Friday, October 2, 2009

Star Wars


Against better judgment, I went ahead and attended Star Wars: The Concert with Ken last night. Ok, in all fairness, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been. They had the orchestra there, and with Anthony Daniels narrating the audience through the epic tale that is the 6 movies that is Star Wars. He told the story in a basic sense, making it a hint too important if you ask me, and then introduced pieces from the films which then accompanied images from the film on this giant screen. It was an interesting concept that was fairly well executed. This is not to say that I didn’t have complaints. The laser and light show was not up to Star Wars standards if you ask me. Shoot, when my friends did laser shows in the racquetball court, it was way better.

Also, you would think that with 6 films, all about 2 hours long, and the fact that they also used drawings from the original concept meetings, that they, in a 2 hour show, would not need to repeat ANY scenes. Yet on a number of montages, there was scene after scene that I had seen only 15 minutes before with a different song.

Even though I am by no stretch of the imagination a crazed Star Wars fan, I do enjoy the original 3. But, I have to admit having been tainted by other media influences. Take for instance how many times as I watched scenes that all I could think of was how some show like Scrubs had paid tribute to it at some point. The Death Star, partially completed came on the screen and the discussion in Clerks about how the contractors had too dangerous of a job ran through my head. Oh, yeah, and thanks to Kevin Smith, whenever Lando was on screen, all I could think was “Fuck Lando Calrissian!”

I also couldn’t watch Leah kiss Luke without going into fits of giggles. I was pleasantly surprised at the eww groan that came from the crowd when Anthony Daniels mentioned the fact that they were siblings.

There were way less folks in costume then I was hoping for. Seriously, y’all, whats up with dat? If you are a member of the church of Star Wars, wear your cloaks and Yoda ears proud. Hell, even I rocked a Star Wars shirt.

We didn’t get home till 11:30. Sleep did not come easy, and I tossed and turned all night. Mostly because I am nervous about talking to Bobby’s principal. Luckily, Ken said we could go down there together after work so I don’t have to actually talk to her on the phone. I had sent another letter, with wrong wording it turns out, but still the school is supposed to provide an assessment for us to get him tested. The principal called me yesterday when I was on the phone with a customer. She called me again last night as I was dropping the boys off, so I didn’t answer (I didn’t recognize the number on my cell). Her message made her come across as impatient and rude, and to me, not a good combo. So rather then get all pissy on the phone with her, why not have us start over and go down to meet her. I didn’t make an appt, but I would imagine she can take 10 minutes for us.

Ken just brought the boys over to my work so I could see them. They were happy to see me and even though Dax didn’t want to deal with my coworkers today, Bobby was delightful and visited a hint. I didn’t have them stay long. Just a quick hello. Bobby was pretty upset when they left. But I kind of think this is good for him to see that sometimes I have to leave him for a spell, but I always come back.

My cold is better I would say. I am still uber congested, but that is to be expected. My cough comes and goes, but seriously, it could all be way worse.

It is freakishly hot in here. It doesn’t probably help that I just walked all over the building and out into the hot sun of today. Luckily for me, there was a spare fan so I have that blowing on me. Woo hoo! Total comfort.

I can’t believe how awake I am. Ken told me that I did in fact conk out last night, but I still maintain that it wasn’t restful due to the fact that I remember being awake through the night.

Crap, so we just found out that our sitter cannot make it Saturday night. Not sure what this means yet. I am relatively sure kids cannot come to this function (although, to some degree, I think that is bullshit. It is a reunion. A good chunk of time I would mostly want to talk about my kids. Then again, I understand the grownup vibe they are going for). I had planted the seed in my parent’s head that I didn’t want to hit them up two nights in a week, and I think my mom was considering it. Of course, her only concern was bowling in the morning. I think that Carol might be willing, so perhaps we will do that. Hell, maybe we can swap. We can take Aaron, her son, to his reunion and she can watch our sons. LOL!

It has been a rather unproductive day thus far. It is only 8:30, but I feel as though I have done nothing. I did spend like 35 minutes chatting it up with my coworker who I don’t talk to much. It was nice, actually. I got a better sense of what he thinks of the dept. I have found myself chatting it up with folks a bit more. Perhaps I am truly that lonely in my corner. I also know that when we move (it will probably happen, just don’t know when) I will be closer to people, and interaction is imminent. Might as well be friendly now, right?

A Target run is in order, I think tonight. Perhaps after we get the boys and have visited with the principal, we can go there. I want to get their costumes and mine, and I need deodorant. Part of me thinks it would be fun to go to Chili’s for dinner since it means no work for me. Plus, it is good family time, especially since it will be chaos this weekend. But we will see.

I don’t have my emailing buddies today. Jenni is probably out with Dan leaving 3 weeks early for training. I hope she is out since it means she is with Dan!! Brandy has a handful of appointments and errands, so she won’t be at the ready. And poor Stephanie is sick and uber busy. I guess I will actually have to do work!

