Wednesday, March 10, 2010



There is nothing worse that waking up to your calf muscle locking up. I have had this problem from time to time through my whole life. It has happened in the middle of soccer games and sometimes just walking around. Mostly, though, it happens in the middle of the night and it is the worst pain ever. I jumped up to try to stretch it out and managed to calm down the spasm. It still hurts right now. I think I need to go get some potassium later.

Other than that rude awakening, my sleep was pretty good. It is so nice when it is cold out since I can get all cozy in bed.

Yesterday I went with Stephanie to her mammogram and ultrasound appointment. I of course got there super early, which was fine as I played some games on iTty and just hung out.

We went into the breast center and it was cool since we were able to visit and chit chat for a while before they called her in. Unfortunately, I was not allowed in during the mammogram portion. Nurse Ratched was humorless and did not offer a whole lot of bedside manner. Stephanie tried to joke with her, and she just was cold.

I hung out in the waiting room where I discovered that I had net access. I was able to play online on Twitter and Facebook. Stephanie also was able to text me since the squishing didn’t take nearly as long as I had expected. They kept her in some waiting area back there that I also was not allowed in. So she and I texted back and forth, which was endlessly amusing. I felt like uber geek, carrying on a conversation with Stephanie, Ken, and updating the Twitter and Facebook the whole time. It is amazing how time flies when you are actually having fun!

A different nurse came to get me to take me back to the ultra sound procedure. The nurse insisted I sit, saying it was going to be a while, but I honestly think I just made her nervous standing. It was not that long.

She took the images of the spot on her breast and it was interesting to see the ultrasound pictures. The spot was a bubble which was only present in her skin, not farther down. This was a good thing! It meant that it was not a threat and really just one of those pesky things that you can have removed if it is annoying. They would have to scoop the whole thing out, which brought to mind a doctor using a grapefruit spoon.

Stephanie is going to the dermatologist (as am I) next week. I wonder if they will continue with the biopsy portion of the plan since the ultrasound was clean. They might just to be on the safe side. I also don’t know if Stephanie is going to end up having them remove it or not. Luckily, it is a simple procedure and they can do it right then and there, which is awesome. It sounds painful, but really, the worst part is the shots to get numb.

We were done by 3, which was pretty dang quick if you ask me. We ended up hanging out for another 30 minutes or so after. I wish I had more time, but I needed to retrieve the boys. I am glad that next week we can use the whole day. We are hoping to maybe do breakfast before hand. Making a day of it will be cool. No kids, a little light surgery, equals good times, right? LOL!

I am getting excited about my Glee night. I must be nervous about tickets and finding the place based on recent dreams surrounding us going. I know it will be fun. As if Glee coming back soon isn’t enough, NPH is also in the midst of taping his episode where he guest stars. OMG, I don’t know if I will be able to stand it. An episode of Glee, directed by the great Joss Whedon, with my man NPH!!!! It will be a banner day in my house. I mean, I about died when he opened the Oscars, and then last night we watched HIMYM and there was a song on there! It is a NPH world and I am happy to be living in it!

I am not wearing the boots today. It may very well be helping my ankle in support, but it is hurting in other areas. Today, I have an ace bandage on my foot. I have sandals, even though I am not supposed to. I am actually barefoot right now. I just didn’t feel like big heavy shoes today. I don’t walk around enough, so I should be ok. My left ankle is sore, and my right calf is sore, so I am going to hobble no matter what shoes I wear. is a bone marrow data base. I thought it was a cool thing that they are advertising the heck out of it. I even went to see if I could donate. The problem is, I am a fatty so that is one of the things they use to determine if your marrow is a good idea to give to someone. I understand this and am ok with it. What I don’t get is how then that their spokesperson on the radio is John Goodman, who even though is awesome on every level, isn’t exactly a svelte man. Shouldn’t the dude selling the service be able to donate?

I think it is bogus that I had to give up one of my little shelves on my desk because the new girl needs one. Mind you, it isn’t an important shelf. It is just a little riser on the cube. I took mine fair and square. Why not just order a new fucking one. So lame. I am just pouting.

I was just calculating ages of my critters right now. I don’t know why. Just something to pass the time I guess. I had not realized that IO is going to be 15 this year. This means One10 is 13. Ittles is then is probably about 8. I know we had her when I worked here at MQ. Monarch is pretty easy being he is about the same age as Dax. Monarch showed up when he was about 6 months old when Dax was around that age, maybe a smidge younger. Either way, really easy to know he is only 3 and a half. Of course, Lycos just turned 10 and Luna is the baby with only be 8 months old. Where does the time go? It dawned on me that Bobby is all bonded with his dog. I am sad that in reality Lycos probably only had a couple more years if she lives to average age. Of course, she could go on to older. Either way, it bums me out that Bobby is going to be 7 or 8 when he loses his first real pet. I also was just momentarily shocked when I was going through cats and realized that we only have 4! Sure, we have a lot of critter, but only 4 are cats now! Holy crap!

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