Wednesday, October 21, 2009

blog time


This morning may change quickly depending on how Bobby is feeling. I was just on the phone with Ken since he was trying to track down his cell phone. Bobby got up during said conversation, and said he wasn’t feeling well. I got on the phone with him and he burst into tears. Poor darlin. So depending on if he was just tired or sick, we will see if I need to come home.

I would be ok with a mellow day at home. I don’t seem to be getting enough rest. It may just be I am still recovering from the long weekend of adventures.

I went to my folks last night. We did not discuss the puppy, nor was her existence even brought up. I know they will know at some point, but for now, I am not going to even go there. My mom knows. Whether or not she told my dad is hard to say. I can say she didn’t since my dad said nothing and I think it would not be something he couldn’t make just one minor dig at me.

They are going to Grammie’s house on Saturday. I think we will skip the outing. Mostly just because I have other things that need to be done around the house. Plus, Luna doesn’t need to be left another day. I figure between cleaning the house and playing out back, a free weekend is a good thing.

Tonight is actually a free night. It means I can take care of some clutter and be ready for the weekend.

It is so sweet! I got an invite from Adreanna to her son’s first birthday party. I knew her from when I was a kid. She and her brother lived up the street from us, and they went to Madison, too. I didn’t hang out with her, but I knew her, if that makes sense. Through the power of MySpace and Facebook, we connected. Since then, I have watched her struggle with having a baby, and then being fortunate enough to have her little boy last year. It was so heart warming! Plus, she and her husband just seem like the nicest people. So from a few comments here and there, we have become Facebook buddies. I thought it was so nice to get an invite to his birthday party.

Gore is having a going away party. Gore is this giant inflatable gray guy my dad picked up at a Halloween sale a couple years ago. He dresses it up for Halloween as a monster guy. Last year, Bobby dubbed him Gore. This year, he is back. Dax wasn’t thrilled with him at first, but once they stripped him down to be naked Gore, he was less threatening. He has been allowed to put on his shirt and pants, but no evil clown mask. Anyhoo, the boys now love them some Gore. With Halloween almost here and done, he will once again be placed in his box. So my mom has planned a whole party. There will be Dancing with Gore games, pin the tail on gore (I don’t think it is a tail, but it is that kind of game), cake, and lots of stuff. Can you now see where my crazy creativity comes from? What was really sweet is Bobby asked my mom if I could come.

What an interesting debate on K&B this morning. It is concerning whether or not the net is being abused with people and their twittering and blogging. Ralph is all up in arms saying most people don’t have interesting stuff to say. Ok, this may be true. But who cares? I would imagine my little blog here is only interesting to a handful of folks who know me, and maybe the occasional looky loo. But for those people, whom I appreciate more than you know if you are reading this, they are getting something out of it, so who is he to judge what is interesting. Plus, you don’t need to read all the blogs. You don’t need to follow Twitter. Hell, I have a Twitter acct, but I hardly use it. Even my personal lord and savior, Kevin Smith, tweets like every 30 minutes, and despite trying to follow it even on my phone, I got bored. And I would listen to him for hours if I could. But I know that there are other things to me right now that are more important. I don’t feel upset that he is still tweeting. I prefer Facebook since there is better interaction and more info. But I know that not everyone cares for the format. So that means they are not there. Facebook has given me old friends, kept me in better contact with current friends, and has connected me with family that I really only got to see once a year. My blog allows the folks who read it a whole lot of insight to my days, and honestly, it allows me to spend more time listening to them tell me about their days or problems or fantastic news. I can feel less selfish when I email with them later and I can let them do the talking since they know all my stuff. Not that I don’t want to share more, but I really like being there as the sounding board for folks. Plus, Ken has a whole list of everything he did for the day here, since let’s face it, his memory isn’t top notch. Love you, babe!

Maybe since we have Saturday free, we can go to the fabric store and I can look for my skirt material.

Luna loves to go on the walk with us. Last night, we went on another family walk. Ken with Lycos, me with Luna. And really, Ken with Bobby on his scooter, and me with Dax on his. Ken had the more experienced members. Bobby is quite good on his scooter. Lycos knows the ropes on walking. Dax is not quite 100% on his scooter, and Luna is still pulling hard on her leash. It is cute, though, I was making sure I was behind Dax and keeping Luna away from potential crashes from Dax. But when Dax would stop, so would Luna. She was always waiting for him. When he started going good, so would she. I think she really likes Dax. Dax also seemed to know how to be more forceful with pushing her off him or the table. Bobby is a bit more timid, so Luna doesn’t know that it is as wrong. I am a firm believer that dogs appreciate authority and prefer people to be in charge. So Luna knows not to bite me as much, but still is all lovey with me.

