Wednesday, May 5, 2010



My ankle is not only jacked up, but now my foot. It is crazy since the last few days it has felt so much better. I sat down last night just to hang out for a moment. I wasn’t sitting on my foot, I wasn’t doing anything different. I stood up and I thought my foot was broken. It hurt that bad. Ken felt it and there seemed to be a bump and almost like I had pulled muscles. I iced it and Ken wrapped it for the night. It still hurts this morning, but I can at least walk. If it still feels this bad in a couple days, I will need to go back to the doctor. It isn’t that I am not functional, since I can manage. I just want to be able to have no pain there, and I would like to get my fat ass back on the Wii.

Aside from foot issues, I am decent this morning. I was cranky yesterday. I had folks at work being dumb all day, and then the boys were whiny and it was just taxing. I snipped at Ken, which wasn’t cool. I must have been spent. At one point, Ken tossed something at Luna’s cage to spook her since she also was whining (it was a theme at the Brenan house), but his warning to be about the toss wasn’t enough in advance. Monarch had been resting comfortably on my lap at the time, and the crash of the water bottle on the cage put his claws into my thigh. Un fun. I burst into tears. It hurt, I was a little in shock, and I think just exhaustion was in high gear.

Ken’s best friend, Aaron fucked up. Ok, it isn’t that extreme, but I am just tired of this. Ken has been friends with this guy since high school. A long ass time. Ken is the first to defend Aaron’s issues and has stood by him for everything. On Ken’s birthday, his phone rang and it was Aaron. I was pleased, assuming that Ken was getting some birthday wishes. Instead, the conversation was only work related. Mind you, Aaron knew Ken was out of town. Yet once again, it is on those days that Aaron seems to call Ken. Did he bother to just say the two simple words? Nope. Not a Happy Birthday. Not a, “Man, you are old!” Not a single word about Ken turning 40.

Sure, as we get older, birthdays are not as important. They kind of blend together and to some degree I suppose we try to forget them since maybe then we won’t age past 29. But even with no huge birthday party, it seems as though the person who is your best friend should at the very least send a text or something with well wishes.

I was pissed. I still am. So I emailed Aaron yesterday. Aaron talked to Ken several times over the weekend and on Monday, yet nothing was said. So I told him it was messed up. I didn’t bitch out as much as I probably should have, but bottom line, this is still Ken’s friend and I wasn’t going to be mega bitch.

He responded some time late last night and I got his email this morning. It went on and on about how he is bad with dates and blah blah blah. He said he would apologize to Ken and that yes, it was a dick move.

Fuck you, Aaron.

Aaron has an iPhone. Aaron has a lap top. Aaron has a calendar. I don’t give 2 cents about his lack of memory for birthdates. He has plenty of devices that are external brains. They will remember birthdays for him. They will even beep, honk, ring, yell or curse at you depending on the ring tone you so choose. If those are too hard to handle, perhaps you can spend a few bucks to have a service contact you. Or here’s a thought. You live with your folks. Maybe you can have them remind you on a few choice birthdates?

I am just tired of excuses. I am tired of the bullshit that he is too tired or too hurt or too out of his head to handle a handful of things in life. He has always been a piece of baggage in Ken’s life that I have been sensitive to. He has occasionally stepped up, but in reality, the few times he has been there for Ken, they should not have been remarkable. But since they are so few and far in between, they become amazing. How incredibly sad.

I am fiercely protective of my cave. I am not suggesting that Ken is seriously wounded by Aaron’s lack of basic friendship skills. I am not even sure he notices. I just feel as though Ken deserves better. Maybe he just is so used to this that he doesn’t have high standards. Unacceptable.

I emailed Aaron back and told him he needed to use his tools. I don’t know if that will be the last of it. I don’t even know what will happen. This is just one of those times where I needed to vent a bit about his lameness.

Ok, just got email back from Aaron. He tells me he hates kids in general. Sigh. This is a man, btw, who works with kids. This is a man who studied to be a teacher. You don’t have to guess how I now feel about this guy. I know people don’t like kids. I am ok with them. I am not asking you to like kids. I am telling you if you love me, you have to love Bobby and Dax. There are no exceptions anymore.

My feisty has been in full force this morning. I wrote my paper on illegal immigration. Not sure if it is any good, or if anyone will agree with my points. I didn’t bother to post it yet lest I piss someone off. LOL! I know, I am growing! I am making sure I don’t annoy people. I am quite pleased with my ending lines, even if they sound a little cheesy.

I am pretty sure I have done no work this morning. I suppose when I get all fired up, I have to get it out somehow. I snipped at a coworker for not reading his email fully and cced several folks. I was pissed. One of the cced even called me to make sure I was ok since it was a little out of character for me to be so pissy in email. Oh well.

We are going to Cozymel’s tonight for dinner. Yay! It is Cinco De Mayo, so what the hell, right? See, I may hate illegal immigration, but I am fine with Mexican food. I think the food has a green card. If not, I would be more than willing to marry it to get it here legally.

I am getting too feisty. I just picked a fight with my boss. Of course, as normal, he doesn’t listen to the whole argument. Whatever. I am just annoyed with the fact that no one around here wants to just do their job. This form needs his signature. It doesn’t need mine. In fact, mine is 100% useless. Yet AP brings me the form to have my boss sign it. No joke. So I take it down to him, with the poor AP guy in tow and ask the boss if he could please sign it. I then tell the boss that there is no point in me being a part of this process since I don’t count. He says he wants us as reps to check the account that this form references and to make sure the credit listed is ok to issue a check for (which is what the form is, a check request form). I point out that we have never denied these kind of requests and that if the credit was not there, the check could not issue since our system would not be able to do it so in reality his signature is just a check and balance to say he is ok with something that is always ok to do. Yet he still wants me to check it. So I then point out the credits are being issued on the wrong accounts. So the boss then says, well, is this how it always has been done? I say yes, so he says that there is no point in changing it then. Sigh. This tard is really lucky I like my job.

Since Luna has a love of balloons, I may need to get some water balloons for her. Her love of water and balloon together as one.

Luna is lucky to be alive today. Somehow, she got a hold of Ken’s last few bites of Tater Tot Casserole that his mom made him for his birthday. Ken has threatened puppy lake.

I may need to lay low the rest of the day lest I piss off the wrong person. It is always dangerous when I get like this. I really should just buckle down on work. Although, that makes me nervous since I may snip at a customer.

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