Friday, October 15, 2010

I need me some happy


Because I can’t catch a break, I now have a bit of a cough. I was just thinking the other day how I have not had as many sore throats. Apparently my throat caught wind of this and told me to eff off.

I am heading to the burn center today. I am leaving at noon so I can get Dax’s meds, Dax and then go up to the school to get Bobby to then head over to the hospital. Hopefully it goes well. The burn itself looks good, at least compared to Monday. The skin from the blister looks like lasagna noodles. The red has gone down a bit, too. Dax took off his own band aid last night. We kind of made a game of it. The last part, which is the part he hates the most, is just a piece of this gauze stuff that was coated in Neosporin. He doesn’t want you to touch it. So we had him shake his hand down, and it came off on its own. It was perfect.

Dax also then let us shower him and Dax even put his hand under the water of the shower. So this was a good thing. I am worried his hand is going to be cramped up because he holds it in a cupped position. Hopefully he will start to move it more. I have a feeling he will end up doing some therapy. But he will probably heal quickly since once his hand is more functional, you won’t be able to slow him down.

We have to make treats for Bobby’s soccer game in the morning. I am now considering the cupcakes Ken made with either eyeballs on top, or maybe go get some plastic hands from Michaels and put them coming out of them. Not sure.

I just got news that an old friend of mine and his wife are separated. Seriously, I need some friends to tell me some good news or it will soon get to the point where every time I turn on the computer I will cry.

My mom called me last night to see if we should postpone the kids staying the night at their house tomorrow night because of Dax’s hand. She was worried about his hand, and also about the bowling in the morning since Dax can’t bowl. Sigh. As if that isn’t bad enough, Ken pointed out that we need to be really good about money for the next 2 weeks. So I think date night is postponed for now. I really needed that, too, but I suppose we will do it in a few weeks.

Ken’s idea for the cupcakes is now making them monsters. He says he can transform them into giant eyeballs with what he got for cupcaking. Then tonight we may go by Michaels or something and pick up some little arms or something to stick in the sides. Should be good.

Some of the folks at work are buying the fundraiser bags. Woo hoo! I am supposed to do it for both kids, so I may end up just getting everything on one form and turning it in as both of them. I don’t think that they care. Plus, we are not trying to get prizes or anything. Just trying to raise some money.

I am also debating on helping out at the family fun night. I might not be able to during, but I can probably do clean up. I figure the boys and I will go when it opens and then Ken can meet us there. I have to go to the Dax meeting on that day in the morning, so I may just take the rest of the day off, help set up, pick up Bobby when it is time, go get Dax and then come back for the fun. We will see.

Luna has taken to giving me a hug when I sit down to pee. I had Ken sit on the pot to see if this was just reserved for mommy, and apparently, yes. I went in there and sat to show Ken. Sure enough, Luna comes in, puts her paws gently on my shoulders and just stares at me. It is very cute. Probably not the best habit in the world, but if she only does it with me, what is the harm, right?

Ok, I need to get to work.

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