Monday, January 25, 2010

I need to wake up!


Holy crap I am tired. This cold is not helping matters. I am quite tired of being sick.

It was a good weekend, despite the stuffy nose and exhaustion. Friday night I took the boys to my folks’ house as normal. Since it was still raining a bit off and on, I took their boots and rain ponchos. I thought they would have some fun stomping around in the rain a bit. The ponchos were way too big since they were designed for grownups, but I just tied them in the back so they had tails (which they loved). They wandered in the puddles and light rain for all of maybe 10 minutes. Then they were done. Oh well, they had 10 minutes of fun.

I updated my parents about my new anxiety medicine. They were both rather concerned at my stress levels. Once again, it was people that were unaware of how high strung I am. I must hide it well. They were concerned enough that my mom called me after I left and asked me if I wanted to go to lunch on Saturday.

So Saturday morning, I worked on cleaning things like the kitchen, which included reorganizing the pantry and party cabinet, and I did some other cleaning. I headed over to my mom’s around 11.

She and I went to lunch at Marie Calendars. It was nice to just hang out with my mom. We talked about random stuff and of course the big stuff. She mostly wanted to know what she could do to help. As of right now, the only thing she could do for me is to watch for any bad changes from the meds. I told her that for now, it was good that I could take the boys there a couple times a week since it allowed me to entertain them with minimal stress on my part. She still seemed concerned, but I think it is good to have the open communication.

I hung out with her, my dad and brother for another couple hours, and then headed home. I felt kind of bad bailing on Ken and the boys for that long. When I got home, no one seemed to mind. Bobby and Ken were playing Star Wars, and Dax was watching and playing with toys.

We then all went to Target to look at some sweats for the boys and then went to dinner at Denny’s. The boys were quite well behaved and the evening was pleasant. Of course, They pitched a huge fit when we got home when it was time for bed. Naps are a good thing and it is too bad neither of them chose to take advantage of it.

Sunday was good! We went bowling, and this was the first time without Freddie. Thank goodness! He has been suffering from some bad headaches, which my dad thinks is from high blood pressure, but Freddie is blaming it on smells. Yes, you read that right. He said my mom’s perfume is too strong. He also said the other lady who bowled on the other side of them had too much on. Mind you, my mom hardly wears any. Freddie is one who doesn’t believe in doctors and thinks he knows everything. I am not sad to see him go.

With no Freddie it meant we were back on just 2 lanes, which made it all so much more pleasant. Matt didn’t get too worked up. He had some arguments, but it was mellow. Bobby bowled just one game, Dax bowled a few frames. All in all, one of the least stressful bowling outing for me in some time.

We had considered going to Disneyland, but based on the little divas I call my sons, I suggested we not do that since they were getting too accustomed to getting fun stuff every second. Instead, we just hung out at home. We cleaned out one of the closets in Dax’s room. It had several boxes and bags of toys that needed to be gone through. There also was a box of books that we went through. We got rid of a lot of stuff. It is in a couple boxes now to get rid of.

Because of the clean closet, we were inspired. The couple boxes of Christmas stuff were put up into the attic. On a side note, the attic will be done very soon. Yie. I also worked on our bedroom. By the time we went to bed, all three bedrooms looked awesome, the kitchen was clean, the pans were fresh, a closet was organized, and a couple of things in the living room were done. Yay! I felt so productive.

Yay Facebook! I was on there dinking around when Joel Stein, my new favorite columnist, posted information on this seminar he was going to be speaking at. It is in LA on the 4th of February. It is about freelance writing and how to improve and how to get hired to do this kind of work. The speakers include Joel, a guy who wrote the book Alternadad (a book I read and really enjoyed), and another person who writes for LA Weekly. Tickets were only $25. I looked at it and though for a long time about how it would be so much fun. Finally, last night, I opted to go. So I got tickets and now I get to go! I am so happy and excited and I really can’t wait. Should be interesting all around!

I seriously am falling asleep. I know that the Nyquil is supposed to be worn off by now, but I always feel a bit foggy much of the morning after a dose the night before. I can feel that the good effects are wearing off since my nose is slowly becoming a solid mass.

Sheesh! A couple of trucks just drove past and my god, the whole building shook! It was terrifying!

I have a benefits meeting I need to go to at 8:30. The only positive about that is I get up and walk around a smidge to go over there. It means I make wake up a bit. I just hope my tired goes away for tomorrow. Although reports are nice and time consuming and my day goes by quickly. I am sure it will put me to sleep!

I found out that my parents are going out of town on the 2nd of April. This means my thoughts of having the boys stay with them overnight isn’t happening that weekend. I am thinking I will take advantage of their missing the boys for a whole week and hitting them up the following weekend.

My mom also was cool with the boys spending the weekend with them if Ken and I go to this castle wine tasting place with Andy and Scott. So that may be a summer trip.

I am in the midst of doling out relationship advice. It is much too early for this, but it is what I do. It is especially difficult in texting. I also am not sure I am very good at advice. LOL!

I had freaky high school dreams last night. I was graduating. I was at some graduation party. Lot of people there. I felt so incredibly lost. People I knew barely noticed me. I talked to people I didn’t know. A couple of important people seemed to keep disappearing. I was sad, but at the same time strangely relieved. I remember getting on a bus, driving past the Costa campus (which so was not Costa) and yelling out goodbye, and then going towards some big building that seemed to be in Vegas. It was the same building I was in before in another dream. It was like a city in a building. I went in there and was going to go towards this one place, and then I woke up. It was very odd all around.

My benefits meeting was dull and it is shocking I stayed awake. Luckily it was kind of chilly in there. The rest of my morning has been in a zoned state. It doesn’t help that I don’t end up really talking to any real people here. I may need to go and seek out conversation after lunch time just to perk up.

I am looking forward to my workout. I like the fact that the yoga stretches really help my back. I have noticed my lower back is less sore in general. My upper back is a little off, but I am thinking that is from bad posture in my chair at the computer. I speculate this because that is when it starts to really hurt. Maybe I will look for a stretch that works on that.

When is Spring? That is when I decided I will cut my hair short. That gives me a couple months to enjoy long hair and then I will chop it all. I need a change again, so my hair gets to take care of that.

I wonder how many calories are burned when you have a restless leg. And is it twice as much when you shake both legs?

Does dancing at your desk count as exercise?

I wonder if I should take the boys to the park tonight since it is supposed to rain again tomorrow.

I need to get Valentines for the boys to hand out at daycare.

I need to go to Albertsons to have Bobby look at their cakes and to get some ice cream.

I need to repaint my nails.

I need some sleep.

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