Friday, December 18, 2009

Bitty and the Tantrum to end all Tantrums


Aaaahhhhh!!! One more week till Christmas!

Well, what an afternoon!

I headed over to the Holiday Luncheon at work yesterday around noon. Everyone appreciated my holiday spirit with my socks and hat. They had the warehouse set up with a bunch of circle tables. It was very festive.

I sort of expected turkey or something along those lines. Instead, they had these tacos complete with different meats and what not. Clearly we were going for the Feliz Navidad theme. They were quite tasty and had a lot of kick.

I sat at a table with all the people in my department less the boss, Fred and Glenda (Glenda is a Jehovah’s witness so she doesn’t celebrate any of the holidays). What shocked me was the big boss also sat with us. I don’t tend to socialize with him much, but for some reason, the two of us were on fire. Between he and I, we had slammed the hell out everything in the room. We made fun of people, the organization of the event, etc. At one point I asked him where he had found the vodka since clearly he was drinking based on the stuff he was saying. He was quite amused with me. Yay points for Gena!

The baby pictures game seemed to be the bulk of the party. They had all the pics submitted blown up and put on 4 poster boards. They then let everyone take 30 minutes to study them and turn in their answers. I couldn’t do more than 3. There were 35. It was especially hard since we were all crowded around this board and you could hardly see anything. I threw in the towel early. That being said, I enjoyed giving everyone else a hard time when they said they didn’t find me. So I would tell them to go look for Dax. Sure enough, they all came back to me with shock. My baby picture did in fact look like Dax.

Through the whole party, they had a raffle. They gave out gift cards to Ralphs and Starbucks, along with a handful of other things like digital cameras. At the end of the whole event was the grand prize. They read off the first 5 numbers on the ticket, leaving the suspenseful 6th number for a second. She then told us all to stand up who had the first 5 numbers. She then told everyone whose number was 6 and higher to sit down. Wow! I didn’t have to sit down yet. My number was 4. She then slowly said the number. 4! Holy crap!! I won!! I won the grand prize!!!! And it wasn’t too shabby. A Samsung Netbook. Dude, I won a computer! How freaking awesome is that?? I of course shot my hands in the air with my victory scream. I ran up, taking great care in not tripping as that was my big fear. She verified my ticket and handed me my present (it was wrapped up in wrapping paper, and had another package which turned out to be the case for it). I was so excited, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I of course promptly changed my status on Facebook.

When we got back to the office, everyone wanted to see, so I opened it. It is blue and I have named it Bitty. It is so freaking cute! Really, I would have been excited if I had won an orange, but to win a Netbook? Holy hell!

The rest of my day flew by. We didn’t get back to the office until 1:30, and then I ended up chatting with my IT guy for the rest of the afternoon. It was a good way to end my day.

I then headed over to Brandy’s work since she also had a present for me. Boots!! And not just any boots. They are fuzzy pink with zebra stripes. Only the coolest ever!! I am wearing them today, along with my matching hair piece that also happens to be pink. I am rockin today!

With every good thing, there has to be a bad.

We headed out with the boys to Petsmart to get a crate for Luna. We also needed critter kibble, so it was a full adventure. In Petsmart, the boys started to act up. They clearly didn’t want to be confined to a store right then. I ended up taking them to the car while Ken paid. Both pitched a fit, Dax specifically. When they started saying they wanted Daddy, my heart broke. In hindsight, I think they just thought we were leaving Daddy at the store. But at the time, I felt like perhaps I was too strict.

We still had to go to Target since litter is cheaper there. Dax really liked that we were going to Target. Both boys seemed happy and excited. We went in, and started doing our shopping. One wonderful thing that happened is that clearly Target made a mistake and had out Toy Story Lego way early, so we snatched up 3 boxes.

Dax and Bobby were sitting in one of the kid carts where they can both sit in there. Dax kept pushing Bobby with his legs. So finally I told him that was it and took a screaming Dax to the car.

Now when I say screaming, I am not explaining it correctly. This kid turned into a banshee. He screamed, he cried, he head butted me, he kicked, he squirmed, he was basically just crazy. I could hardly carry him, and he wouldn’t walk. I stayed calm in my trek back to the car. At one point he lost a shoe, and I ended up removing both of his shoes which I think may of, if it is possible, worse.

Of course, it was the one day I parked crazy far away, therefore, causing it to be insanely exhausting. Dax is strong. Like crazy retard strong. It is not fun.

I got him to the car, and he flailed around on the pavement for a while. In hindsight, I should have let him cool off there. Sure, he would have gotten dirty, but there were no other cars, and I wouldn’t of had to deal with the next part.

I put him in the car seat, where his little body promptly stiffened up and slid down the front. It would be another 10 minutes before I finally won.

The kid kicked, hit, screamed and showed me that my car seats even when fastened are no match for the incredible hulk. At one point I pinned his arm when he hit me and I freaked out that I was being too rough. Another point, he got his finger pinched on the buckle, which gave me 5 seconds of him not fighting me, so that gave me enough time to get the bottom buckled. He was screaming so much he ended up throwing up on my shirt a bit. It was in fact the tantrum of all tantrums.

I was half expecting someone to show up and take him away from me. Especially since he kept telling me to leave him alone, which might look like I was abducting him or something. I was relieved when no one approached.

