Monday, July 11, 2011

Slurpee Day


Happy Slurpee Day!

I feel pretty good today. I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night and despite waking up around 11:30 for a bit, I slept well. Pretty good considering that I had no help from any meds.

Speaking of meds, I need to get some fiber. I also need some of that good bacteria stuff back in my body. I also need some calcium and potassium. I had some leg cramps Sunday morning. I have always gotten those, but they were a little worse than normal. Having not taken any of my potassium pills during the antibiotics 10 day cycle, I may be a little low.

Today starts my first day of free time for Gena. I still get home at 1:30, but since the boys have class until like 4:45. This means Ken and the boys will not get home until close to 5:30. Holy free time, Batman! The first line of business is housework. Today will be that task. I am pretty sure that will take my afternoon. Tomorrow? Hmmm..not sure what the plan is yet. Perhaps a day of picture organizing? Depending on the weather, maybe Luna and I will go on an adventure. I know that I need to groom the dogs, so I may take Luna to do that next week. Don’t know yet. I have two weeks of this ahead of me, so I have my pick of activities.

I will be working on phase two of “make the playroom less of a hole”. I think I will be getting rid of their little table since it is pretty thrashed and they don’t use it now. It just takes up space. Sure, there is always the “but what if I have another kid” argument for keeping some of this stuff. Yes, it is true that since I have an expiration date for this, I could wait another year to do all of this. But I think that it would be better to get rid of stuff that would probably be replaced anyway if I had another child. Besides, if another kid is in the works, that room will have to be redone for their bed/crib.

Sandra asked me to send her any photos I might have of Doug as some of his childhood friends were hoping for some reason pics. I gladly sent them, and even came across some video of him playing with the boys. That is very cool. I wish I had taken more pictures. Yes, I sent her a bunch, but still. It would have been good to have even more.

My head is not in work today. I am anxious to get home and work on some projects.

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