Thursday, January 21, 2010

Still rockin the meds


I am getting pretty tired of being sick. Sure, this sick isn’t as bad as the flu from last week, but a cold is always annoying. Luckily, it isn’t horrible. Mostly just the sniffles.

Stephanie pointed out that while I am on meds I should make a point of writing down any symptoms I experience. This way I can track to see if I feel any different and can watch for any problems. I think this is an excellent idea. In addition to this, I am to watch for any changes in my own moods. Everything from wild mood swings to maybe no mood at all. Yes, this drug could in fact take away my anger and anxiety, yet at the same time remove the super cheerful and leave me, well, no offense Ken, but like Ken! LOL! He is almost too even tempered. I don’t know if I could function like that. I need some swings. As long as the swings are in check, I should be ok.

I may not be able to tell when I start acting different. So I am relying on friends and family. Even this blog will be a useful tool for me to see if I am changing for the better or worse. I have coworkers now paying attention to my moods. Ken is going to watch at home. People reading this will in fact have a pretty perfect insight to my head. If I get crazy, I just need to know!

As for symptoms so far, I have felt a little foggy. Now, a lot of that is lack of sleep and this pesky cold, so I don’t really know how much is the meds. But I wanted to point out that I have felt like that. I didn’t have anything really set me off yesterday, so it is hard to say if I was mellower or less stressed. I did have a raging headache most of the afternoon yesterday. It is gone right now, so we will see if it comes back. I also am super tired. Once again, this could be normal, but I want to note any of my physical and mental stuff just to have it out there. It doesn’t hurt to be overly cautious.

I did my work out yesterday, which felt good. I did so good on my step class. I only missed 2 steps! Yay! It really doesn’t matter, but it does mean I am really concentrating on my workout and having fun competing with myself.

The rain yesterday was awesome. Right after I got home, it was this woosh of crazy rain. Our backyard is a lake. Ken took the boys out in their boots to go look at Lake Brenan. I think tomorrow I will pack their boots and rain ponchos I picked up as a joke gift in their stockings, so they can run around at my parents house. I suppose I will need to pack some extra clothes, too. LOL!

I am super tired and this is bugging the heck out of me. I really need to get to bed earlier. I am just zoned out here. Probably doesn’t help that I am kind of caught up on work stuff right now. I have some general maintenance to attend to, but overall, it is a lazy day.

I need to test my will power. Someone brought chocolate cake. Dammit! It smells good, too. But I am going to be good.

You know, I have not heard of any giant travel plans for this year. How very odd. LOL! I have considered some mini ones. There is this castle that is a winery that has this cool tour with tastings and chocolate. It is in Northern California and we have discussed going with Andy and Scott. Not sure if we will end up leaving the boys with my folks or Ken’s or for how many days yet. Nothing is set in stone yet. My parents are going to the castle in March, so they are going to see if it is any good. Other than a possible castle trip, I think we are staying home most of this year.

Ken is considering taking Bobby to go see Avatar this morning. I think that he might enjoy a lot of it as it is pretty action packed, even for the full 3 hours. I just worry that he will get bored, or possibly sick from the 3D. Don’t know. I told Ken to go ahead and take him and that just be prepared that he might have to leave early. Ken has already seen the movie twice, so it isn’t like he would miss anything important. I just texted him back to tell him to go ahead and take him and have a good time.

It is fun that the boys are getting old enough to enjoy outings like movies. I need to take them to the aquarium again. Dax expressed interest in seeing real sharks. I think Ken should take them to play laser tag. They love playing the shooting games, and that would be a lot of fun. It may be time to go check out Mulligans, too. I think Dax might now be tall enough for most stuff, so we are able to do things like the go carts. I am looking forward to these family outings.

I still feel like I can be cheerful. That seems good. I know I am over analyzing all things going on with me right now. I still feel slightly foggy, almost like I had some Nyquil. Now the question, does this fog go away and can I still be witty. Hmm..

Ok, I can safely say I still get annoyed and angry. Customer just bitched me out for something our parts department fucked up on. Not cool.

In reality, though, even though I have found myself getting annoyed, I don’t feel like I am annoyed for as long. Almost like I am too tired to stay pissed. Like normall, after that call, I would have been annoyed for rest of the day. But right now, I don’t feel like that ruined my day or anything. And I have had like a list of idiot customers today. Yet I feel ok. Although, the headache is returning, which bothers me. I am going to see if some Tylenol will help.

I am listening to Itty, and going through the newly rated songs in our library. Ken went through all of them and added stars so that we could just play songs with 2, 3 or 4 plus stars depending on the mood. I have known for some time that even though Ken and I like a lot of the same kind of music, there are differences. He likes Garth Books, I like Rick Astley. I am ok with this, and even don’t mind the occasional Garth Books song now. He puts up with the Beatles for me and I tolerate Aqua. But I am drawing the line. I cannot listen to another fucking Enya song. Holy hell. I hated her when she came out with that fucking Sail Away song. It is almost worse than Amazing Grace for me. And it isn’t just Enya. There is Forest for the Trees and countless other random new age style crap spewing out of Itty. It isn’t right to torture a poor little MP3 player like that. What did he ever do to you? I know I really can’t talk. I have some music on there that just baffles Ken. Thank god we can both agree on the bulk of it. I mean, if he didn’t like Milli Vanilli, what would I do?

I feel I need to take Dax out on a Dax day. Bobby gets to do this kind of thing all the time where he goes to Ken’s work or to the movies. I know life isn’t fair, but Dax should get to do some things, too. The question is, what. He doesn’t like to sit still through anything. He just wants to run. Hell, maybe just some new park we have not been to, and if it is just Dax, he is so much easier to keep track of. The two of them at a park is chaos.

Yay rain! It is pouring again. This is very happy making. Probably not for my dogs, but hopefully Ken kept them inside. He did the other day. When he gates them in the living room, they mostly stay out of trouble.

I have kept myself busy all morning with accounts. It has been a productive day thus far. Let’s hope that the afternoon flies by. I can’t wait to hear how Bobby enjoyed the film. Boy, if Bobby ends up being a sci fi junkie like Ken, Ken will have a permanent movie buddy. Way cool.

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