I did set up that I can now text status updates for FB. That will prove to be useful to me. I can update folks on a more global scale on Bobby’s surgery day. Plus, since it is text messaging and not truly accessing the web, it only goes to that cost, which is unlimited, so yay! I also have set up to get updates from a handful of people as my test. I want to see if it is cool or annoying. Ken had been getting mine for a smidge now. I also had set up Twitter alerts. I don’t really Twitter, but I figured Kevin Smith and CNN might have things I care about from time to time. Mr. Smith apparently is a Twitter junkie, so it is a lot of crap I weed through for gems. I have already disabled him twice, yet keep going back. But I did fix it. He was twittering at like 3 am, which let me tell you, not cool to hear my phone go off at that hour. But luckily you can set up hours for it to be allowed to update you. FB had the same thing, but I am going to expand the hours a bit since I noticed too late that I have it set for 8 am. Let’s face it, I have already written a 5 page blog, played 6 games, worked on 50 accounts, and updated myself on local news by 8 am. I am pretty sure I can handle a few updates on FB.

Mad props to David Letterman. He rocks.

Who is still listening to the Black Eyed Peas? Then again, who ever did?

I want to go on one of the fat shows.

Is there an actual test for OCD?

Happy Birthday Don Mclean!

Ok, I can already see I will be annoying with the ability to comment on posts and stuff with my phone. Too much power. Not that anyone gives a crap about my two cents, but still, it is way too much freedom to be vocal.

McCloud, the guy who invited us last night was shocked at how much I Facebook. Mind you, he is 19. So the fact that the 30 year old levels of internet crap freaks out a teen, I may need a support group.

My dad told me I needed a life. In all fairness, I think I have one. I have lots of people I chit chat with and I love that. No, not all the interaction is deep, stimulating conversation, but seriously, you really only get that with a handful of people in your life, and those are the folks I really talk to. I figure if I can stay in touch with all of the people that have been in my life, even if only for a short time, then I have a more diverse group of people that will teach me things. Brandy thinks it is a midlife crisis in the making. I don’t see it as a negative. I think of my random reunions are fun and interesting and make for a fun day. Hell, I may never talk to these people beyond an occasional comment on a status. But it is so cool to know that people from when I was 10 still remember me. It is validating. People in your present sometimes take you for granted, and even though you are working towards your future, you have to keep an eye on the past to know what worked and what didn’t. If I made an impression on someone 20 years ago, I want to know what I did so that when I meet someone tomorrow, and they are awesome, I want to know that I can keep them in my life for 20 years. Corny, yes. But so am I. Plus, being as shy as I am, it has been fun being credited with finding groups of folks and bringing them together for those brief moments of “Holy crap! I haven’t seen you in a million years!”

Fred was amused at my analogy this morning regarding Vicki’s asking for a say in the new seating arrangement. I pointed out that not only is she rocking the boat in a storm, she is flipping over the boat and asking for a luxury liner.

I wrote a short piece today. I think I will post it on Facebook and my second blog. It is slightly political in the idea that it is for gay marriage, but I tried to keep it light.

Chelsea might be able to watch the boys after all. Perhaps I will get to get all dolled up on Saturday!

Jon Gosselan is an asshole, this is true. His wife, Kate, horrid beast of a woman. But seriously, despite all their lameness, and regardless of the motivating factor in Jon wanting them to not use the kids anymore in the show, I am 100% behind this. Those kids have enough to deal with without having to worry about cameras following their every move.

BTW-who brings a newborn to the Star Wars even last night? Plus, they put the baby in a front pack, facing the show. Most kids that age don’t give a fuck about Darth Vader and would much rather gaze at your vapid stare at said Sith Lord. And this is one of those times where unless you are a master breastfeeder, don’t bring the kid to the show. They tried to shove a bottle in the kids mouth, which I think angered it more. I know that if that baby was Bobby or Dax at that age, I could have pretty easily tossed him on a boob and he would have alternated between feeding and sleeping pretty happily, and would have allowed mommy and daddy to be entertained for 2 hours. Look, I didn’t mind the baby crying. If anything, I wanted to go take the baby from the idiots and show them how it is done. I wasn’t angry, I was just shocked at their lack of preparation. Sure, it might be their first kid, and let’s face it, ever minute with your first during the first 6 months is like a whole year of college. You are learning new stuff by the second and it is all contradicting the previous 30 minutes of training. That being said, you should be able to think on your feet, and I didn’t see this happening.

I may be blowing my nose too hard when I get dizzy afterwards.

Wow, so I am reading about Gandhi, since it is his birthday and all. How deep is this sentence??

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”

Damn! That rocks!

LOL! Ok, so the boss just came in and he says to me, “Wow, you look better!” I guess I looked pretty rough if it inspired that kind of excitement at my less sickly appearance.

It always shocks me that despite my exhaustion that I can still not only sound lucid with a customer, I come across as super helpful and knowledgeable. What is up with that??

Dammit, I avoided reading this article, and with good reason. I didn’t need to cry at work. But no, my desire to read it overcame common sense. It was about a woman who was holding her 6 year old daughter’s hand when the tsunami wave hit, and she felt her daughter slip away and how she ended up dying. I am telling you, I don’t know that I could handle that. Know to put my ass on suicide watch if something like that happens to my boys while I am with them. Stupid nature. Killing this little girl. Ok, I know, nature didn’t do it to kill her, but still.

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