Monday, May 17, 2010

lots of weekend


What a weekend.

It started on Friday with gobs of activity. I got home from work and retrieved the children. Before I headed out, I converted Dax’s car seat. YAY! That’s right, my boys now are in boosters. Woo hoo! It is amazing how much nicer that is.

Ken dropped the three of us off at my parents’ house where we played for a couple of hours. When Ken got back, we headed to the first of our Bobby adventures. We opted to go to Fantastic Sams.

Bobby was still ok with the whole thing until he got to the chair. He flipped out. He thought it would hurt. It didn’t help, either, that the lady planned on using the electric clippers right out of the gate. Bobby flipped out. We worked towards calming him, which took a bit. Finally, the hair cut lady decided to go ahead and use real scissors instead. This didn’t make Bobby scared, so he calmed down. We got him a lollipop and watched the hair fly.

Man, that kid had a lot of hair. You don’t realize it until it is in various piles on the floor. He was fine during all of the cutting. It was a little upsetting to me to watch him have all his beautiful hair cut, but I also knew that it would be good for him this summer.

I was super pissed as the haircut broad who said a couple of times to Bobby, “Oh, this is more of a boys’ cut.” Look, bitch, don’t give my son a fucking complex about long hair. Thankfully, Bobby wasn’t listening to her at all since he was memorized by his changing look and was content with his lollipop.

He looks more grownup now. I like it, but it is bittersweet. I like that I can see his eyes more, but I miss the beautiful hair.

After the cut, we went to sign him up for soccer. That was crazy just since here I was as the parent in this event, not the player. Very exciting! We went to Adams Middle School’s playground, which in itself was flashbacks to my youth. It was crazy.

We got home and put the boys to bed and I headed out with Stephanie to the Redondo Pier. We had dinner at El Torrito and then went to Killkenny’s for the evening. It was moderately crowded. We found a couple of Stephanie’s friends in a booth near the stage, so we hung out there for the evening. We saw three bands play, including her friend Dave’s band. We saw one band called the Floaters, which aside from the horrible band name, were not bad. Special C came on next and I was quite impressed with them. Very reggae like. I enjoyed that. After them was Dave’s band, Flith E .A lot more punk than the prior two bands. I really liked them. They seemed unhappy with their own performance, but I liked it quite a bit.

The crowd was kind of interesting fun. Obviously there were some regulars and they all seemed like cool people. Very mellow and even in their rocking out, it was cool. One of Stephanie’s friends who showed up unexpectedly was super wasted. She kept slamming into me to hug and hold on to Stephanie. Normally I would have been annoyed, but I was actually fine with her. She seemed so incredibly harmless, like she wasn’t normally a bitch or anything, just had a few too many to drink. LOL! She apologized to me a few times, and I found it all super funny.

Stephanie’s friends were sweethearts. Dave was very nice, asking me about how Ken’s business was doing. Her friend, Rick was awesome. I loved that they asked Stephanie about Sabrina and were very genuine in their affection for her. Here these were, rocking guys and they still dug kids. I love that!! Plus, they were so nice to me, so big points all around.

I woke up Saturday morning to the boys discussing the plan to get dressed to get a prize. It was way too early! LOL!!

The morning was spent working in the attic and going through boxes. I went through baby clothes and now have 4 bags of clothing to get rid of. I kept the outfits that I love and would want to use on a potential future child. I got rid of the rest since most of it was nothing great. I had so much!!! We had considered getting rid of the double stroller, but Ken was being practical and said let’s wait until we decide on the kid thing since I could always end up with twins. But we got rid of crap loads of stuff that even if we had another kid, I wouldn’t use.

My house is in super clutter mode, but it is a happy clutter since most of it is going out on our lawn come Saturday.

While we worked on this, you could see Bobby getting lethargic. He had been coughing and stuffy, but this was the first time he seemed out of it. He had a bit of a fever so he just vegged out a bit. We ended up going outside in the afternoon to watch the fly overs for the Armed Forces Day Parade. They played in the water since it was crazy hot out. Bobby seemed a little better, but the Tylenol we had given seemed to wear off.

He didn’t eat much lunch and no dinner. He had a fever of about 101. We got him some more Tylenol and got him to bed. Both boys fell asleep hard, which was good. I had asked Bobby before bed if he wanted to still try to go bowling, and he said yes, so that was the plan.

Ken and I watched the Hurt Locker, which was quite good. We had been putting it off for some time, but I was pleasantly surprised at it. Not sure if it was best picture quality, but a good film.

