Monday, February 27, 2012

He is getting so grown up!


I had not planned on a blog entry today. I have sitting next to me an entire stack of branches that need to be set up. No, not my standard work load, but because I am awesome times 12, I offered/was volunteered to help out my coworker. The only good thing about this is that it will keep my week focused being that it looks to be another busy week in the Brenan household.

Bobby’s party went without a hitch. He and I worked on cleaning the house in the morning while Ken and Dax did some running around to pick up things. It was a good gathering, especially since it was small. Sabrina and the Machado twins were a good guest list for the likes of the Brenan boys.

I did enjoy Bobby’s clear pride in being the older of the set. At one point, while Dax and Sabrina were playing in a cardboard box he and I had put outside for just this purpose, Bobby announces, “I knew the box would be good for the kids.”

The clues game was fun, despite the 5 year olds all getting slightly frustrated at the lack of being the first to find each clue. Even with their issues, they all seemed to enjoy it.

Bobby was thrilled with his bike and took to it quickly. I was a little concerned that he would have some issues with it being so much taller. But clearly the larger size frame was now the correct sizing for him. My little boy is growing so fast. He even lost another tooth on Saturday!

Sunday was a rarity in my house; I was lazy! Ken had a birthday party to work, and even though I could have gone out to my grandmother’s house, the boys and I opted to hang out at home. They played outside on their bikes, they played inside with Star Wars toys, they played! That was great for them. No places we had to be, no chores that had to be done. They needed that.

I watched My Date With Drew, which was incredibly cute and I am glad I took the time to finally sit down and watch it. I also watched some Glee when Ken returned home. But as always is the case, I was much to antsy to sit around too much.

The 4 of us took a nice bike ride around the neighborhood, which we all enjoyed aside from Ken being in gobs of pain. I wish he had stopped, but he is actually the one who pushed us further.

We then went in search of our neighbor, Mike. He had been transferred from the hospital to hospice care in a house in Long Beach. We went out there only to find out he had been transported to ER earlier in the day because he isn’t eating. The doctors are saying his Alzheimer’s is getting worse due to how much drinking he was doing. Maria told us he seemed to be in and out of clarity.

We got to the hospital and Ken and Bobby went in first. Dax and I went in after, and Mike recognized us instantly. He first went on and on about how great I look, and told me he loved my new hair. Sadly, I could not say the same about him. He was gaunt and frail. It was actually very sad. But, his spirit was there. He was the same chatty, Harvey Firestone sounding man I have known for so long. He chatted us up way longer than Dax wanted to be there, but this was actually pretty characteristic of him, which was cool just because it was nice to see him so like himself. After Dax and I said goodbye, Ken went back in alone for a bit since apparently he was more chatty with Dax and I, which was cool. He was a lot more talkative with Ken the second round. I am very glad we went.

Sadly, my stress and hormones got the best of me last night. I exploded at Ken when it was close to 6, I was trying to make dinner, shower the boys, and everything was taking too long. I freaked because Ken was on the computer, and not jumping in to help until I said something. It was silly for me to get so angry, but I clearly had a lot of stuff bottled up for the past few days.

Ok, I know this was short, but I really do need to work on these accounts.

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