Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Man Hurts


I honestly have no idea how I got to work this morning. I mean, I know my car is in the parking lot, but I am relatively sure I slept the whole way in. I hate these kind of mornings. I am walking down the hall, staggering like a drunk. Last night, along with the night before that, I could not get comfortable. I know that I was a little concerned with falling in to deep of a sleep since Ken is still in so much pain. I didn’t want him to have to get up to tend to one of the boys if they got up. I also could not find the right temperature. It was too cold to not be covered up, but not cold enough to be covered. I am tempted to sleep in sweats tonight, thinking then I wouldn’t need covers.

Ken is in pain. He has Acute Sigmoid Diverticulitis. After a CT scan, they discovered a kernel of corn, probably from popcorn, stuck in his colon. It hurts, a lot. He is taking multiple pain pills at a time now (doc said it was ok) just to be able to function. The real problem is, when he stands or sits, gravity puts his weight and organs and whatnot on the painful area. Lying down is the only time he is comfortable. He has classes, though, that he has to do, so he is not resting the way you are supposed to with this. He has a class this morning, but luckily only one. However, he will be on the move from 6:30 this morning when he gets up, to 12:30. That is a long day for someone in so much pain.

He is on antibiotics. Something like 3 of them. He has to take them multiple times during the day. His phone chirps at him to remind him for each pill. He has to avoid all red meat, all milk based products and something else, but I can’t remember what that is. Really, it doesn’t matter much since he has zero appetite.

We are on alert for any vomiting since if this occurs, he will need to get to the emergency room ASAP. Surgery might be needed. Brandy has offered to come watch the kids if this happens, so we are covered, which is awesome. Hopefully I don’t have to take her up on the offer since I am thinking emergency surgery is not good. Plus, that is my normal thing to have emergency procedures, not him, so he isn’t allowed to take my thing. LOL!

I had Ken take a bath last night. I dumped in like 12 bath oil duckies for him and even left a rubber duckie in there for him. He said it was comfortable since you are kind of weightless in water, which was good on his insides. His skin is certainly all soft now. LOL!

I didn’t let him read to the boys, forcing him to stay on the couch. The boys were sweet about it and didn’t complain. I was pleased. In fact, both of them gave daddy a nice kiss and went to bed without incident.

It was a mellow evening considering I had an active day yesterday. I was super busy at work with gobs of reports. I like those kind of days, actually. The day flies by, and I feel very accomplished.

In the afternoon, Ken came over to work to pick up the Lego from my car. He actually came into the office and brought me some Easter Lilies, a giant “1”, “0” and heart balloon for our anniversary. He also brought me gum, which was awesome!! I have all of these now at my desk, which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I walked Ken out to the car and tried to help get the Lego out of my car and into his. Ken has these little fold up hand carts to use for carting around the Lego. I pulled one out, and went to unfold it, and it fell on my toe. I was wearing sandals. Mind you, these carts are super light, but it fell just right and took a chunk out of my big toe. It hurt, but I laughed. I looked down to see the glowing white a cut gets right before the blood gushes out. I knew this wasn’t a good thing. Ken wasn’t right next to me, he was at his car. I looked down to see blood all over the place. Ouch. Luckily, I had some baby wipes next to me since it was in the back of my car. Ken wrapped my toe up in the wipe, which was red within a few minutes. I went back inside and bandaged my toe as best I could. It isn’t pretty. Yet, I was most happy about the fact that it was on my left foot, which sports a broken toe nail already and is the sprained ankle. It just means this leg is out of commission.

I told Ken the news of what I wanted to get him for his birthday. I had looked into sensory deprivation tanks since Joe Rogan went on and on about how cool they were. Ken is the type of person who would get a lot from such an experience, so I knew he would enjoy it. I came across a couple of locations, one in Nevada City and one in Grass Valley. Since we were going to be up that way for his birthday, I thought that would be cool. The one in Nevada City of course was closed that weekend, ironically enough because the owner was going to be in So Cal visiting in-laws. But the one in Grass Valley was open, so I need to call today to make an appt for him. I didn’t just want to make an appt without talking with him first since it is an experience that is really only for the open minded. He was totally game, which is awesome since I know it will be all around interesting. Yay!

I am sad now. I normally sabotage the sticky traps at work. I guess I missed one in the warehouse. I found a mouse on the trap, already dead. I failed him.

In more pleasant news, I have decided on a new tradition for Easter. Mostly, this was done out of necessity. I needed to go into Target on Monday night to hopefully find the Star Wars Easter basket. The problem was, I had the boys with me. So I told them they needed to pick out baskets, similar to how we pick out stockings, and that we needed to put them out for the Easter bunny. I am thinking that we need to put out some carrots for him, too. Maybe some bunny foot prints? Either way, they will now get to pick out their Easter basket each year.

I hate it when I crave chocolate and I have none in sight. Oh well. I don’t need it anyway. LOL!

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