when I picked up the boys that apparently their Halloween party is actually tomorrow. So this meant she needed me to bring cupcakes. Not a huge deal, but it did mean we needed to go get cupcakes. So Ken and Dax went to the store and picked up cupcake mix. I showed Ken the pic in the magazine of the shade that I had decided on and he picked up some hair color for me. I know, super brave to send a man to get hair color, but he did an excellent job. I colored my hair last night and man, it is in fact quite dark, but I like it. I am pretty sure it will lighten a bit as it normally does. I just hope that I can pull this off.

I didn’t cut my bangs, which I think I am angry about this morning only because the style I opted on really requires shorter bangs. But since I have other styles that need longer bangs, I have not decided what to do. I think I need a curling iron as that might help some things.

I also did my eye makeup all extreme today. Mostly because MaryAnn and I were talking about eye makeup yesterday and I wanted to show her this style. Plus, might as well rock the new hair with awesome eyes, right?

And all of this will hopefully help me in getting the flu shot in a couple hours. Yes, I signed up to get the free flu shot work is offering. I am not looking forward to it. It is going to hurt like hell. Plus, I worry I will feel all sick afterwards. Some people get the flu after the shot. Poor Scotty passed out once after getting the shot. The boys were fine aside from massive bruising pain in their arm for a week. My dad also had some soreness. I am pretty sure I will be fine. I just get nervous.

I feel pretty rested today thankfully. We had the pact to get to bed by 8, and we were in fact in the bedroom at 8. Now mind you, not all of the getting to bed was just for sleep. The last week, we had been getting to bed so late so our “grownup time” was kind of limited. I wanted to have some actual intimacy, so 8 o’clock would allow us that and get me to sleep at a reasonable time.

If the shot does make me woozy, I so can warrant going home. Hell, even if it doesn’t, I so can say it does! LOL!

In theory, I will be a little more busy than normal today. With it being the last true day of our fiscal month, people will want to do a lot of applications, which means I have work to do. The reps tend to hold all of these till the last minute, which annoys the hell out of me. They claim they don’t have time. These are the same folks who dink around during the day.

I really hope the boys don’t get cupcake on their costumes. Not that it is a huge deal. It will come out, but what a pain in the ass.

Work is doing their costume contest on Thursday of next week, proving that clearly the world doesn’t know how to cope with a Saturday Halloween. The only appropriate day to do things like costumes if it has to be before Halloween on a weekend, is the Friday before, not days before. Sheesh people.

Ken made me a giant Cecilia chart. I am so happy. I need to put one of them (he made a couple copies) in a frame. I want it up in my house.

Miss Luna stayed outside yesterday. She seemed fine. It was nice fresh air for both her and Lycos. I am sure she got to run and explore a bit more. I didn’t see her having caused any problems. When I got home, she was sleeping on the porch. She did seem a little less than thrilled about saying outside when we were home. I put her out for a bit to pee, and she just whimpered a bit. She was happy to hang out in the living room while the boys played with a bunch of Lego, though.

She and Bobby had an incident. She mouths and jumps up a lot. She isn’t being mean, she is being a puppy. Well, Luna jumped up on Bobby while he was sitting on the floor. Bobby just can’t seem to master the art of authority with her. Dax will put her in her place quick. Bobby just crumpled. I felt bad because I didn’t want him to get upset, yet on the other hand, I wanted him to be forceful with the puppy. He eventually did, but it took some showing him. I had to actually use his hand to push her away and use the tone for him. He got more forceful, but I know it will still take some time. It is one of those things we have to get Luna to listen to quickly since right now she is tiny. If she gets big and then is still doing this, then it is gobs harder to work with.

Ok, so far two people said my hair looks good. That seems positive! Another girl saw my hair but didn’t mention it. Of course, I was showing off pics of Luna, so I am ok with her not saying anything. LOL!

In one hour I get poked with the shot!! I am scared!! Yes, I will be the first to admit, I am a huge wuss. Although, people who say, don’t read this, might not know that. Seriously, I am super cocky at work. I poke fun at the whole thing and I don’t like to come across as weak. But when I get over there, I can tell you for sure, I will be shaking.

I found myself being worried mommy yesterday. I sometimes forget my kids are too young to appreciate a movie like Jurassic Park without say being scared. Or more realistically, I seem to forget that it isn’t just a cool movie with dinosaurs. It is a movie about nasty dinosaurs that try to kill people. I showed Bobby parts of the movie where they were being nice, but then freaked since he wanted to see more, but the rest had the T-Rex eating a goat. I was thinking that might be a bit much for the 4 year old. Why do all the cool movies have things that I think will mess with their heads???

