Thursday, May 20, 2010

disneyland and spoiled kids


I decided that yesterday would be a good day to go to Disneyland. Ken made sandwiches and as soon as I got home from work, the 4 of us set out.

We did have a little incident in which Dax declared that he had “wet poops”. Needless to say, we had to change his pants before we went into the park.

It turned out to be the best time and day to go ever! We headed to Space Mountain first. The boys and I headed to line while Ken stopped and got Fast Passes for Buzz Lightyear. Space Mountain must have been closed for a little while since as we followed the herd of guests, we never really had a line to wait in. The crowd was practically running we were moving so fast. We didn’t stop until we were inside the room to get on. Wait time had said 25 minutes. It took us maybe 10. It was awesome!

Bobby decided he did not care for Space Mountain. He said he didn’t like how dark it was and that he couldn’t see anything. He was much happier with Star Tours, which was our next stop. Wait time on that: 5 minutes.

The one two punch of Space Mountain and Star Tours was uncool. I was dizzy and ill. I even broke out into a sweat from feeling so icky. Of course, it probably didn’t help that I was a little hungry.

We walked across to Buzz. No wait there since we had Fast Pass. The 3 rides that we tend to do that take like 2 hours plus to go on took less than an hour. It was crazy! So we went over to Autopia. Dax shockingly did not want to drive, so I drove. We had fun, especially since once again, there wasn’t much of a wait. Don’t get me wrong, there were people there, but it just seemed to be pretty quiet.

We considered going on more rides, but I didn’t want to push our luck. We got on the train, and even managed to get on the one that faced the dinosaurs. It was crazy how our luck played out. It was time to go home.

Bobby did pitch a drama monkey fit when he was upset that we didn’t buy him anything. He declared it the “worst day ever” despite having just been at the Magic Kingdom. I told him that every time he said those words that he would go straight to bed. When we got home, he in fact went to bed.

I was very tired and after watching the duet between NPH and Mr Schuster on Glee again, I turned in. I am still so very tired. I keep sleeping odd and it hurts my lower back. I don’t know what I am doing. I need to just have a night where I conk out hard.

Since it is month end week, I have been in crazy work mode all morning. I have some other things to prep for reports next week, but I think I can get to those in a little bit. I also have my big “breakfast” with the main boss tomorrow. I still don’t know what I will wear. I had considered my pink outfit, but I made the mistake of wearing it on Monday. Oh well. I guess I will find something. I have decided to not be too professional. I want to still be me. I do a good job, and I sound pretty damn smart when I open my mouth, so I think it will be fun to show that I rock no matter the package.

I have been busy busy at work this morning. I suppose that is what happens when you are covering for someone at work who is out for 2 weeks. I don’t mind too much.

Apparently the boys were dreadful this morning, causing gobs of punishment. It is time to lay down the law. I am thinking of stripping down their rooms to the bare minimum of possessions. Plus, I think that they are lasing out about something else, so I need to figure out what that is. It could be lack of routine (which of course will only make things worse next week) and maybe just slightly spoiled things. We have considered chore charts for some time, but they never seem to work with our busy schedule. Well, times are changing. What with school and soccer coming up, and the possibility of pre-K, we need to establish some things. When I was a kid, we didn’t go places all the time. I need to make things more uniform, including after school/daycare chores. Bootcamp!

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