Wednesday, February 15, 2012

packet theif


I am rockin this blonde. One more treatment needs to be done because I think that will cement the look. Although, even with the uneven, it almost looks on purpose. I feel kind of like a rock star. That may just be me making the best of a situation. Or perhaps I am now seeing what Ken sees.

Yesterday afternoon I took the boys to my folks’ in order to allow Ken and I a quick dinner alone on Valentine’s Day. We went over to PF Changs where shockingly it was pretty quiet. Of course, we were there before 5, and by the time we left, the place was hoppin.

I gorged myself. I am not proud of it, but you know what, sometimes one has to splurge on nummy food. Plus, I ate very little all day, and still managed to work out in the gym, so I am not going to feel bad. Lettuce wraps are pretty freaking spectacular, as was the DanDan, so I think today I will just make a point of doing a longer bike ride.

Adele is taking some time off to work on her relationship, which means no new music from her for a while. She has indicated that when she does new music, it will be happier. Isn’t it wrong that my first reaction (and the morning show on K&B) is, no one wants to hear her happy. I like her, and don’t get me wrong, I want nothing but a good happy life for her. But one of the best things about her music is the raw pain she makes so hauntingly beautiful. I worry that her happy music will just be cheesy and too simple. Think about Alanis. Once she got more peaceful after Jagged Little Pill, she was less intense and truly, not as good. I still love her voice, but her songs were no longer inspired. It is sad that I make fun of tortured artists, especially since they produce the best art.

That doc won't bring that meat back to life


My desk is starting to really look like I am embracing this Lego thing. I am currently staring at minifigures that include Cleopatra, a lumberjack, a kick ass space ranger chick, a doctor, a butcher, a skater bitch, a graduate, a leprechaun, skeletons, chickens and a cowboy. At least they are not on the floor for me to step on.

Check out the chickens

That lumberjack better not piss off this chick

Ken and Aaron are now teaching a class at Mira Costa in the mornings. It is a strange return to one’s old stomping grounds. I do hope that both of them take advantage of being on campus by partaking of the fantastic food they have at the cafeteria.

One of the token men in our department just stopped by my desk and did the double take having not seen my most recent transformation from dark to blonde. He told me he liked it, and pointed out that really, no men can ever say anything about hair to women. Women are very particular about their hair, whether it be about the cut, color or style. It is always safer for guys to be happy with their girl no matter what. I told him that I figure if I was able to survive my calico adventure, I can handle anything now.

My mom got me the coolest shawl ever. Now I just need something to wear it with. Clearly, I need to buy some dresses from the Pyramid Collection place. Holy fuck, the dresses are gorgeous. There are a couple I am deciding between for Vegas. I would like to try them on first, but sadly this is one of the pitfalls of internet shopping. Plus, I need to decide soon since I don’t want to pay crazy amounts for shipping. Truly, I need to just go down to the mall and look at dresses in Torrid, etc and decide on a good outfit for Vegas. Perhaps next week after I get paid.

I may need help. Now that I have taken to using Splenda instead of regular sugar, I find myself swiping packets everywhere I go. I have taken handfuls of them from work, restaurants, Starbucks, and really anywhere that has them. I have them in my purse. I have them at my desk. I have them at home. It is handy since I am still shocked at how many places only have Sweet and Low. I also am just too damn cheap to pick up a box of them at Costco. It’s like I am this little old lady. There is an episode of Friends (damn you internet, btw. I can’t find a still or a YouTube clip of this scene) in which Ross is inside the closet of his recently deceased grandma. He snags a box that happens to be high up and it spills hundreds of sugar packets on top of him. Every time I put a handful of the yellow rectangles into my pocket I picture my kids going through my belongings when I pass and finding the sweetener mixed in with my skull necklaces and rubber duckies. It is a strange visual.

I wonder if I can teach Luna to lie down in my Panda basket. If not, I guess I will need a new puppy so I can teach her early.

Having Glee withdrawals this morning. I also know that my Cougartown is back and waiting for me on the Tivo. I am busting open some wine in the big glass tonight to rock out to my shows.

Oh work day, why must you be here. I want to be lounging at the Compound already. Oh well, just 3 more days.

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