I finally got him secure, him still screaming and I went and sat down in the driver’s seat. I was sore. My arms hurt from trying to keep him from flailing while I put his arms into each seat belt. He stopped crying enough for me to offer him some water. He was coughing up stuff from the crying, and I figured this might calm him down. It did.

Ken and Bobby emerged from Target maybe 5 minutes after I had him buckled in. My whole ordeal with him was 20 minutes of crazy.

We got home and got the boys fed. Dax had lost show privileges and story because of the tantrum. Bobby also lost show and one story since he wasn’t listening. They were both devastated. Luckily, I had a dirty Dax room that needed cleaning, and by bribing them with the show, they cleaned the room. I am now thinking this is the last time I will use this since they need to clean their rooms no matter what.

The good news is, both boys fell asleep pretty quickly. Shoot, Dax at the very least couldn’t possibly have any energy left. I know I didn’t.

We then set to crate training. Ken sat with the squirt bottle on the ready while Luna sat in her crate. Every time she barked, he squirted. She was pretty soaked by the time I let her out to pee. But over night, I don’t remember hearing her whine or bark, so this seems promising. We put her crate next to Lycos’ crate in the living room for the time being. Tomorrow when I clean house, I am going to make arrangements for her to be in our room. Maybe even Dax’s, but I don’t know yet.

I also colored my hair. I used my $5 clearance hair color. It claimed to be Nice and Easy, but there was nothing Nice or Easy about it. First off, my arms hurt from the Dax adventure, so coloring my hair was rough. Second, this brand seemed to get everywhere. Normally my scalp doesn’t look like it was dyed. This stuff was on my ears, my scalp, my arms, everywhere. It was crazy. I still have a little brown spot on my finger that didn’t come off. Luckily, when I washed my hair this morning (which I don’t normally do after a coloring), the scalp and most of the other spots came out. My hair is dark, this is for sure. I don’t know how even it is as I have it up in a bun today. The bangs look ok, though. It will lighten as the time goes on, so that will make it better overall I think.

The boss is in early. It came in at 7:30 which I can safely say is not good. I might be wrong, in which case, I will be ok with being wrong.

I did spent the first 45 minutes of my morning talking to my IT guy, just bullshitting about everything from work injustices to his wife’s desire to get the lap band. Super entertaining.

My throat has gotten to the point of crazy pain. Last night I couldn’t even talk 100%. In the middle of a sentence, my voice would disappear and my throat was stinging. It sucked! So I spent much of the night whispering.

Apparently there is some crazy sale down at the convention center where they have gobs of stuff for like 70% off. I am tempted to check it out, but I know it will be a zoo. Plus, impulse sale buying isn’t good. Just because a pair of $300 pants is marked down to say $70 doesn’t mean you should spend $70 on a pair of pants. Then again, what if you find that cool toy that is normally $100 and it is now $20? That might be worth it. It is so hard to say. Ken told me if I happen to sneak out at like noon we can go. LOL!

I think today, though, needs to be spent at home. I want to get home, get into jammies, get the boys, turn them lose in the yard with the dogs, and maybe bbq hot dogs and hang out. Tomorrow is going to be tiring because it is just the boys and me. I have some shopping adventures I want to do with them, but that will be ok since I think if we go early enough, it will tire them out and we can enjoy nap time again. Ken won’t be home till probably close to 6, maybe 7. Hmmm…I might take the kids to my parent’s house and let them watch them for a couple hours and maybe I will run up to the mall and get what I need, then my parents get a fix and I get a break. Hmmmmm…..

Ok, people are idiots. Especially at my work. This chick comes up to me to ask me about a report. Basically the boss asked her for a report. Ok, first off, boss is dumb since I am the one who does most of the reports and one of 2 people here that know how to do them, and she isn’t the other one. Plus, he has to know by now that she will just ask me. Fine. So she asks. The details of what she wants are vague at best. She wants credits only issued for customer out of this one office. Apparently our one division (which has since merged with the whole company and therefore should not keep being treated as a different division) thinks they issue too many credits. Ok, seems reasonable, but the only problem is, credits don’t get coded like that. So I explain this to her. She is confused. She is dead sure I can run this since she says I send it each month. I realize that she now is thinking my little listing of OPEN credits must be every single credit ever issued. She is clearly retarded. I point this out to her (not the retarded part, just the part about it not being all credits) and she still doesn’t get it. She wants me to call and tell the boss this. Here is where all bets are off with me. Look, if he wants you to do it, it is on you my friend. And then if you go on to pretty much tell me I am wrong, don’t let the door hit you on the behind. I point out that really, when you get right down to it, AR shouldn’t even worry about this in the first place. We don’t issue credits. The fucking sales department does. And it is sales who wants to know! So tell sales to fucking run a report on what credits they issue and leave us the hell alone. She started to ask me to tell them this but I think she may have felt the sudden drop in temperature when I glared at her and she high tailed it on out of here.

Just 35 more hours and I get 9 days off. I can do it!

I just gorged myself on left over Chinese food. It is no wonder I am such a fat load. Thank goodness the Wii and Wii Fit are on sale at Costco for like $300 total. I am very excited about this and plan on doing it a little each day. I will work on food consumption later. First, exercise. Then I can get better about everything.

Yay! Time for clocking out. That means I only have a little bit longer here! Woo hoo!!

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