Monday, May 9, 2011

Mom's day weekend


I feel sleepy. It was a weekend lacking in sleep.

Ok, I know I slept some Friday night, but Saturday night, holy fuck. Between sprinklers randomly turning on, cats scratching at the screen door, neighbor dog yapping all night, cramps and other period related nonsense, have I mentioned the fucking yappy dog, and just not getting comfortable, I was not getting sleep. I would love to sleep for a day.

Friday night was a lot of fun. Stephanie and I left the children with Ken and we went out to Conner’s house for dinner with he and Nadja. After some initial threats of sushi (LOL!), we settled on going to the Waffle.

It was a cute little place, with breakfast and cocktails available, which is pretty much what awesome is. I did not drink, as I was exhausted, but instead enjoyed ice cold milk with my yummy food. The biggest disappointment of the food was actually the waffle, which was not as tasty as I had hoped.

Stephanie was quite obsessed with having Conner order the sticky bun waffles, which he eventually did to our amusement and delight. It was a shame I was so stuffed since I am sure I could have eaten way more of it.

We were incredibly confused at the fact that a breakfast place was out of eggs. This made no freaking sense. They seemed to be lacking in several things, including sense when many of the simply substitutions had “up charges”. All in all, though, the waiter was adorable and for some reason I was not upset when he delivered the news. Granted, he made points when he got me more milk.

I was happy for the evening, too, since I got to see Mil, even if only for a few minutes. I adore her.

Nadja apparently has a similar death and old Hollywood fascination that I have. I see possible cemetery visit in my future?

It was nice going with Stephanie. I was not nearly as self conscious with them as I would normally be. She kind of boosted my confidence in a lot of ways. I was quite grateful.

Saturday was Free Comic Book Day! We got in line around 11:30 for a noon start time. There would be free comics that were Star Wars, Avitar-The Last Airbender, Mickey Mouse, and other fun titles. I was a little concerned that the wait would suck, but there were storm troopers, an R4 unit, and other costumed awesomeness. Chris came down, too, so we got to hang out and have a lot of fun. We got out of there around 1.

We went to lunch at Fatburger. Wow, super yummy! I enjoyed the sign outside the place which said, “Attention Carnivores: Fatburger’s this way. Attention Vegetarians: Hey look, a tree!” Awesome!

The rest of the day was pretty mellow, which was nice. We played with the dogs and boys out back, which is one of those things that always makes me happy. The total chaos of pups and boys running after various items, just barely missing one another, and the total joy on all of their faces make these times precious.

Sunday morning I got up around 6. Since I could not sleep from all the previously stated items (fucking yappy dog), I figured I might as well start my day. I had not planned on being ready to go so early, which only caused a lot of tension from the boys when they got up.

We headed out to Grammie’s around 9. When we got there, we checked out the new pool, which is still in construction mode. We also got to see the new bathroom they were working on and the wall they put in where one of the sliding glass doors was. They did a good job, but removing the glass door kind of took away some of the 70’s vibe I enjoyed about the place.

Grammie was a bit clingy. She went on and on about my mother and aunt needing to spend more time together. I knew that my mom had been frustrated at her family’s lack of consideration when things like holidays were celebrated. This specifically stemmed from their tardiness the last times my mom hosted. She was frustrated that on one day, family didn’t seem to feel the need to gather in a more timely fashion. I understand her frustration. It is how I get with the Brenans. LOL!

Either way, my mom doesn’t hate her sister. She gets along just fine with Jo, and truly, there is no real problems. At least I think that is what my mom thinks. Grammie seems to think there are issues. I worry that Jo is venting to her mother, and now she has taken Jo’s side on things. I can assure you, this will not make things better.

I also get the impression that there is a lot of defense of my cousins and their children. I was joking about the idea that my kids are cuter than anyone else’s. Jo was quick to defend my cousin, Grant’s three kids. Jo seems to have suddenly started going to all cousin events. She is going with Grammie to my other cousin Billy J’s wedding, which is surprising. It is like she is becoming a mini Grammie and I am not sure how I feel about that.

