Monday, December 21, 2009

4 more days


Only 4 more days till I get a much deserved vacation. YAY!!

Friday evening we headed over to Costco. We picked up our first real splurge purchase from Grammie money. We got a Wii and Wii Fit. I am quite jazzed since it will be one of those things that perhaps I am more inspired to use. Especially when my goal for next year is to drop the lbs. Bobby was just jazzed since he loves the bowling game, and apparently boxing. On Saturday he knocked out 5 guys in a row!

Saturday was Ken’s last tournament for the year (I think, if I remembering correctly that is it). The boys slept in till 7:40. You could actually hear Ken’s grumble when I texted him this news. He was annoyed for two reasons. One, that they never sleep in when he is home. And two, I had gotten up when he did, meaning I passed up sleeping in time. In all fairness, I couldn’t sleep anymore, and I am not one of those lie in bed type of gals, even though I love my bed. I might be able to do it if Ken was in there, too, or even the boys, but lying in there alone, I don’t know. Maybe it is just my fear of Stabby Joe.

I was worried that with two rested boys I was in for trouble on Saturday. Luckily, they were fantastic. They watched a movie while I did some chores. We played out back, where they put stickers all over their house. I played fetch with the dogs. It was good.

It would have been nicer if they had actually napped, but I am starting to see that naps are a thing of the past.

We went and got my car washed. The tree I park under has now become a popular hot spot for the local birds and my car looks like hell after just one day. I may need to get a car cover.

I thought that I could be all wonderful mommy by making cake. Ken has these cake molds that are giant Lego bricks. I figured this would be awesome. Turns out, though, you can’t really fill them that much. I made this mistake and when the cook time ended, I opened the oven to find the cake mix not fully cooked, but also oozing out of the mold. Crap! I ended up dumping the half cooked concoction on to cookie sheet to finish the cooking. I was left with a couple of mostly formed bricks in a giant puddle of cake. It still tasted fine according to the boys who each ate a brick and some puddle.

On Friday night, Bobby told me it was time to cut his hair. I assumed he just meant to trim his bangs, but he assured me he wanted it short now. No problem. I told him we could look through hair cut pictures so he could choose one. We looked on Saturday and he found this one simple short cut that would work fine with his hair. He also gravitated towards this one black kid’s hair cut that just looks like the kid was bald and his hair was drawn on with a sharpie. I explained his hair wouldn’t do that.

So on Sunday, I told him that we would go get it done. He was very excited. I of course was torn, but it is his hair, and it would make life easier on all of us.

So after bowling, we went home to look up to see if we could find any of those haircut places where the kid could sit in a car or something. We found some, but opted to just go to Supercuts by our house.

When we were about to get ready to go, Bobby flipped out. I had just had him stand there so I could take a before picture, and I think this stressed him out. I had been trying to be pretty light and fluffy about the whole thing. He was scared it would hurt. He was just nervous. So we didn’t go. The thing is, yes, even though it is his hair, we probably should have pushed him a bit more if only to not let him be coddled when it comes to his irrational fear. Hell, I probably could have cut a lot of it, and then we could go down to the hair cut place to clean it up. It is a difficult situation, especially since he was so dead set on getting it done. He doesn’t normally decide such things. He even repeatedly pointed out the one pic of hair he really liked. I am going to bring it up to him again today to see if the only reason he didn’t do it was fear. This fear should be tackled. He used to flip out (he still does a little) when I cut his toe nails. Yet it doesn’t hurt. He says it doesn’t hurt. He is just afraid it will. I want him to sometimes face his fears, and this is one that is doable. It means we may just need to take him to the fun place as it might help him ease into the hair cut. Either that or maybe I will get my hair trimmed at the same time he gets his cut, giving him a good model. Although that has never helped in the past. We will see.

While the boys were in “nap” on Sunday, Ken and I watched Star Trek. It was quite good. I was a little surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Of course Ken enjoyed it on other levels, but it was nice that it didn’t only play to the Trekkie audience, but everyone. We can now return that one and get the Hangover and Inglorious Basterds. Of course, to get both, we need to return the Luna Christmas movie, which has been played several times now. I guess it will need to be purchased.

Sunday night we went and saw the Christmas lights in the Torrance neighborhood referred to as Sleepy Hollow. I love that place. Seriously, if I win the lottery, I am going to make a bid on this one house there. LOVE IT!

The lights were awesome as always. My parents and Matt came along. My dad was teasing more than normal, and Matt was trying to pick fights, which made me cranky. Ken made a few cracks that I guess were meant to be funny, but I was already frustrated. It didn’t help that when Ken got upset at my lack of humor, I was still stinging from his comment that morning when he said to me that he wanted to know when we could start joking around again. Ouch. I felt like I had turned into Kate Gosselin and that I apparently am the humorless one. I don’t like being told I am too grouchy. Especially when through a good chunk of my days I get taken advantage of with no thanks and yet still manage to be fairly happy. If I am grumpy it is because I am tired. It is because I do everything for everyone and have no appreciation.

Ok, sorry. I have a lot of venting to do, but I think that I will keep it in check right now as I don’t need to be all worked up while I sit here at work.

