Monday, July 25, 2011

Daniel is visiting and Lycos can swim again


It has been a busy weekend.

Friday morning was really my time. I went and got my blood work done, which was mostly a lot of sitting around waiting for my turn. Plus, the guy who was supposed to collect my blood was clearly unsure what to do with me, so he got someone else to help, who was awesome.

After I left, I got some food and went to Target. There is something to be said about shopping Target alone when you are accustomed to shopping with kids and husband in tow. I took my time and managed to only forget one thing on my list, which isn’t too bad.

To be honest, though, it was kind of boring. I went home and tried to relax, but was unable to. I tried watching a couple of episodes of Doogie Howser, which were btw, AWESOME, but I just couldn’t sit there. I opted to go down to the school where Ken was.

I ended up helping out down there, which was actually good. I had people to chit chat with and I felt useful. The boys were pretty jazzed, too.

The boys and I left around 3 and went to my folks’ house. We ended up hanging out there until almost 5:30. My parents and I actually hung out more than they did with the boys. Always nice to be able to catch up.

We got to the AdventurePlex around 5:45. I think we were the first ones there for the Facebook Fan appreciation night. There were other kids, a few drop offs for Parents’ Night Out. But even as things got rolling, it wasn’t a crazy crowd. It was actually a good number since the kids had lots of room to play. Dax’s friend Ashley was there, and Stephanie and Dave brought Sabrina. The kids were in heaven!

Saturday was my day of prep. Daniel was coming on Sunday morning, so we needed to have the house ready for a guest for a week and a half. I cleaned the crap out of the playroom, including treating it with flea powder. I did a lot of work on the living room, including getting some stuff up into the attic. In reality, that was all Ken. He also had to clean up a backed up drain that flooded the bathroom. Not fun. Although on the plus side, it needed a good scrub down.

The house was sparkling. We also did some much needed grocery shopping. This is where I freaked out.

My stomach started having similar pains to when I first have the diverticulitis. I found myself holed up in the Ralph’s bathroom on 2 different occasions, constantly feeling icky and faint and sweaty. On top of that, I noted more blood in my stool. I was convinced I would end up having to go back on the damn meds. I picked up some of the fiber powder, hoping that if I started taking this that it would help.

I felt better Saturday night, but I still felt weak and icky. We watched Jumanji with the boys, and all the while, in the back of my head, I was sure I was dying. I had a full dose of fiber in my instant breakfast (I didn’t really want dinner) and it tasted fine, thankfully. I crawled into bed pretty early.

Sunday morning, I felt better. I had some Rice Krispies (holy fuck, yum) and started work on my big task for that morning.

We had gotten some flea stuff for all the critters, but none of it seemed to be working. Ken went out and got a flea dip shampoo and I set in to bathe them all. The dogs were bathed together in the tub. They were the easy ones, even though poor Lycos could not manage to stand in the tub. The flea blood that ran out of the fur into the drain was very sad.

I then set out to dip the cats. Monarch made sounds like, as Bobby put it, “a choking bird”. IO wasn’t much better. It was especially trying since it takes you figure 5 minutes to get them lathered up. But you can’t just rinse them. You have to now wait 8 minutes. Then you can rinse. It is a lengthy process. Especially with 4 kitties.

As if working with the mammals wasn’t enough, we also had to treat Hal again with his mite spray. Thankfully that isn’t as chaotic. But I was pretty done with this whole cleaning animals thing.

Ken went and got Daniel and they brought back lunch. Daniel is quiet, and I feel bad since I really don’t know how to entertain a quiet 20 year old. We ended up all going on a field trip to Culver City to get some gaffers tape for Ken’s class. It allowed us to drive past the beach for him and even by his mom’s old house where she grew up in. Thinking about it now, we should have gone to Westchester, too. Oh well, perhaps later this week.

After this outing, Ken sent me out to go get new bras since I was needing a new one. Bra shopping is a pain in the ass. I am tempted to just order them online next time since the catalog has the bras I like, and the sizes I need. Thankfully I seem to have gotten two ok ones.

We made BQQ hamburgers and rice a roni. Daniel seemed to enjoy it, so yay us! I also made some brownies, which I am sure the boys will be pissed when they find out I brought the remaining couple to work with me. Oh well.

Daniel will go to work with Ken this week. There is lots of Lego sorting to be done. This will be good. Also, McCloud is Daniel’s age, and I think they will hit it off quite well. Hopefully that makes the whole time lots of fun.

Friday night is still Ken and my date night. We have tickets for the 7:15 Cowboys and Aliens show at Archlight. We are also doing dinner with a gift card we have for Lucille’s BBQ. Yum! Papa Brenan may end up staying the weekend, so he and Daniel can hang out Friday night since the boys will be going to my parents’ house for the night. Sunday we are all planning on a Disneyland outing.

I am sleepy, and am considering a cup of coffee this morning, but I am trying to be good and stick to my water. I had another light breakfast and have my snacks all planned out. I am working on being better about my food intake. I hope it gets easier soon.

Ken talked to Dr. Steinam and it turns out there are some supplements that Lycos can take. Plus, he really loved that she likes swimming since he said that will actually help as long as we monitor how long she is in there. He said only do it every other day, and don’t let her swim till she collapses. I know Lycos will be happy with this news.

Ok, time to get some work done.

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