Tuesday, December 15, 2009



Nothing better, by the way, than Kevin and Bean this morning taking caller 20 to win tickets to both night one and night two to the Almost Acoustic Christmas. They got the guy on the line, and he was so jazzed. So Bean throws in back stage passes. The caller is over the moon, so happy. Then Bean says, “So is your time machine working?” The caller is clearly confused when Bean then says, “Well, you know the concerts were this past weekend, right?” I am so glad I was at a red light. I was dying. It was so mean, and so cold, and yet oh so very freaking funny. This guy said he has been trying to win them now for a couple weeks. If he was so excited to go, don’t you think he should know when it was????? Bravo, Bean. Bravo KROQ. Bravo to you stupid, ignorant listener. You all made my morning.

It was an interesting afternoon. I picked up the boys and sat in my living room with wild boys and wild dogs for about 15 minutes. It was crazy, but cool to see all 4 of them so happy to see me and each other. This is when it turned ugly.

Dax, who has been in full diva mode that last few weeks, broke into a whine about wanting milk with a lid. I equate this to wanting only the brown M&M’s. I explained to him I would get him some later, but that in order for it to happen, he needed to ask me politely. He grouched a bit and proceeded to say, “I want milk with a lid!” every 2 minutes in the most aggravating voice ever. Finally I turned to him and said that if he asked again, he would have to spend some time in his room.

“I want milk with a lid” he grumbled under his breath.

I promptly picked him up and took him to his room, him screaming the whole way. I set him down on his bed, where he flopped around like a fish until he was on the ground. I closed the door behind me.

I started to get out of my work clothes when I heard Bobby trying to scold Luna for her constant nips. I went into the living room and did my alpha dog routine, to which Luna promptly stopped her shenanigans. I showed Bobby that he had to be boss, but to make sure to still pet and praise Luna when she calmed down. Luna gladly let Bobby scritch her and I found myself sitting on the floor, playing with Luna and Bobby, both of whom took turns on who got to sit on my lap.

Since I was in the midst of changing, I had on my jeans, bra and socks. The bra and the socks were of great interest to Bobby. He questioned the design of the bra and commented on the hole in my sock. We then ended up sitting there and he asked me 100 questions while I answered them. His first topic was more on my socks.

“You will need to get new socks mom.”

“I know. Daddy might be able to sew these, though.”

“Where is the missing piece?”

“There isn’t something missing, they just ripped so it made the hole.”

“Oh. Well, when your feet grow, we will get you new socks.”

“But my feet will not grow anymore. I am all grown up.”

“But you are not a giant!”

“I won’t be, either.”

“I will. I am going to be a giant.”


He asked me about where Lycos came from. He asked me where Luna came from and wondered what happened to her mommy. He wanted to know why dogs don’t go on the cat tree. He wanted to know why dog licks are dog kisses. He wanted to know why cat kisses end up being head bonks. It was one of those priceless conversations that I enjoyed very much.

We opted to get up and go help Dax clean his room, since apparently in the morning it was trashed. Bobby ran into Dax’s room and told him he was there to help clean up. I was securing the dogs when Bobby came out and tells me Dax doesn’t want to clean. I went in and explained to Dax we needed to clean his room. He stomped up and down a few times, and I quietly closed the door. I told Bobby to not worry about it and that I appreciated his help and told him he could watch a show. He was quite happy to be able to pick the show without having to run it by Dax first.

I set Bobby up and then went into Dax’s room. I sat him on the bed and started talking to him, trying to find out what the deal was. He was upset, but he was ok with talking it out. I was able to lighten the mood when I noted that on his bed was every pair of underwear he owned. He had taken them out and lined them all up on the bed. So I asked him, “what’s the deal with the underwear, kid?” “I am counting them!” Seems reasonable. So we counted them, which made him super happy. I told him that if he at least put those away, that he could then finish cleaning after dinner and that he could come watch the elf show with Bobby. He was more than happy with this.

Ken got home and we had dinner. I found that I had recorded Underdog and Bobby seemed to really enjoy it. He has gotten old enough now that he likes movies that are not just animated. Also, talking animals seem to rock.

Dax got bored, which I so understand. He kept standing in front of the tv and being loud. So I told him to go get in his jammies so we could clean his room. He had a fit. I had to do another time out approach, and then I went back in to talk to him. He was just grumpy. He kicked at me, which was not cool, especially since he had tried to head butt me earlier. I didn’t appreciate the violence. Especially since what he has been doing is the thrash approach, then he knows I leave him alone, and he calms down instantly and goes back to playing. Not this time. I told him it was time to get undressed to get into his jammies. He pitched the fit, so this time, I pinned him down. Nothing bad, just kind of laid on top of him, making sure he couldn’t kick or hit me. He then just sat there and yelled.

After a couple minutes of ear piercing screams, I would ask him if he was done. If he wasn’t, he would say no, and proceed to yell some more. If he was, I would release him and we would move towards another task. We did this 2 or 3 times. Finally, he was in jammies, and I told him, he could clean, or he could go straight to bed, no story. He said bed, so I started to tuck him in. I said goodnight, and he said, “Story!!!” I explained to him the deal, so he quickly agreed to clean up his room.

In the clean up process, he calmed down significantly. He was pretty cheerful when he climbed into bed. We read a story, and when we were done, he turns to me, and says, “Mom, can you talk to me?”

“Sure, kid, what do you want to talk about.”

“I don’t know.”

“You want to tell me about your day?”


