Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Dog Toy Fail


I hate bad dreams.

At least I know where it came from. It doesn’t make it better, especially since I didn’t like the origin. It came from a deep place of insecurity that was poked awake yesterday when my housemates arrived home. Conversations about the mystery rodent to my inclusion of the dogs when going to Petco all resulted in me feeling as though I had failed. I know that no one was angry with me, but the repeated griping or disagreements messed with my apparently fragile demeanor yesterday.

This morning I spent writing a complaint email to the dog toy company that made claims on their stuffed roster to the tune of being able to withstand rough play. Clearly this was bullshit being that Lily and Luna in relatively light play managed to put a gaping hole in the backside of the rooster within 30 minutes of play time. And this wasn’t even on a seam or weak spot. This was smack dab in the middle of a flat area. I don’t know what I expect from the company. I also can’t complain too much being that the toy was free due to the checkout girl being much too distracted talking to me about my hair to actually ring up the toy. Either way, I have been on a hunt to find something to withstand Lily’s puppy strength that also appeals to her. She likes the soft toys, her favorite being a very used “cooked chicken” that we got a couple years ago for Luna as part of a Thanksgiving Feast toy set (complete with a little corn on the cob). Shockingly that one has held up well, but most become part of a doggy massacre with guts strewn about the floor. It isn’t pretty.

Day two of my green tea experiment. I have decided 5 cups a day as recommended is my challenge. I have been taking my flaxseed oil and multivitamin as well. I know that yesterday I felt quite good. I didn’t get my standard ick that seems to hit me every morning and I also have to say I benefitted from the wake up of caffeine. The only real issue is that it is always warm in my office so drinking hot tea is not great for that. Thank goodness for my super fan at my desk.

It turns out not all purchases at Dollar Tree are worth the savings. I had bought some fake nails because they were really cute. They didn’t come with any adhesive. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, so I picked up a bottle of glue at target since I have been dabbling in these fake nails for a while and one always needs glue for them. I had put them on yesterday morning. By the time I was heading home, most had split in the middle, forcing me to trim them down. Mind you, these are the super short variety, so it isn’t like I had these super long crazy black lady nails. These are just barely past my finger pad. Plus, I was quite careful with them. I wasn’t doing extensive work with them aside from typing. I woke up this morning noting that one was now gone, lost in the sea of my comfy bed. Crap. What makes it worse is that the others don’t appear to want to budge when I tried to just remove them all. It figures those are all in it for the long haul. I guess it is time to soak my fingers later.

Dax is all excited for his birthday shindig. I suppose I should send out the invites to his class. I will do that today. He is happy to have the party at home as a pool party/bounce house party with a Pokemon theme. We even found a Pokemon jumper and he was thrilled. Time to start picking up random Pokemon items. 

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