However, Jo did seem thrilled that I decorate Christmas cookies and Easter eggs the way they do. I have been invited to next year’s decorating party/competition. I think this also inspired my mother into coming. So I suppose this is a good thing. Jo was impressed with the eggs I did this year, and she loved my Christmas cookie, so yay!

I can tell you, when I hang out with them for a while, I really get to missing Robbie.

Granddaddy, too. I really wish he had been able to meet the boys. He would have gotten a kick of them.

Bobby amazed this shit out of me with his analogy on Friday. He was telling me all about his field trip, which included him telling me all about how trash is evil and how it should not be in the ocean and how it kills fish. Dax chimes in and asked if it kills the fish like the dinosaurs. Bobby tells Dax that the dinosaurs died from a comet. He then tells Dax to think of the trash as a comet that hits the ocean and how it can kill all the fish in the same way the comet killed the dinosaurs. I was so freaking impressed!

My project this week is operation playroom. I am tired of that room on so many levels. My closet needs help, which will be super happy with the addition of this wardrobe. I need to make room for that, which is part of the reason for clean up. Plus, I am thinking there are many toys that are not used a lot that can be removed. I want a giant container of Lego. I want a giant container of Playmobile. These will be ones that can be closed. The rest of the stuff should go in the drawers. I want to clean out both the closets, too. There are costumes that need to go. It is a long project, for sure. But I think it is worth it. Besides, if I get pregnant, I will need a nice room for the baby.

I think I am going to have the boys do homework even during the summer.

I want to learn how to use chopsticks.

I have discovered a new appreciation for Fleetwood Mac. I had always assumed that the only songs they did were sung by Stevie Nicks. After Glee covered an entire album from them this last week, I was educated to all the songs they do, including several I have always been fond of.

I had a dream in which someone was driving the Dodge Dart and had parked it in front of Blockbuster. I somehow worked there again, as did every person I knew who ever worked there. We all showed up around the same time. I looked at the Dart, amused, and Greg then says to me, “fond memories?” I laughed and said, it isn’t so much that they are fond as they are amusing. He laughed. It was funny!

I think my head got fat.

My parents are watching the boys on the 20th. Super random, really. The boys asked my mom when they could sleep over again, and she said the 20th, so they will stay there on that Friday night. Ken and I are talking about going up to this new restaurant/brewery up in Old Torrance for dinner that night.

I like the name Jinx.

Aaron’s phone was confiscated at rehab. I am not surprised. He was not supposed to have it, despite what he said. He was saying over the weekend that he wanted to get out early, yet yesterday he told Ken that he would stick it out. I am so glad we watched Celebrity Rehab. Aaron has done so many of the things we watched other patients do. It is crazy! It makes me glad he is in the facility and I truly hope that he embraces this program.

If I get pregnant, I think I want to get a bunch of maxi dresses and flowy skirts. I want to be all hippie like. Yeah, cause that is what I am supposed to worry about if I get pregnant.

I wonder who will get to be in the room with us.

I helped get a home for John’s puppy. I am all proud! His friend has some 9 month olds, too, so he is going to send me their pictures and I am going to post them on Facebook for him. Who knows, I may be able to find a home for more of them!

The other bad thing about Grammie is that she showed me a picture she found of her and her dad. She showed it to me a year ago, and it may have gone home with me. It may not have. Either way, she thinks I have it, and I honestly don’t know where it is if I do. She asked me for this picture back yesterday, which sucks since I hate to tell her I lost it. Although, honestly, I don’t know that I took it home, which means it ended up at my folks house. This would be ok, because I can go through their photo chest tomorrow to see if it is there. I will search my end today, and if I can’t find it, then I guess I can tell Grammie she may have taken it with her on that day. Pressure!

I apparently amused all of IT with my computer doesn’t work blog rant. LOL! Sounds like I will get a new computer soon!!!

Ok, I need to work.

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