So I asked him what he did today. He told me about making stockings and trees, and then says, “Um..and what are those round things?” “Wreaths?” “No.” “Ornaments?” “YEAH!”

It was a nice talk. He was so happy to just chit chat. It made me quite happy since it means he really likes our little talks we normally have before bedtime. I also just loved that I had two wonderful conversations with my kids. You could see them growing up despite the tantrums and whining.

In addition to all of that, Luna and Lycos spend a lot of time really fighting over my attention. They were both nudging my arm so that they could get me to pet them. And when we sat down to watch HIMYM after the kids were asleep, Luna happily ran over to sleep at my feet. She likes it when I sit in my chair and cover up with my blanket. She feels that the only thing missing is puppy on feet. It is very cute. If only Monarch could get over puppy issues, because then I would be complete.

Don’t feel to bad about him. He sleeps on me all night and still is my police escort when I go to the bathroom. He also has resumed his habit of showering. Right before I get in the shower, he comes up on the edge and I cover him in some water. When he feels he is wet enough, he lets me get in and he goes and cleans himself off. I have a very clean, and very strange cat.

I should have used my straightener today. Oh well.

I am considering ducking out a smidge early here. With the boss gone, I might even be able to leave an hour or so early. It isn’t like I am super swamped today. I am just thinking of using the time to go hang out with Ken. I might just wrap some presents, too. Don’t know, yet. When I talk to Ken, I will get a better idea of his schedule. He doesn’t have classes today, but he may have a bunch of things he has to take care of. Apparently Grammie will also be at my parents’ house this afternoon at 2, so maybe we will go over early. My mom just emailed me (gotta love technology when I am now emailing my mom!) to let me know the plan. So I am thinking noon? We will see.

Nothing funnier than trying to explain to my dad the point of status updates on Facebook. In all fairness, it all does seem a little silly. Who really cares when someone just watched a good show or just had a yummy dinner? The problem is, I know I care. So to explain why you care to a guy who doesn’t even like having a cell phone, and who refuses to get call waiting on their land line, is extremely difficult. The plus side is that at least he thinks it is all funny.

My dad has taken to signing up every year for a “letter from Santa” sent to the boys. It is a form letter that has a couple of personal things you include in there. I read the letters to the boys, who don’t quite get it yet, but I am saving them since I know they will appreciate it later. This year, I am amused that my dad put in both letters for the boys to say hello to Lycos and Luna. My dad has never remembered my cats’ names. Ever. He doesn’t like cats too much. He is such a dog guy. I think that he didn’t nag me much on getting another dog because secretly he really likes Luna. He has always liked Lycos (the feeling is quite mutual. The only person Lycos likes better than my dad is Ken’s dad. You should have seen that dog try to get to Papa Brenan when they came to our house before Disneyland. She tried to jump over the couch.) and so another dog seems ok. Don’t get me wrong, he pets the cats when he is over. He is an animal person that doesn’t want to be. He grew up with cats, dogs, a skunk, etc. I know that he has it in him since all of his kids love animals. I have them, Doug has lots, and I am sure if Matt was allowed to, he would have some. I know my mom likes them fine enough, but apparently she has lost her love of them. I wonder if that is why my dad has kind of gotten away from them. My dad cried when Panda died. I still feel like that was one of the hardest things in my life that I had to experience. So I wonder if my dad doesn’t want to have to say goodbye to an animal again, or if he just doesn’t want the initial hassle of worrying about a dog.

I have it in my head now that I am leaving at noon.

It is hard to explain to someone that even though, yes, you have a great family at home, and love and happiness surrounding you that sometimes it is possible to feel alone and sad. My plan is this next year to take steps to just correct it since I am finding that bitching about it is getting me nowhere.

I don’t tend to make lists of resolutions, but I have decided to do so. Here is my list so far:

1) lose 50 pounds-I know I need to lose more than that, but I think I need to be reasonable and start slow. If I lose more, great! This one obviously includes lots of little goals like more exercise and eating better.
2) Have a party/bbq at my house where I invite more than just my parents.
3) Have a date night with Ken at least once every 2 months-This is one of those ones where once again, I think should probably happen even more, but, if I don’t set my goal to high, I will probably meet it.
4) Enroll Bobby in preschool.
5) Have a kick ass birthday party. I am turning 35, so I feel like I should really celebrate, right?

I am starting with 5. I have gobs more stuff I would like to do, but I don’t want to set myself up for failure.

I am quite pleased that Bobby uses the word “apparently” and always uses it correctly.

Would it be wrong to leave now? Yes. It is only 7:30. I can’t leave yet. The earliest I can leave is 10. Really, if I left now, I would end up not doing the things I should be doing. I need to change the oil in my car (so does Ken), I need to wrap presents. I need to clean up my bedroom more, I need to clean the kitchen (although it is Ken’s turn) and I need to do some other light chores. But I would get home, sit in front of the computer, and do nothing. Lame! I talk to Ken in about an hour and a half. I will find out his deal then.

Ok, just been texting with Ken. He only has a couple things he has to do, but I can go with him. As long as I come home after 9, I will not interfere with the kids thinking I am home for them. Is that sad? Actually, I take it as a compliment that they are that happy to see me.

Well, if I am heading out, I suppose I should post this before I go. I think right now I am targeting 9:30 ish. Especially since I have not let anyone know yet. I now need an excuse. Hmm…Ken’s car broke? That might work. I would say H1N1 dose for the boys, but I may need to use that later. Then again, I will probably do their second dose in the afternoon after work anyway, so perhaps that is the plan. We will see.

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