Tuesday, July 26, 2011



Well good morning to you, too, Doctor House. Thank you so very much for paying me a much overdue visit in my dreams. I am happy to see your leg is feeling better. I promise I will catch up on your saga very soon. If this is a new way to advertise your show, I very much so approve. Even though our mutual attraction came together in order for you to get out frustrations towards that other doctor, I am beyond ok with it. It was a fun episode to say the least, and I am glad I got to be a part of it.

I am still recovering from my nighttime romp with Dr. House. I am half asleep. I don’t know that it is the good doctor’s fault. If anything, he only made the bit of sleep I got wonderful. In reality, it was the dose of NyQuil I took last night when I couldn’t stop coughing. I took it close to 8:30, so I think it is still messing with me. I am rocking a cup of green tea hoping to shake me out of it.

The reports I need to be working on are missing data so I have to probably wait until tomorrow to work on them. It makes me wish I was home, sleeping.

I had a hell of a day at the doctor’s office, too. Perhaps that is why one of my favorite fictional ones stopped by in my dreams. I went down to talk to Dr. O’Bryan to discuss my test results from my blood work done on Friday.

Many of my levels were elevated. She said that the one she is most concerned with is the blood sugar. This of course is what would lead to diabetes. She said that at this point, though, we can nip it in the bud. She wants to see me lose some pounds and that should help everything. We have a plan, too.

Currently I have started taking my fiber supplement. It isn’t bad, and I figure if I can do the 3 teaspoons a day, it will help. She was quite pleased with this. She has also put me on some kind of light diabetes medicine. She said this will help stabilize everything, and actually help me lose some weight. I am also to make sure I am taking my fish oil meds. She has also put in for me to meet with a dietician.

She was very impressed with how calm I was about the whole thing. I told her I kind of knew this day was coming. I have been incredibly unhealthy for a while now, and it was just a matter of time before my body started to reject how poorly I have treated it. I had even told the boys on the way to the doc that they would need to help me be healthier. They were quite jazzed.

The only real issue with the appointment was that I had the boys and no Ken. Ken was with Daniel and Aaron at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery seeing a screening of “The Captains”. Of course, it was the one time I could have used a hand.

Thankfully the boys were incredibly well behaved. They had to go play in Dr. O’Bryans’ office while I had an EKG. I assumed they would come back for my blood work, but they ended up staying in there, which worked out better based on how long it took for them to poke me.

I had 3 different nurses, 3 pokes, with two of them including the slide search technique. We finally settled on a vein on my index finger. It wasn’t comfortable. I also had a shot for pneumonia? I think that is what they said. My last test was peeing in a cup, which is always a challenge. I am always so sure I am going to end up spilling it.

It sucks being this beat. I plan on going to bed early even though I should be entertaining.

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