Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sick and more Sick


I am tired. I am grouchy. It was a long, long night.

The boys seemed fine when they went to bed. We had standard complaints. Dax claimed he was still hungry, despite polishing off 2 peanut butter sandwiches. Bobby said his stomach hurt, but he had been coughing pretty hard, so we thought nothing of it. I managed to get into bed at 8:30 and was dead asleep.

Then came chaos.

Ken woke me up, kind of shaking me a smidge. That first hour of sleep is the time when I am in a mini coma, so it is very hard to wake me. He mumbled something, which I think was throw up, and I followed blindly into Dax’s room. He had thrown up all over his bed and was crying. Ken pulled him from the bed and plopped him down in front of me so I could work on getting him out of his puke stained jammies. Ken got to work on salvaging any stuffed animals and pulling off the blankets and sheets.

I normally don’t gag when it comes to puke with the boys. I have even dealt with milk vomit, which is pretty freaking foul. But last night, it was peanut butter puke, which was tough.

I got Dax out of the jammies and into the tub to wash him off. He was so cold. It was sad. I got him into warm jammies and Ken got his bed back in order. He crawled back in and we hoped that was it.

Not even a little bit.

I was woken up again for more vomit and Dax. Luckily he didn’t get soaked in it this time. But his bedding was once again soiled, and we were starting to run out of more blankets. Poor kid was so tired, he was falling asleep on the floor while Ken was making his bed.

By this time I was not sleeping deep when I went back to bed. I slept the way I do when Ken isn’t home. Ken called me out and I wandered into the hallway assuming I would need to turn towards Dax’s room, but instead, it was Bobby. He had thrown up probably some time before we got in there and just had not called out. When he got up, he said he had to throw up again, so I ushered him into the bathroom, hoping we could get one puking incident into the proper receptacle. He cradled the toilet like a drunk frat boy, but never threw up. I finally convinced him to get into the shower so I could wash his hair, which was caked in the peanut butter nasty.

During his shower, I heard Ken running around, and then I heard Dax cry. Crap. Was he sick again? I peaked my head out and found out that the power had actually gone out. 3 times. Dax was scared the third time. Nothing like kicking us while we are down.

I got Bobby all dry and warm in fresh jammies when he burped and a new wave of throw up came up. Luckily we had a towel there and he managed to get it all on the towel, not on himself. Phew!

I crawled back into bed around 2:30. I slept light. A lot of that was because I heard Dax several times, who was just crying from wanting water to food. Also, the cats felt the need to start fights all night. I had to get up at 4:30.

Ken came to bed I think around 4. The boys had been settled for a while now. Ken doesn’t have classes today. He does have a dentist appt, but apparently that may not be a morning thing. I told him to call me if they seem off. I don’t want to send sick kids to daycare. I probably should have stayed home, but I guess I will just play it by ear. It is 6:30 now, and if Dax doesn’t sleep in (which he never does, even if he is exhausted), he will be up now. I am hoping Ken sends me updates.

I have some corrections to make since the chick here who annoyed the shit out of me yesterday did some of the work, and it looks like she fucked it up. I am going to work on that now and hopefully get it all done so I can walk out the door whenever.

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