Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello readers!


I am tired and zoned this morning. I have been sitting here in front of my computer for a good 5 minutes, not sure what I was working on. I have a stack of accounts I have to go through today to update and I suppose I will get to work on that in a bit.

The boys have been frustrated with Ken and I since recently we stopped dealing with their whining. The second they whine now, punishment has been issued. Last night, they took a fun blue bubble bath, and when I came in to tell them it was time to clean up, they whined, so instantly their nightly show privilege was revoked. They were also quite vocal in their desire for more dinner, despite having only picked at not only the dinner I made, but a subsequent meal of soup since they both complained the enchiladas were too spicy for them. They went to bed cranky and sobbing. Luckily, when they are like this, one of them tends to wise up and stop complaining. It is like they know this is their moment to shine and show us they can be less annoying. Bobby decided it was his turn, and even though he did bitch a little, he wasn’t as bad as Dax.

I tucked Dax in and he kept telling me how sad he was because he was hungry. He also has taken to calling Ken and I out on when we have to yell at them. He will tell us we scared him. I think he determined once that we felt bad for yelling and ended up letting him get something special since we did not intend to scare him. Now, I so much as barely raise my voice, he acts like I threatened him with a knife. I offered to sing to him, which he was quite happy about and he instantly requested American Pie. I sang about 3 verses and by the time I was done, he was all smiles. Ken came in to read to him and he still seemed ok.

After Ken reads to him, he tends to ask to get up to use the bathroom and have a glass of water. Afterwards, I will retuck him in. It is a routine that we all know well. After I tucked and closed the door, he proceeded to scream like someone was gutting him. It was awful. We let him yell for a while, when I calmly went in and told him to stop screaming or there would be consequences. He kept crying, but softly, finally yelling out for Daddy. Ken brought him a small cup of water and told him he could drink from him when he needed some. Dax took this as a decent truce and fell asleep soon after. Phew!

Ken and I watched a couple of new shows, including the new Parenthood show. I think I like it, even though I did not care for the blatant rip offs from the movie coupled with trying to so not be like the movie. I love the cast and obviously anything by Imagine entertainment gets my vote so I will continue to watch. Thankfully Dax Sheppard wasn’t too annoying. I still hope that he kind of disappears just so my Dax doesn’t have to ever be discussed in the same sentence.

It is a late day for me today. The meeting I have this afternoon is important, so I am looking forward to it if only to clear up the crap that my coworkers keep doing.

I tried to make enchiladas last night and kind of failed. I tend to make my enchiladas in a casserole form. It doesn’t require any rolling of tortillas and I am really good at how much cheese compared to sauce I need. I opted to make rolled enchiladas last night. It did not go as well as I had hoped! LOL! Not gross or anything, just not as good as casserole. Oh well.

I am all kinds of worried about Stephanie. Not just because of the appt she has for a mammogram and biopsy, but because even when it turns out to be nothing (I am thinking positive you see), it is a lot of stress and crazy to go through while you wait for results. I am going to go with her for all the tests and anything else she needs me for. This is one of those times in a women’s life that she needs to have her girlfriends there for her 100%. Stephanie, being a fellow hard core breastfeeder, is one of my people. Our boobs, while fun to look at, also served a huge purpose. They are an important part of who we are. And I know from my MIL’s experience, when she had her lumpectomy, she wears the scaring and “tattoo” from the radiation as badges of honor. I am so right there with her on that. Stephanie is going to have some scaring from this procedure, but when it is all over, she can show people that she made it through this.

I will be sure to update as we find out more results from the tests. It is nerve wracking just waiting. But Stephanie is strong. I know this. No lump is going to get her down!

It is always entertaining when someone comes up to me at work who I don’t really talk to much just because we are on other sides of the room, and she will ask me how my foot is because she saw my FB status. LOL!

I was in the bathroom and I hear this little beeping like an alarm. I was so confused. My phone wasn’t making noise and I was pretty sure I had not broken the toilet with pee. I realized that it was iTty with an alarm. I guess none of my reminders had come up on that device yet. LOL!

Someone commented on my blog from yesterday and I am not sure who it was as it says anonymous. But what was interesting about it was they pointed out that perhaps the balloon popping was evil. It sounded pretty violent when you break it down from a child’s perspective. I understand that view point and it may be quite valid. They suggested a program that I may look into.

Based on the fact that I am not entirely sure who posted that, I am all excited at the idea of readers. So seriously, thanks for reading!

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