Tuesday, February 7, 2012



Hee hee! Ken borrowed my dad’s bike yesterday and this allowed Ken, myself and the boys to ride bikes up to Lowe’s to pick up a part for our faucet. It was a fun outing. The boys still need practice on their bikes. They mostly use scooters when we go places, so they don’t quite have the skills sharpened for bike riding. Ken thinks we should take off the training wheels and let them practice without them. I can see this being good, but sadly we don’t really have a good spot for them to practice. I may need to take them and the bikes to my parents’ house and let them use the driveway.

Even though they both took a couple of nasty spills, they still enjoyed the ride, and especially loved us riding bikes as a family. It felt so good being on a bike again, and I look forward to more rides. We are hoping to hit up the strand soon. I just want them to get a bit more practice under their belt before we go to such a crowded venue.

All of this means that we need to get Ken his own bike soon and then we can go on more and more rides. I also need to get a bike rack for the car.

I am also considering trying to ride to my work on a weekend some time to see how long it takes and how hard it is.

We all watched Beetlejuice last night, which was a lot of fun. The boys were entranced, which was happy making since it meant they were really starting to enjoy movies that are not just cartoons or fighting robots.

Bobby has apparently been going on and on in class about how excited he is for Friday. Mrs. Kelly asked Ken yesterday if it was his birthday. In reality, it is Star Wars day, and we are taking the kids to see Phantom Menace in 3D.

Sometimes being a crazy Gemini is not fun. As much as I love being alone here at work, I also hate it. I feel so isolated at times. On the other hand, it is cool to not have to deal with anyone. Maybe if I just had people here that I would like to deal with on a more regular basis. Not saying the people in my department suck, btw. I just don’t know what else to talk about with them at times.

I am not a super hero movie watching chick normally, but holy fuck, The Avengers looks awesome.

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