I fell asleep maybe 10 minutes before being woke up to Bobby upset. He said he felt like he had to throw up. We got him in the bathroom where he cradled the toilet. He never threw up, thankfully, but he was feverish. He actually kind of fell asleep over the toilet. We got him to drink some milk and water and got him back to bed, where he slept until 8 in the morning.

He had the fever part of the day Sunday. But he drank gobs of juice and water, which helped. I had him resting on the couch in the morning and had cold cloths on his head for a while.

He kept telling me, “Mom, I hate being sick. This isn’t fun.” Poor kid.

We went over to my parents’ house since he was pretty restless in his sick. Ken once again dropped us off (he had to go to a birthday party) and we hung out there for a couple hours. Bobby actually ate something, which was cool. They played and had a good time and I could see that he was feeling gobs better. Still tired, but better.

After Ken picked us up, we had a couple of errands to run and then we took the boys over to the military exhibit at the mall from the parade stuff. We got there when they were wrapping up, but they liked it. Plus, we got to watch the helicopters take off, which they really liked. Although, I think Ken liked that part more.

The evening was spent at the grocery store and then going home to BBQ dinner. I had some Morgan’s and coke and then all of the sudden didn’t feel great. I had to lie down for 10 minutes or so. It was odd. I didn’t feel drunk or even sick to my stomach. I just felt wrong. I was fine afterwards. I think it was dehydration since I had been out in the sun quite a bit and was tired. So then you add booze to that and you get faint.

Luna ate Bobby’s cupcake, which sucked. Poor kid was devastated. Luckily, he perked up with a banana, and both once again fell asleep quickly. It meant I could go to bed early. I think I was asleep by 8:30.

I couldn’t sleep well last night. My back hurt, which I think I messed up in all the box moving. I also had funky dreams, most of which I can’t remember, but I do know that Neil Patrick Harris was in them.

My good bra died. Although it died in a way I didn’t expect. The underwire decided to pip through the top. Grrr. Ken is going to try to stitch it. It sucks since I now realize why I wore that bra with this dress I am wearing.

I think I may cut my hair before Ohio so that it is less of a pain to deal with.

Oh, yes, Ohio is still on. Ken told me to not worry and that we have it all covered. He is worried that I am making excuses to not go. Not sure how right he is. I am worried about money still, but he said this trip is covered so to not stress. I will try to not freak out over the next 2 weeks. I leave next Friday!!

I am excited. I obtained two new bibles on Sunday. One belonged to my dad, which was inscribed with Tommy instead of Tom, which cracked me up. And the other was my mom’s when she was young. I have Ken’s old bible and of course the stack of ones we get from every trip. I am hoping some day to have an entire bookshelf of bibles. It will be a cool conversation piece.

Dax has decided “Damn” is his favorite word of all time. I don’t mind, since let’s face it, “Dammit” is one of mine. He walks around going, “Damn!” or “Oh Damn” just constantly. I considered correcting him, but I have a feeling it is a phase and not worth making a big deal about. He is also young enough that he can kind of get away with it. He tried to say “Shit” and that is where I did tell him that it would probably be best to not say that. He asked why and I told him it was a grownup word. He then said, “So I can say it when I can wear my Bumblebee shirt?” The shirt he was referring to was one that we got while yard sailing which will clearly not fit him for several years. I told him that this was a reasonable time frame and he was content with this.

I should make cupcakes or something for this Saturday. I can sell those, too. I figure we have gobs of cheap ass cake mix. Might be an extra couple bucks!

My hair is really unhappy with me today. It senses its impending doom. It knows it will be cut soon. Either that or I just needed to wash it this morning. Plus, I didn’t dry it. I am doing a very natural look today. Lighter makeup than normal and the funky hair. I just printed out some hair styles I am considering.

I just found out an old friend of mine is having a baby any day. So cute! Congrats to her!

I should work on this small project.

My left eye keeps twitching odd with muscle spasms. It is annoying me.

My last ankle pill was taken last night. We will see how my ankle feels this next week!

Bobby only has daycare for the next 2 weeks. Wow.

Ken made the boys cupcakes this morning since Bobby’s was eaten last night. They will be quite pleased this evening when they get home.

Rain?? What the hell? I have to make sure my yard is ready.

I am sleepy.

My parents got caller ID. This is not good for the likes of telemarketers. A survey company called while I was there, and my dad promptly said hello to their company. He then proceeded to tell them that he had a survey for them, including such questions as whether or not they preferred red or green apples. I could tell based on my dad’s responses that they were not sure what to do with this guy. My dad also responded to the idea that he was a list with mock outrage and contempt. It was awesome. Finally, I believe the poor person on the other end gave up and may very well have taken my dad’s name from their database.

How did I not ever play with iGoogle themes before????

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