Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Friday (do not sing the song now)


The weekend looks to be pretty active.

We have visits with my aunt and Aaron, not at the same time. The boys have a birthday party with neighbor boy on Sunday, and that morning we are hitting up D-Land. The thing I look most forward to is getting home tonight and being able to sleep until 7 tomorrow. YAY!

The kittens are doing great. Ken spent time with them yesterday while I was at work. When I got home, I spent time with them, too. I was even able to spend time petting Mama with only one or two hisses in the beginning. She even let me take her babies from her with no fight. It was good!

At least two have some eye openings. They look healthy, but I think could use a little more meat on their bones. Luckily, their mother is now eating well, so this should help her milk and in turn make them some healthy kittens.

Socializing should go well. The boys are still super jazzed about them. The dogs could hardly contain themselves.

Lots of random dreams. I am frustrated that I don’t remember them well. I know that it was filled with people that I don’t really hang with. Facebook has apparently given me a whole new cast of characters to work with when I am sleeping.

There are days in which it is a struggle to stay at work. I would love nothing more than to go home and crawl into bed. Then again, I know I would not be able to relax.

Ladies, as much as I highly endorse the Mireena IUD for all of your anti reproductive needs, please note that although, yes, your periods do virtually disappear, they do go somewhere. There appears to be some kind of pouch in your body that stores all of the yuck, hormones and other various side effects of standard monthlies. Said pouch will empty upon removal of birth control device.

Oh! Memory of one creepy aspect of dream. Andy Mckeegan was there. He was a stalker. He was creepy beyond words. Gives me chills!

It is interesting listening to Jesse James on the radio. I kind of feel sorry for him. Don’t get me wrong, the dude fucked up in his cheating on Sandra, but that being said, to have so many people to them take your pictures and call you a Nazi in front of your kids, it seems like the line has been crossed. Celebrities are human, just like us. They make mistakes. They cheat on their spouses, just like normal people do. A lot of them also work hard at their jobs, like normal people do. They have kids, like normal people do. Yet if some dude cheated on his wife on my block, I guarantee I would not know about it. There would be no paparazzi, there would be no insults flung in front of their kids. It all just seems so very sad that we as a society are so quick to judge. I am guilty of it, too, btw. I certainly don’t exclude myself. I don’t like a lot of celebrities for some pretty stupid reasons. Of course, I also don’t like certain normal people for some pretty stupid reasons. LOL!!

I am using Facebook for a good cause! The company we get our bounce houses from has some contest for folks to like a picture of us enjoying their product. I am hoping I can get lots of likes because it could mean a free bounce house rental!! YAY!

I am such a dork. I just passed a co worker in the hallway who told me my dress was nice. It was a guy. I swear, I get all giddy and giggly stupid. LOL!!

Is it just me or does it seem super rude to contest a will? I mean, when someone dies, they truly don’t owe you anything. If they were asshole enough to leave their entire fortune to some whore they met in Vegas or all to the dog, who are we to tell them that they are wrong? If it is truly one person’s money, they it is theirs to do with as they choose. Example-my horrid evil grandmother decided to put her Florida time share in her daughter’s name when she was alive. This meant that when she kicked the bucket, my aunt got the time share, and her siblings did not get a piece of it. As my dad pointed out, this woman was evil. Who is it for anyone to say a damn thing about it? Look at Anna Nicole Smith. I firmly believe that she was entitled to that old man’s entire estate. No not because she touched his dingle. She gets it because he was happy with her, and he wanted to do this for her. Crazy or not, someone helped him make this will. Where was his family when he was alive? People don’t just do these things to spite their family unless they are pretty hateable (dead dude or family can be the hated one in this scenario). I bring this up since of course I was watching my stories (AKA 90210) and the pretty clear next plot line involves some old broad who Annie befriends and works for, makes her final days wonderful, and old broad ends up leaving all her riches to Annie. Daughter is pissed. Well, looky here, daughter. Where the fuck were you when old broad was sick? Anywhoo, I know this is fiction, but sometimes it is an interesting thing. I know wills are contested all the time. It just seems wrong to me. It seems to be done in poor taste. My old, dead relatives owe me nothing. My parents owe me nothing at this point. They fed, clothed and housed me for 18 years. Their debt to me is done. I might not like all the decisions in some wills. But it isn’t my place to say.

Sorry, random!!

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