Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Short but sweet


I am in gobs of pain right now. I seem to have scratched my left eye. It was irritated last night and when I woke up this morning it hurt like something was in there. It is swollen a little and watery and just hurts. I don’t think I need to go to the doc since I am pretty sure it is a scratch and it isn’t getting worse. It just hurts and I am sure it will all day. I must be falling apart what with my bum ankle and now my eyeball. Time to trade me in for a newer model.

It was crazy hot yesterday so after I picked up the boys, I had them change into play clothes and filled up the little pool a bit in the yard. Bobby especially loved this, running across the yard and jumping into it. Ken got home and promptly jumped into the pool and splashed everyone. Bobby and Luna loved the hell out of this. It was a good afternoon.

I did some yoga yesterday, seeing how much and which exercises I could accomplish with my ankle. There were a handful that didn’t hurt. There were some that really hurt, which resulted in my ankle hurting pretty badly afterwards. Today I will focus on the ones that I know didn’t hurt.

I get to sleep in a bit tomorrow! Yay!!!! I am going with Stephanie to her boob appt. I really hope they let me be in there. I would imagine it would be ok since there aren’t things like radiation or anything to worry about. Our plan is breakfast in Torrance around 9 am and then over to the appt in Gardena which is at 11:15.

I am disappointed in myself. Here I am, a Brenan, and I don’t think I own any green! With tomorrow being St Patty’s day, I probably should make a point of changing that. I may need to stop by the mall on the way home from my folk’s tonight. I think tomorrow I need to make green food for dinner. Green pancakes? Green soup? Green Eggs? I think Bobby will get into it, but Dax may question it. He has a fabulous imagination, but sometimes he is a bit skeptical of my crazy. Probably a good thing since I am sure if both the kids were as crazy as I am, we would get into a lot of trouble together.

I have found myself being a bit more lax with Luna than I ever was with Lycos. Even Lycos is now getting to do things we didn’t let her do in the beginning. They have always been basket dogs, but I am leaning towards letting them be house wandering dogs. As long as they don’t get into stuff, we are fine, which is what we are training on now. The dogs both like (ok, I really like it, too) to sit at my feet or next to my chair when we watch tv. To me, that is so awesome to have my critters chilling with me, so I may need to just be sure to put things away better. Plus, I can tell you with dogs roaming the living room, the floor has never been cleaner. LOL!

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