I am pretty sure the boys will go to bed later than normal tonight. Friday night is our late night. Now I just have to figure out what our evening family adventure will be. We have been going to dinner, but I don’t think we will do that. Maybe just an FFY night and we can eat out back. That way the dogs can keep playing, and we can take advantage of the last of our evenings where it isn’t too cold. This morning I was met by gobs of fog when Luna went out to pee.

LOL!! So my hero in IT has been messing with my boss by parking in his space (not his space anymore since there are no assigned parking anymore). So the boss has been parking in this other spot. Well, this other broad (Can’t stand her, but she just got some points) just parked in the spot he had started parking in since his old spot was gone. AWESEOME!!

My hair in the bathroom looks almost black. I am not sure that is a good thing. I do hope it fades a bit. I am sure it will. But still!

Crap! Only 20 more minutes. It will be quick. Shoot, I have had worse done to me. I would imagine IV’s are worse.

LOL!!!! Boss just parked in his boss’s spot. Seriously, I am dying here. So freaking funny. Someone is going to yell today. I just hope I get to hear it.

I did it, I got the shot! I went over there and I walked in the lunch room to find it empty. So odd. So I walked out and asked Sunshine at the front desk. Apparently they were late. Ethel, my HR girl tells me they called like 9:25 for the address. Nice. First appt was at 9:30. Luckily they were only a few blocks away, but still! Plus, don’t piss off a spunky little pregnant chick. She tore into them a bit when they arrived. Not good for me since I was a little nervous they would then take it out on us! LOL!

I filled out the consent form and was first in line. I apologized to the room up front for in case I swore. Only a few laughed because I think many were nervous. He swabbed me with the alcohol wipe and I was continuing to chat with the girls in line. Next thing I know, he is putting a bandaid on me. No joke. I didn’t even feel the thing! What the heck? I was so happy! I sat down, as instructed for my 5 minutes and chatted it up with the one lady (that was shockingly nice. This is Devil Woman that I can’t stand. Apparently in a non work setting, she is nice) I know and another chick I see a lot. DW also said it didn’t hurt, whereas Asian Girl (Now referred to as AG) said it hurt a lot. We then proceeded to talk about flu shots, and I was shocked when AG was so inquisitive about what I have done for the kids. She has a kid it sounds like and she just seemed like a newish mom or something. So I chatted it up with them on the way back to our building. Always odd.

My arm does hurt a touch. I am glad I got it in my right arm cause lord knows if my left arm hurt I would assume heart attack. I felt a little flush, but I assume it was nerves. I feel ok now, with the occasional light throbbing in my arm. Not bad! I get so worked up on things. It is sad, really. Then again, nothing is as bad as it seems like it will be. So I guess that is a plus.

I feel so wound up now. That was a lot of adrenaline pumping in me from the anxiety.

I suppose it is a good sign I am hungry, not nauseous.

Why is it the number one question people ask you when have children. “So, are you done or are you thinking of having more?” It is especially odd when I think the average amount of kids people have is 2, right? So I have 2, so why would people ask about more? And truly, it is kind of rude to ask people with only one kid if they want more since, let’s face it, nobody knows why they only have 1. Fertility problems or something bad may have happened so they stopped at one. It isn’t polite as a stranger, or even a colleague to ask. Now, I don’t mind people asking me. I take it as a compliment that people A) think I am a competent mommy to handle 3, and B) that I must love my kids enough that I would consider adding a third to the mix. Plus, people always ask you when you have two of a kind of you will try for that opposite sex. I want a little girl, I do. But then I see things in the Avon catalog where they have dolls with the same outfit that you can get your little girl and something about it creeps me out. I clearly have been playing with my boys for too long. They burp and fart and seriously, they are in hog’s heaven with that. Mud, bugs, anything gross is awesome. Plus, they are both sensitive enough to enjoy a small amount of girly things to satisfy my desires for now. But yes, a little girl would be fun. At the very least, I love the idea of a little girl being bossy like me and putting my two boys in their place. And just the idea of them kicking the shit out of potential suitors for them rocks.

No worries, folks. My IUD is firmly in places, and trust me, with Luna, that is all the daughter I can handle right now. Maybe when I win that lottery or something, I will go ahead and get myself knocked up again. But for now, I am good.

I do feel a bit off. I will chalk it up to the flu shot for now. I know it is nothing, but it is a little unsettling.

Ok, and hour later, my pep is finally starting to wear off. I am back to being a little tired. I am better at that level. I do kind of wish I was in jeans and a tank top instead of my fru fru dress, but I have plenty of time for jeans when I get home.

Crap, I over peppered my lunch. I just hope I can eat enough to not be hungry anymore!

Ok, took my hair out of the clips and redid the bangs to be more happy with me. It seems to work. I only have a couple more hours of this place and I am free! No sickness as of yet. I would imagine if I was going to get sick it would have happened already. It is just about noon, so a couple hours after the shot. I may be in the clear! Woo hoo!

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