Friday, October 9, 2009

Another free weekend!!


It could be a slightly annoying day. Some auditor is coming down to verify some stuff. Granted, I don’t have much for them to check as I am simply the checker on this one, but it could still prove to be a pain since let’s face it, auditors can be a pain. That is so why I want to be one. LOL!

Woo hoo president Obama! Mad props on your Nobel Peace Prize!

I did manage to get to sleep at about a quarter to 10 last night, so I guess that means I got about 15 minutes more sleep than the last few nights. Seriously, I am hoping to sleep in a bit tomorrow.

Tonight, though, I have a feeling we have kits to set for Ken’s birthday party that is some time tomorrow. I also assume a Target run is in our future for tonight.

Bobby must be in the midst of a growth spurt. I was pleased that he ate the BBQ chicken last night (Dax, shockingly did not care for it, but ate all his rice) and then he decided he wanted more food. He ate an entire cup of peaches and then 2 of these funky rice cracker things. He would have probably eaten more!

He did pitch a huge fit when the crackers were offered to him at first. So we had to have a discussion about his whining. I gave him another chance to redeem himself which meant he ended up getting ready for bed with no lip, and I built him and Dax (rules applied to him as well) marshmallow men.

Dax seems to have another outbreak of the scaly itchy skin. We slathered him in the doctor prescribed goo and gave him Benedryl. It seemed to help as he slept all night. I just feel so bad that he gets so itchy. I am tempted to take him down to get an allergy test.

They lifted the restrictions of where people can park here at work, stripping executives of their assigned parking. So of course, the upper lot, which is right outside my window, has been entertaining to watch since that was where the bosses park. Some rebels are parking in my boss’s spot just to annoy him. I would be so tempted except that the way you have to turn to get out of the lot is pretty inconvenient for me to go home. Such a shame.

I actually have a bit of work to get to today. I have credit lines to work on. Ok, in all fairness, none of them are due for another month and a half, but I like to stay ahead. I have a handful of calls, and this auditor stuff. I am hoping it makes the day go by quickly.

I found a golden mix online last night. He is so freaking cute. Unfortunately for me, he was just adopted out. But, the person who emailed me back was super nice, answered my questions, and told me how to get it so that if they ever have another pup I am interested in, it is quicker to get on the list. The only real problem I see is that even though they are rescues, $450 is a lot of money. I could buy a pure bred for about that much. I know, rescue means I keep them from being killed. Then again, all of the rescues I have looked at seem to go quickly. So it might actually be ok to work with a breeder if I am dead set on the golden. Of course, I am also in no hurry. I am looking mostly to kind of figure out what is out there. When I am more ready, I may need to visit shelters every other day. And not just online. So we will see.

Thank goodness. No party this weekend, so no late night of kit setting. Woo Hoo!

What that means is once again, it is a pretty free weekend. No plans. I want to let the boys go in the pool one last time before I dismantle it. I really want to clean up the driveway and garage area, so perhaps tomorrow will be an outside day while we work on that.

Good news. My dealings with the auditor consisted of one small report that I got this morning. That is it! Yay!

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