Wednesday, May 19, 2010



I need to sleep. I really need sleep.

It is my fault entirely that I am so beat. I had to stay up for Glee last night. The good news is that the season is almost over so I won’t have to say up so late anymore.

My ankle still hurts.

My eye is twitching. I took a Xanax last night to see if that helped. It did. Not sure it that just means that I am under more stress or just the pill mellowed me out so that the lack of sleep turned into a very groggy person.

Kevin Smith is in studio today. How happy am I? Plus, they are going to talk to Bradley Whitford. I am still on my NPH high, so it is a good day!

Of course, I just missed the Glee-cap. But I can listen to it later, thankfully. My friend, Sunshine came and told me how she won Weenie Roast tickets, and she knew only I would understand how cool that was. I am so happy for her!!!

Bobby decided to test Ken last night. He refused to get into bed. Ken took away pretty much everything in his room. It was pretty brutal. But Bobby didn’t back down. He finally gave in, but went to bed screaming. I told him if he couldn’t handle being quiet in bed he could sleep outside. He fell asleep soon after this.

Dax is coming down with something. Between the little goop in his eyes, the sniffling and his broken out elbow, he was all kinds of out of sorts last night. That also was because instead of a show before bedtime, we watched a movie. Dax wanted to watch the Little Mermaid, so we did, and right after it was bedtime. Since it was out of routine, he broke down. It was kind of sad, actually.

That was interesting. I just talked to my coworker about illegal immigration. His family is from the Philippines. His dad came into this country by joining the military. Our government had recruitment in his country and he signed up in order to become a citizen and to have a better life in America. In fact, just about everyone in his family did this. His feeling is that his father came here legally, and even fought in Vietnam. He truly became an American. He is not a supporter of illegals. Plus, he pointed out that most Americans have never been to a third world country. He said that if we had, we would see that most countries are horrid to illegal immigrants. He said that truly, our goodwill doesn’t work both ways. It was interesting. He didn’t know where I stood on stuff, so it was cool to talk about it a little.

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