Ok, one yay note for me. I ordered a dress on Saturday which should arrive tomorrow. It is one of those maxi dresses, which I guess stands for super duper long, which is perfect for what I have been wanting for a while which are skirts that drag on the floor similar to how my jeans do. LOL! I am looking forward to doing some clothes shopping. I need some new tops that go with everything, and gobs of jeans. I may pick up some skirts, too. I am looking for Mommy Chic. I want to look put together, yet still be able to go to a soccer game. Oh, and I still want my style which might include a hat or funky shoes. I picked up some fun ties at the 99 cent store. One is zebra print, one is black and white checked. I also got one that is red with little music notes that are actually skulls. Very excited about these. Especially since it cost me all of $3?

The 99 cent store provided us with adventure and it made me happy that I carry like 30 bandaids in my purse. Ken picked up a little cactus for our neighbor for Christmas. He loves those things. Well, he had it in the basket and he told the boys not to touch. This of course in Bobby speak means to go ahead and grab the damn thing. Ouch! He hurt, and it freaked him out. Plus, he still had gobs of the tiny spikes in his finger. The problem was that he was grabbing his finger, which pushed them in farther. He was panicking, Ken was trying to stop him from getting upset and in the process he was getting frustrated. Finally I was able to calm him enough to be able to use a bandid which we used to pull the stickers out of his finger. Luckily, the process didn’t hurt, and we got them all out. I even had a bandaid to spare in order to make him feel better. It was chaos for 5 minutes, but we got him better. Not fun.

The boys are so funny. I asked Dax on Friday what he wanted to get Bobby for Christmas. Without thinking, he says Optimus Prime. I laughed. I then asked him what he wanted to get Daddy. He says, Megatron. Ok, so then I go and ask Bobby. He says he wants to get Dax Bumblebee, and because someone needs to play Megatron, he wants to get Daddy Megatron. Strange kids, but they both were pretty set on what they wanted for each other. So Ken is going out today to pick up a small action figure of all the characters in question so that they can give these things to each other.

I am zoned out here at work. I am splitting my time between emailing invoices and reading wiki pages on Star Trek. I really hope the day picks up.

Yeah, cause that will be a good Christmas Eve. Apparently I am the only person here in my department on Thursday. Oh, and by the by, the other person? The boss. YUCK!!!

I get my H1N1 shot finally tomorrow. I think I will suggest to Ken we take the boys today to get their other mist.

I half expected them to shut down the business on Christmas Eve. It is going to be super slow, especially being that Christmas is on a Friday this year. So many people take off Christmas Eve to make it a 4 day weekend. Last year I think we closed on the Friday after Christmas since let’s face it, who is coming to work the day after when it is on a Friday.
I think our plan for next Christmas is going up North. We would probably head up the 23rd, stay through Christmas and maybe come home on like the 29th. That is a long time. For our next visit up north, the plan is MLK weekend. I am taking off the Friday and Monday around the weekend. Kind of an extended trip, but not super long. Long enough where I don’t feel like driving for that long with kids is wasted.

My vacation that starts this week will be good. I figure we have Christmas festivities on Friday. Saturday and Sunday will be kids playing with toys. Hell, us playing with toys. I may hit up a shopping sale or two. On Monday, I am hoping to take the boys to daycare with that being the only day we do. They will need to return to some down time and routine after the holiday chaos. Plus, Ken and I are going to go see a movie. Ken says if Avatar is any good, he would like to see that (he is in the theatre right now watching it). Me, though, I would much rather see something else. Something light. Plus, I have to admit, the idea of sitting in a theatre for 3 hours sounds not fun. I don’t care about special effects. If the story is as good as Cameron is making it out to be, I will be fine watching it at home.

As for the rest of next week (Tuesday through the dreaded Monday return to work), I don’t know what we will do. Go to the zoo? Maybe go some other random place. We can go to Disneyland on the 3rd. My mom’s birthday is that day, though, so we will have some plans there. I do just want to be able to be at the house, but I have a feeling we will have gobs of down time that will need to be filled with something other than just being in the back yard.

Perhaps I will be spending gobs of time working out on the Wii. LOL!

Seriously, is it time to go home yet???

I am still a little shocked at the sudden death of Brittany Murphy yesterday. She was this fun actress who was only 32. She apparently died of cardiac arrest after having flu like symptoms the last couple days. Of course, in the next few weeks there will be gobs of info on what happened. But regardless of what killed her, it is still sad. It has been a rough year for celebrities. Poor thing, most of the magazines have already run their tribute issues. She won’t be in one. Next year’s will only cover 2010. Of course, this is the least of her concerns. She is dead, after all. Still sad.

It is always a good thing when people just know that you talk to yourself. Just now, the girl next to me said something that sounded like she was asking me a question. I responded with a “which one? Turned out she was on the phone. So me, noting I sounded like an idiot, went ahead and started yelling at my computer a bit. No one even thinks about it. LOL! I know, it shouldn’t matter, but it is also useful when you have your headset on. People who come to your desk that you don’t want to talk to, you can indicate you are on the phone. Of course, the best reason to talk to yourself is just to mess with people.

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