Monday, May 10, 2010

working for extra cash


I have had no time to write this morning. I am earning some extra money with these projects for my co worker. Not complaining, btw. I am excited since it allows me to pick up my lotion! Woo hoo!

We watched the movie “Everybody’s Fine” over the weekend. Good movie, but if you were expecting a feel good movie, I would get something else.

I got a Zombie Devil Duckie. I am very happy with this.

I also got Don Jose’s this weekend. Pancakes, too! Yum!!

My dogs are clean. Thank goodness. The filth that washed out of their fur was nasty. I trimmed out the dreads from Luna and both dogs now sparkle.

Dax cracked his head pretty bad on Saturday. He fell backwards on his bike and made a deafening crack on the concrete. He ended up with a golf ball sized lump on the back of his head. Luckily, with ice and Tylenol, the swelling went down by Sunday. It still is pudgy, though. Not fun for him.

My ankle is feeling better. I have been icing it every night and taking my meds. It still is sore, but not as bad. Hopefully the improvements will continue and I will feel better by Ohio.

Bobby got dressed on his own two days in a row. I will be curious if he did so this morning. I will get the report in about 30 minutes.

Ok I need to get back to work.

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