Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stupid Shoes


Dax can whistle! Bobby was playing Wii yesterday and one of the games has music in the form of someone whistling. I always whistle along, which cracks them both up. Yesterday, though, Dax decided to whistle, too. And shockingly, a whistle came out! I almost fell over. The best part was he was able to do it several times! Of course, he would crack up which as we all know makes it harder to whistle. LOL!!

I am always amazed as the boys get older and formulate more advanced thoughts and sentences. I had told Bobby he was not to bring his Lego Star Wars guys outside as they could get lost. So I was out back with Dax and the dogs and Bobby came running out with a clone mini figure in hand. He then says to me, “Mom, I didn’t want to bring him out, but I needed some help with the gun. It is hard to put in his hand.” He proceeded to tell me, “I will take it back inside since I don’t want Luna to eat it. She might choke!”

Bobby also then told me about his view on guns. He went on to tell me guns are bad. They had watched an episode of Babar at daycare and I guess some guy shot one of the elephants. I was kind of shocked and got more information. Turned out, the guy who shot the elephant was a poacher. So Bobby and I had a discussion about guns and how they are bad when they are in the wrong hands, but that sometimes, guns are necessary. He agreed, pointing out that you sometimes have to shoot bad guys. It was such a cool conversation in the idea that he was open to discussing all points and he was coming up with his own ideas on it. I loved it!

It was a pleasant afternoon. Bobby played a lot of Wii Fit. Dax played out back on his scooter and just running around. Ken worked in the back yard, prepping for the rain coming this week. I made dinner on the BBQ so I got to hang out with everyone.

I was tossing the ball for Lycos. Luna likes to chase after Lycos for a few feet and then will run back and wait for Lycos to come back so she can get her. It is pretty entertaining. The best part was that Luna kept lying in the pile of wood chips, which looked like camouflage Luna.

After dinner did not go as well for Bobby. When he gets into Wii mode, it is hard to get him out. They got their jammies on but I told Bobby that Dax got to decide if he wanted to watch Bobby play of if they could watch a show. Dax chose a show. Dax was still getting ready, so I was going to be willing to let Bobby play until Dax was done. Instead, Bobby melted. He didn’t even give me a chance to give him an option. Frankly, we are pretty tired of these particular melt downs. He needs to learn how to cope better with “bad news”. I told him it was bed time. Ken ended up having to carry him to bed. He started kicking at Ken to which Ken responded by saying that every time he kicked, Ken would pop a balloon. Ken popped I would say maybe 3 and Bobby was calm enough to settle into bed. Poor kid. I know he isn’t trying to be crazy, but sometimes as a kid it is hard to understand why we have to stop doing fun stuff. I went in and we calmly talked about it. He was bummed, but I think that if we really put our foot down on these things, he will get better.

The other good news about yesterday was we made some excellent progress on recovery from the party. Ken swept the house. He had to do it twice since those wood chips seriously seem to be everywhere. LOL! Not that it is a big deal. It is more funny than anything. We also managed to get most of the laundry done. I only have two loads left, both of which are in the machines as we speak, so I should have them done tonight, which is awesome.

Yesterday I did some Wii Fit myself. I decided to go through the Yoga portion. I was doing things I had not done before. Man, some of those are freaking hard! But on the plus side, my foot doesn’t hurt anymore than it did before, so I didn’t re-injure it. Today I will try to do some step stuff. I am nervous about my foot, but hopefully I should be ok.

I feel so dressy today. I go for several days in jeans and sandals or my Converse, so when I throw on a skirt, nice shirt and heels, I always feel froofy. It isn’t a bad thing, especially since the outfit I have on today seems very Alice in Wonderland inspired, which seems like good timing on my part.

I had been considering getting this awesome necklace I saw at Torrid which was a little bottle with the silver tag saying “Drink Me”. It was super cute. But I opted against it since even though I love it, I don’t know that I like Alice in Wonderland enough to pay $20 for a necklace. Luckily, my decision was made for me since when I went to look at it this morning, it had already been sold out. LOL!

My kids crack me up. I was wearing this old Depeche Mode shirt yesterday that I had cut up with fringes and a v-neck years ago. I had not worn in a while, but I had it on with some jeans to pick up the boys. They both instantly told me how much they loved my shirt and just seemed in awe of what I was wearing. It is amazing what things I wear that they gravitate to.

At what point am I allowed to be upset at a friend when they don’t seem nearly as interested in my life as I am supposed to be interested in theirs?

My stupid shoe just broke. Same pair that broke like this before and I got them replaced. These ones lasted way longer than I expected. They are cheap ass shoes. Hopefully Ken can bring me my sandals.

Ken is bringing me my shoes and taking me to lunch, so that works. Yay!

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