Thursday, December 10, 2009



I am a little bummed my rain doesn’t start up till later today. Although, I suppose it is good it isn’t raining this morning as I am going to the other building for training. But as soon as I get back it can pour.

We put up Christmas lights yesterday on the house. The boys had been really excited about it, and we figured we needed to do it before the storm. It looks good. Thank goodness Ken put in nails already so really, it was just looping it around things. It took no time at all.

What took the longest was when we made the mistake of calling over our busy body neighbor to ask him about a sign put up by another neighbor. Mike knows everything about the neighborhood. He is retired, and rides his bike around, chatting with everyone. There is a nice family on the next block that has this giant dry erase board up with a full paragraph on it. You can’t really read it when driving past. So we asked Mike. Apparently she was robbed twice in a week so she was yelling at the people who did it. Of course, Mike has theories on who did it. And of course, he had to tell us, including back stories, the entire cast of characters, and motive. It was a lot to digest. And once you get Mike started, assume you will be there a while.

I made spaghetti for dinner. Twice in fact. Sigh. I had made the sauce and was rinsing the noodles in the colander thing when Ken noticed a giant shard of glass. Turns out our new little casserole dish we had taken from the resort had broken into the mesh of the colander. So now, there was glass in the noodles. It is a good thing Ken saw it as I am pretty sure it would have been all kinds of bad if someone had digested glass. So I had to make another batch of noodles. I was annoyed. Not like there was much I could have done, but for some reason it hit me wrong.

I opened a bottle of Ménage when Ken noticed what I was doing. He had apparently gotten me a surprise. He ran out to his car and came back in with bread made by his students, and a bag of bottles. The bottles included bottles of wine he got on sale, a bottle of kosher wine, and 2 bottles of Captain Morgan’s Tattoo rum. Dude! I did not partake in the new items since Ménage is one of those ones that you can’t open unless you plan on finishing it as it doesn’t keep. So I have some yummy treats for my holiday season! I am considering bringing one of the rum bottles to my parents house on Christmas and sharing a couple drinks with my dad. Nothing says Merry Christmas like drinking with your father, right?

The boys were cranky. They were both upset, and honestly with good reason, because apparently they had spaghetti for lunch. Dax at least ate his, but Bobby did not. In fact, he went to bed with no dinner. Dax finished his and went to take his shower. Bobby complained he was hungry and I pointed out that had he not whined about it, I would have gladly made him something else due to the circumstances. I also told him if he ate something, we could heat up some hot chocolate. He got excited, but them whined that his dinner was cold. I once again told him to stop the water works and that if he said nicely that he needed me to heat it up, I could help him out. He managed to ask, and so I heated it up. Then he complained about it being heated up. He was a mess. So I calmly told him no hot chocolate. He lost it. I sent him to get cleaned, where he bitched and whined and was cranky. He seems tired. He also was hungry. He just didn’t know how to explain this. I suppose I could have given him something else, but I was sure then this fight would repeat itself nightly. My plan is tonight to make them something I know they love so that I am still the good guy. On the plus side, both went to bed with smiles, and both fell asleep quickly.

Ken didn’t sleep well. He has been coughing a lot, and then the animals decided to make the night long. Monarch, who has taken to going outside (our front screen has a hole in it that he discovered, so he has been wandering the property), opted to come back at 3 in the morning, meowing outside out window. Then, Luna decided she was thirsty. So Ken got up and got her some water. I got up a little bit later when she was whining and barking. I scolded her and told her to go her basket. She did and I presented her with more water, which made her happy. I am thinking she needs a bigger water bowl at night. I am looking forward to her being older and being able to hold her pee better. I was going to put her out when I realized the garage was open. So Ken went out and closed it (it is broken right now, and with him being taller, he can close it better). It was a furry morning.

I was a little bummed to note that my hat and scarf week would not happen since I only own 3 scarves! Instead, I am just doing my best to do the cozy look all week. I guess I am asking for scarves for Christmas. LOL!

I stopped playing 2 of my games on Facebook only to take up on another one that seems to take even more time. So sad. Whatcha gonna do, right?

I am excited for Christmas since my mom asked me for my Amazon list. This means I will be getting a couple of new books! YAY! My mom has already gone overboard for the boys. Their tree has gobs of stuff under it for the boys. I know that a lot of the little ones are discs for their new view masters that they got. This is an awesome toy, totally going with our old school theme this year. I am looking forward to this weekend where I can get some shopping done. I think I will do the small shopping, like soccer balls and stuff on my own. Then I will have Ken pick up the bikes since he will know which ones to get. I will also have him go get the web cams. I need to do a dollar tree run and a big lots run. Stockings!

Allergy girl is back today. She seems to already be mopey and requiring our attention. Thank goodness I can mostly hide in my corner.

I wish I knew what I did to my boob. My right boob has a sore spot. I think I keep sleeping on my stomach, which in turn squishes my boob. It would make sense since my neck on that side also hurts. It sucks because it is super tender. I have bumped it a couple times while at my desk and I swear, I wanted to cry it hurt so bad. Not fun.

I am off to my training this morning. I thought it was at 9:30, but in fact it is at 9. I will miss the last hour of Kevin and Bean, but I should live.

My training took like 3 minutes. I got there, he showed me where to go, and pretty much sent me on my way. It isn’t like it is hard. Although now, I am running into a problem. I find this as a business practice to be unacceptable.

So this customer of our tells us that all invoices we send them have to go electronically. If we don’t, they will charge us $25 for every paper invoice. Ok, first off, I find that rude. You can’t tell someone that you purchase from how we can bill them. Fine, whatever, let’s get them set up. So I am working on getting signed up for the web billing. I am mostly done when I see they want me to enter a credit card or bank account. What? Yes, the billing service, we have to pay for!!! Not only is there a $25 one time charge, there is a monthly processing fee of at least $35 a month (this is for 200 documents that we can transmit), and they charge you more per anything over it. Are you for real?? So we get charged money to bill them no matter what????? Fuck that! We should raise their prices. We should tack on a fee for every invoice we have to submit. This is bullshit. I don’t care how much business they do with us. For starters, their sales this year are less than half of the year before. It just seems wrong to me. Poor business practice. I know, how naïve of me, but seriously, large customers that have these requirements in order to allow us to sell to them just seems wrong to me. Especially when they already get our stuff super cheap.

Apparently we are going to pay it. Wow. It is amazing the fees and stuff we are paying. It is no wonder this country is in such a bad state. We throw credit out like it is candy, and then we charge all these silly fees for everything.

Is it bad that I don’t believe most people when they say they remember me from way back? Actually, I am pretty sure people might remember me kind of, but not to the same extent that I might remember them.

I am always pleased when there are vp’s here who know me not only by name but by face. And that they seem happy to see me. It is a testament to how long I have been around now, and how well respected I am. It makes me feel good.

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