The morning routine went well this morning. I got ready, came out and peed the pup, then fed her. This kept her entertained while I did my facebooking. The last couple days were her whinning a bit since I wasn’t in there with her. So this morning’s new plan seemed to work well. She got a little visit in, and food, and was happy I was there.

She does well with her potty training, too. We have puppy pads, which is where she has piddled when she did pee inside. Side note, why is pee suddenly piddle when it is a puppy and piss when it is a cat? And kids, it is always potty. I think I have also used the term poopy for Luna’s poo, poop just for the kids, and crap or shit for the cats. Hmmm..
Anyway, the potty training goes well with her. She only pooped once inside, so that isn’t bad, really, and that was the first day. She now will pretty much always poop the minute we take her outside. And she tends to pee as well. This weekend will be the start of crate training, since it will mean our poor felines will once again regain use of the living room at night. One of them was rather annoyed at the VIP status of the room and went ahead and pissed (see, not piddled) on our counter. I understood the gesture, and we are making sure they know they are way cooler than the dog.

We are not sure where her crate will go for now. There is talk of putting her in Dax’s room since Dax can sleep through a lot of things, and truly, she would be quite happy in there and would be closed in so there would be no danger of dog attack. No, I am not concerned about that, but let’s face it, she is a dog, he is a kid, kids and dogs go together like peanut butter and jelly, but sometimes there is a squished sandwich and things go a little kooky. Either way, I don’t think she will go in there at first only because she still is awake and playful after Dax goes to bed. I also think her hanging out with us in the living room would be nice for her. Same with Lycos, and since her bed is in with Bobby, that kind of puts a damper on the whole plan. But with our new walk schedule, we may look to bedtime for everyone as a smidge later, maybe story time and everything done no later than 8, which would give the dogs time with the fam, and give Ken and I a little bit of grownup time before I really need to get my ass to bed.

It is another semi slow morning. I did a bunch of work, and I know I have some other stuff that can be done, but it is super monotonous so I am leery or lulling myself into a sleep mode. I may work on that tomorrow morning since then I also won’t be a backup for someone, which I am doing today.

Bobby was fine, btw. He apparently does this song and dance (or I suppose, sob and shuffle) many mornings where he seems to think if he says, “I’m not feeling very well today” that perhaps Daddy will either let him tag along with him, or that Mommy will come home and coddle him. I am shocked that he doesn’t bring up the penis issue.

Bobby has his speech and language testing next week. Should be interesting. It sounded to me like it wasn’t this IEP thingy my mom was talking about. Especially since the lady said this was something kind of new that is a quicker way of assessing what needs to be done. I wonder what kind of therapy he will get. I really feel that once he is in school, he will actually do quite well. I am looking forward to January when he can do some more formal preschooling. Of course, with us doing this testing, we may be able to get some kind of help in finding a school that specializes in speech therapy, and is one of those free state sponsored schools. Woo!

An old friend of mine from Madison just became a grandma. Mind you, she is 34. Damn! I only just became a mommy!

I don’t know why I get cheese bread. Especially since I just dip it in marinara sauce. Isn’t that essentially a cheese pizza? Shouldn’t I just get that?

Seriously, what did we do before instant communication? As of right now, I know that my one friend is sick, another friend’s sister is celebrating an anniversary, and yet another is annoyed at work. I also have spent much of the morning emailing with Jenni, ironically enough about her boyfriend not using the technology we have. I wonder if we are abusing the instant. If someone doesn’t text us back within a few minutes we assume the worst. Yet only 10 years ago (maybe even 2 for some of us), we didn’t even text. Hell, email was the quickest method when it came to that, and even that always was slow. Yet did we consider that even 10 years before that we didn’t even have that ability. I was still writing hand written notes and leaving them on my porch. Sure, we phoned people through the years, but at one point, if someone wasn’t home, you could not get a hold of them, period. And we dealt with it. That being said, I love the technology offered, but sometimes I think we all get a little too excitable about it when it doesn’t provide the info as quick as we might be accustomed to. I know I am guilty of this. I sat in the car yesterday waiting on Ken to text back to let me know if I should use cash or the card for gas, and I got impatient. Never you mind that it had been all of 2 minutes. This isn’t good! I get on Bobby for always saying things are taking too long. Perhaps I need to get on me!

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