Friday, January 22, 2010

pretty blah


What a noisy morning! I came in to work to find the ginormous fan blowing into our server room. Apparently the air conditioner went out. Again. It happens quite a bit. So in order to cool the room, they have the fan on. The problem with all of this is that this fan is smack dab in the middle of our small department. It isn’t quiet. It sounds like a jet plane. But they have to do this in order to not have our computers shut down. With it being a rainy day, I wonder how much of a pain the air conditioning is going to be.

The noise is bad because taking calls is impossible with this noise. You can hardly hear yourself think, let alone speak.

Ken took Bobby to see Avatar. Bobby really enjoyed it and apparently was pretty glued to it the whole time. He got a little spooked during a couple of sequences (including the preview for Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton), but over all he liked it. I got home to them playing video games, both looking pretty pleased with their guy day.

We ate kind of early as all of us were hungry, so it gave us more time for play and a bath instead of showers for the boys. They have so much energy due to not really being able to go outside for a few days. This afternoon they will be able to get out some of it, so that will be good.

I have this stupid cold now. Since apparently Fridays are now sick days for me. Sigh. But in this instance, I am actually at work. I wish I was in bed. Although, last night I just couldn’t sleep. My throat hurt because my nose was stuffy and I was breathing through my mouth. I found comfortable spots a few times when I propped myself up a bit, but by the time I figured this out, the alarm was going off. Also, I was surprised when at about 11 I had to get up to pee. Not that getting up to pee is unusual, but normally it is one of those things where when I think about peeing, so therefore I have to pee and I better get up or I will never get comfortable. Then I end up having like no pee. But last night when I got up, it was a lot! I had not drank gobs of fluids in the evening, so I wonder what that was about. It sucked, too, since I had been warm in bed, and having to go pee that much for that long was freezing!

Thank goodness! The fan has been turned off and I can hear again!

I may have distressed my mother. I told her that I was now on the anti anxiety meds via email, and she was worried. She said we needed to find another mom/daughter day soon. I am going there tonight, so I told her I would try to fill her in as best as possible. I don’t want her to freak out about it. I mean, it isn’t like I am dying. Actually, I am feeling pretty good that I got the medicine just for the simple fact that I did something to help me. This is 100% for me and that is rare for me to do. Hopefully she sees that it is nothing bad, especially since it is being taken care of.

I really wish my nose would stop dripping. It is super irritating.

I am super excited that this weekend is plans free. Sure, we need to do stuff like cleaning, but that is minor. It is supposed to be sunny out, so the boys can stomp around outside all day and get super dirty. I have considered washing the dogs, but with more rain on the way, I think I may wait. Man, have their muddy paws done a number on my kitchen floor.

And as sad as this sounds, tonight I am looking forward to playing on Farmville. It is probably the only game left that I play that I actually really enjoy. I don’t even feel like I am going through the motions. I have weaned myself off of most of the games, and really, I spend the most time on 2, Farmville being one of them. They expanded our “farms” and now I get to decorate. It is super lame, but not much more lame than any other video game. I enjoy myself and really, isn’t that all that matters?

The rain doesn’t seem to be done, so I am happy. My morning went by at a good pace and now it is almost noon. Before I know it, I will be heading home. Woo hoo!

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